Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 201

It was deep into the night, not a light leaked out of the ancient architecture which housed the Sky Clinic. Yet, within the walls of the clinic, was a radiating flame, spiraling with black and white energy.

The radiating flame was Ning Tao’s alchemy fire.

The previous time when he had cultivated a poisonous elixir based on the fake formula, he had already prepared a huge amount of medicinal herbs and alchemic ingredients, and some could be used this time. Thus, he had not taken long to gather the ingredients, and soon started cultivating the Ancestor-seeking Elixir.

Ning Tao had no choice but to be cultivating Ancestor-seeking Elixir in the Sky Clinic this time round. Guan City was Bai Sheng’s territory, so he could be coming here any time soon. Qing Zhui, Bai Jing and Yin Molan were all in the rental apartment. If he were to go to the Sword Pavilion Cave House to practice his cultivation, he would not be able to know what would happen here.

Besides, he was also curious whether cultivating such an elixir like the Ancestor-seeking Elixir in a special place such as the Sky Clinic would lead to any unexpected outcomes. Perhaps he could be violating some rule and be punished, and he could be suddenly tackled by a ball of smoke and instantly extinguish his alchemy fire, or something.

Ning Tao was cautious with his cultivation at first, and even felt somewhat nervous. However, as time passed, he grew more relaxed and was completely immersed himself in the process, seeing that nothing unexpected was happening.

After some time…


A heavy, metallic roar came from the delicate perfumed tripod. The alchemy fire glowed non-stop. When the clear and luminous alchemy fire was released from the bottom of the delicate perfumed tripod, it did not look like light radiating from an elixir. Rather, it felt surreal and mysterious, like watching the Aurora lights under the night sky of the North Pole.

Ning Tao had been studying the books of cultivation left behind by Xuan Tianzi, and among them was one titled “Explanation of Alchemy”. After finishing the book and studying the topic further, he reached a new level of understanding of the elixir light.

The white, crystalline elixir light was its most basic form. A clear elixir light containing a bluish glow was the elementary level elixir light. Cultivators who had managed to produce such an elixir light would be considered as a budding master of elixir cultivation. Such people were considered talents in the magic ancient age.

The white and crystalline basic light which contained a tinge of red would be the advanced level elixir light. A cultivator who could produce such an elixir light would be considered as a grandmaster of cultivation, and would be capable of establishing their own sects, passing on their own teachings.

A golden flare radiating from the basic light would be considered as a saintly elixir light. To be able to cultivate such an elixir light meant that someone was a sage of elixirs, and they were halfway to becoming a deity.

As for the ultimate level of elixir light, Ning Tao had yet found any records of it. However, an elixir radiating spiritual light would be the legendary elixir of immortality. A cultivator who was able to produce such an elixir would be considered as a deity, and they would be an exceptional one.

With the knowledge acquired, Ning Tao could easily judge by looking at the Ancestor-seeking elixir in the delicate perfumed tripod that it was a more successful attempt than the previous two rounds.

“Is it due to a more comprehensive formula or is it because of my stronger abilities than before?” Ning Tao could not help but wonder. However, it was not for long before he gave up on searching for an answer which he was not able to come up with. He stuck his hand into the tripod and picked up the elixir.

This Ancestor-seeking Elixir was about the size of a pigeon egg. It was crystal clear, and contained a bluish glow within, exuding a mysterious “aura” and a pleasant scent of an elixir.

It was not for more than a few seconds before Ning Tao’s allergic reaction was triggered by the scent, light, touch of the elixir.

Sky Clinic was still the same Sky Clinic. The human-faced good-evil tripod, product shelves, study table were all the same. Yet, there was another person’s presence in the clinic.

It was a haggard, decrepit old lady, sitting right beside him. Right before her was the delicate perfumed tripod. Her face was trodden with wrinkles, her skin so dry it had not a bit of luster. She appeared more like a zombie than a living person.

Inside the delicate perfumed tripod contained a single elixir. The bluish elementary level elixir light was shining through its crystalline surface. However, it was unsure what kind of elixir she was cultivating.

In her hands was a ledger of bamboo slips which contained words.

Ning Tao looked at the ledger of bamboo slips, and was instantly shocked: Meixiang Deity Zeng Ruxian, had owed 10,000 worth of good-evil rent. Time was up, thus a hundred thousand years of her life had been taken in exchange to pay off her debt.

10,000 worth of good-evil rent?

What a frightening figure!

It was clear that this Zeng Ruxian was one of the past owners of the clinic. Given that she had owned the title of a deity, did it mean that she had already successfully cultivated as a deity? Was she not an eternally youthful immortal with limitless power? How could she still be restrained within the Sky Clinic, and have even aged to such an extent!

Ning Tao’s sight shifted to Meixiang Deity Zeng Ruxian’s face. She was completely expressionless, her eyes were clouded and vapid. Such great despair!

The imaginary vision of the past had faded away like the receding tides. The same surroundings remained, yet Meixiang Deity Zeng Ruxian was no longer to be seen.

The delicate perfumed tripod remained, yet its owner had gone missing. Ning Tao had guessed that she could most probably be dead. Given that she had owed a 10,000 worth of good-evil rent, even if she were a deity, she would have most probably been stuffed into a coffin, would she not? And judging from her complexion and appearance, it was clear that it had been more than once that her life was taken to repay her debt.

Ning Tao wanted badly to know what was the fate of Meixiang Deity Zeng Ruxian. He activated his power of smell, deeply inhaling the remnant elixir odor of the deficient Ancestor-seeking Elixir.


The elixir odor of the deficient Ancestor-seeking Elixir violently infiltrated Ning Tao’s nose. An image of the past flashed in his mind. There was no Meixiang Deity, no lady in red, but only a dog that was seated beside the good-evil tripod.

It was a Golden Retriever, with a pair of eyes as big as copper bells. Its gold irises were stunningly breathtaking.

Beside the Golden Retriever was another tripod. It was the golden Heavenly Hound tripod with a big belly.

Ning Tao was filled with surprise. “Could this dog be one of the owners of Sky Clinic? Or, could it be one of the past owners’ guard dog?”

Soon after, he was reminded of that rascal, Chen Pingdao, and was feeling somewhat emotional.

After Ning Tao witnessed Meixiang Deity Zeng Ruxian’s tragic ending through his allergic reaction to the deficient Ancestor-seeking Elixir, he started to understand why Chen Pingdao had schemed so hard to trick him. 10,000 of good-evil rent was such a frightening figure. How could anyone earn that much? There was no other way out!

Practitioners had to overcome trials. Even if they were to cultivate to that high of a level, the chances of survival were slim. Demons had to go through Nirvana, and would also have a slim chance of survival. The most famous case was the Nirvana of the phoenix, in which it had first died and then was reborn. There were many phoenixes during the magic ancient age, yet where were they to be found in this day and age?

Regardless of practitioners, demons, or an inborn go-between of good and evil person like him, no cultivation was smooth-sailing for anyone. Practitioners and demons; the former had to go through risky trials, the latter had to go through the risky Nirvana. An inborn go-between of good and evil person like him, and the owner of the Sky Clinic had to face the skyrocketing good-evil rent!

Seeing as such, it was like trials of the practitioners, Nirvana of the demons, the rent of the Sky Clinic must also be the final one!

Could that last sum of treatment fee be the 10,000 good-evil treatment fee which Zeng Ruxian was faced with?

There was no way to know.

The Golden Retriever had vanished, and so did the Heavenly Hound tripod.

Although the second medication allergy had not allowed him to see the ending of Meixiang Deity Zeng Ruxian, nor the lady in red, he had benefited from the experience. He had unexpectedly learned that the owner of the delicate perfumed tripod was Meixiang Deity Zeng Ruxian, and that the Heavenly Hound tripod was really served as a dog’s food bowl!

“I shall go look for a dog the next time… Hehe, I will raise it to become a doggie like the deified Xiao Tian Quan… hahaha… I am the fearless Ning Tao! Screw your 10,000 treatment fee!” Ning Tao gibbered to himself. “Chen Pingdao couldn’t make it, Meixiang Deity couldn’t make it as well! I, Ning Tao, will definitely open a clinic up in the heavenly realm for you to see! Want rent from me? I will destroy you! Hahaha…”

This was the side effects of the deficient Ancestor-seeking Elixir. It would make one lose their mind, slipping in and out of consciousness.

The face on the good-evil tripod furrowed its brows slightly. It was not exactly angry yet it was certainly not happy.

The force field of the spiritual power shook. Once Ning Tao had regained a bit more consciousness, he quickly looked for a small porcelain bottle to contain the deficient Ancestor-seeking Elixir, and stuffed the bottle shut with a wooden cork. With the elixir no longer in contact with his skin, and the elixir light and elixir odor gone, Ning Tao’s mental state gradually returned to normal.

After spacing out for a while, Ning Tao left the Sky Clinic, taking the small medicine chest with him.

Both the 10,000 good-evil rent and the final treatment fee were distant problems to him right now, so there was no point thinking about it anymore. He had more pressing things to deal with.

The entrance of the Sky Clinic automatically shut.

Ning Tao had come to the rental apartment. Instead of knocking, he unlocked the door with a key. Once he was inside, he instantly saw Yin Molan hanging off the beam of the roof using his hair which was tied to it. So was he sleeping or practicing?

Before Ning Tao spoke, Yin Molan had opened his eyes, and jumped down from the beam. He asked excitedly, “You’ve refined it?”

Ning Tao nodded. “Yes,” he paused and then added, “Senior Yin, what were you doing there?”

“Sleeping,” Yin Molan said immediately, “Quick, show me the Ancestor-seeking Elixir.”

The door to a room opened. Qing Zhui and Bai Jing walked out from it, and came to observe the Ancestor-seeking Elixir which Ning Tao had refined.

Ning Tao took out the small porcelain bottle containing the Ancestor-seeking Elixir, and passed it to Yin Molan. Yin Molan instantly took out the cork and poured the deficient Ancestor-seeking Elixir into his palm.

Under the reflection of the room’s lighting, the elixir light of the deficient Ancestor-seeking Elixir was weak. It was not obvious. However, the elixir odor had quickly permeated the entire room.

Ning Tao held his breath. He was medically trained, so he knew that it was bad for his body to have his allergy triggered too frequently.

“Good elixir! This is the best elixir I’ve ever seen!” Yin Molan exclaimed with eyes full of thrill and longing.

Qing Zhui abruptly snatched the Ancestor-seeking Elixir from Yin Molan’s hands. “Let me see.”

Yin Molan was going to snatch it back, but he put his arm down after partially reaching out. The great Nurse Qing, the chosen concubine of elixir cultivator, was not someone he dared to offend!

Qing Zhui observed, and then passed the elixir on to Bai Jing. The snake demon sister was also full of praises for it.

Ning Tao opened his small medicine chest, taking a surgical knife and an ordinary booklet of prescription forms out of it.

Qing Zhui asked curiously, “Brother Ning, what are you doing?”

Ning Tao said, “Give me the Ancestor-seeking Elixir. I’m going to split it into four, so we can have one part each.”

“Great! Great! Haha!” Yin Molan was uncontrollably thrilled.

Ning Tao made a horizontal cut and another vertical cut across the pigeon egg-sized Ancestor-seeking Elixir, splitting it equally into four. There was one part each for Qing Zhui and Bai Jing, another for Yin Molan, and the last one was for himself.

Yin Molan already could not wait to consume his part before Ning Tao frantically prevented him from doing so. “Senior Yin, don’t rush. Are you intending to take down this house? I rented this place.”

Yin Molan grinned sheepishly. “Then I’ll go somewhere suitable.”

Ring, ring…

Ning Tao’s phone suddenly rang.

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