Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 17

In the room, Ning Tao held a towel and inquired, “Aunt Zhou, can I blindfold you?”

“Do my eyes have to be covered during the treatment?” Zhou Yufeng asked with some curiosity.

Ning Tao explained, “I’m not like the other doctors. I have my rules and my patients have to follow them.”

Zhou Yufeng gave a bitter smile and said, “Well, I’m dying. Do as you like, as long as you remember what you promised me.”

“Aunt Zhou, don’t worry. I will keep my promise.” Ning Tao coaxed Zhou Yufeng, and then covered her eyes with the towel.

Ring, ring, ring…

His cell phone suddenly rang.

Ning Tao took out his phone, looked at it and answered it.

“Doctor Ning… Where, where are you?” Jiang Yilong’s voice came over the phone.

“It’s none of your business,” Ning Tao popped out in a cold tone.

Jiang Yilong hurriedly said, “I’m not well enough. I can’t move my arm… It has turned black… I’m so scared… ”

Apparently, the Sacred Needle to Nasty Diseases had worked.

“Then you should go to the hospital. What are you calling me for?” Ning Tao spat lightly.

“I, I’ve been to the hospital, but the doctor can’t tell what the disease is and asked me to go to Beidu for an examination… I know you can save me. Doctor Ning, please save me… I feel like I’m dying… ” Jiang Yilong’s voice was filled with fear.

“Don’t you want to see me again?” Ning Tao asked, his flat voice carrying a trance of indifference.

“I was wrong, I was wrong, Doctor Ning, please help me… I don’t dare… ” Jiang Yilong pleaded.

Ning Tao paused for a moment before he went on, “I’m near the Happy Community you built. I think you should know the place. Come if you want to.”

“I know the place. I’ll be right over!” Jiang Yilong hung up.

Ning Tao put away his phone and quickly cleared Jiang Yilong from his mind. He bit his finger and drew a blood lock on the wall, then opened the convenient door with the clinic key.

“Who is it?” Zhou Yufeng asked. Her eyes were covered with a towel, so she could not see the convenient door in the wall which was like a time tunnel.

Ning Tao came to the bedside. “A debtor. Leave him alone. I’m taking you to have a treatment right now. Please play along,” he said as he picked Zhou Yufeng up in his arms and walked through the convenient door.

Behind the door was the Sky Clinic.

The face on the good-evil tripod was smiling.

Above the tripod was a mass of evil energy floating, but when Ning Tao carried Zhou Yufeng in, the evil energy drew back into the tripod, and then a cloud of blue smoke rose from the tripod.

Since there was no bed in the clinic, Ning Tao put Zhou Yufeng on a chair behind the desk and untied the towel tied to her head.

Zhou Yufeng was shocked as soon as she opened her eyes. “What, what is this place? Why am I here?”

“Aunt Zhou, you’re in my clinic,” Ning Tao told her softly.

“How, how did I get here?” Zhou Yufeng was still surprised, unable to adapt to the fact.

Ning Tao thought for a moment and then explained, “My clinic is mobile. It’s, it’s like a recreational vehicle. It’s strange. That’s why I brought you in blindfolded.”

“Oh, I see.” Zhou Yufeng thought about what had happened just now and looked around. She was curious about everything in the clinic.

Ning Tao cut to the chase and said, “Aunt Zhou, you’re a good person. You’ve done a lot of good things in your life. You are ill now, and you’ll be dangerous if you are not treated. I can cure you, but I need you to sign my prescription pact.”

Zhou Yufeng’s eyes fell on Ning Tao again. “You just need my signature? That’s easy. I’ll sign it.”

At the Sky Clinic, her mental state and physical condition had improved significantly.

After a moment’s silence, Ning Tao said, “Aunt Zhou, there’s no way in the world you could get or lose something for nothing. I must remind you that any good you’ve done will be written off after you sign it. You may not remember the children you rescued and adopted, or even the Sunshine Orphanage. Do you insist on signing, then?”

Zhou Yufeng looked at Ning Tao strangely and asked, “Doctor Ning, are you kidding me?”

Ning Tao got a serious look on his face and said, “Aunt Zhou, look at me, do you think I’m kidding you?”

Zhou Yufeng paused for a moment before she answered, “I don’t think it’s up to you to decide if I’m going to lose my memory. What I want to know is if I sign it, will I get well?”

Ning Tao nodded. “Yeah. As long as you sign it, you’ll be back to health. But think it through, once you sign it, all the good you’ve done will disappear. You won’t even remember them.”

Zhou Yufeng let out a sigh. “I don’t know what it is, but I don’t believe in merits. I’ve done so many good things. I’ve raised many children who have no parents. Now, I’m ill, how many children come back to see me? I’ve been doing good all my life, but in the end I can’t even afford painkillers. Tell me, what’s the use of doing so much good?”

“There is always justice in the world. I believe that good and evil will always be rewarded,” Ning Tao replied.

“Well, I’ll sign it,” Zhou Yufeng said decisively.

Ning Tao picked up his pen and a prescription and started writing the prescription pact for merits of good intention.

The prescription pact for merits of good intention was completely different from Jiang Yilong’s prescription pact for sins of evil intention. The prescription pact for merits of good intention stated that patients would forget about the good deeds they had done and everything happened in the clinic, when they recovered. The prescription pact for sins of evil intention stated that the wicked would forget about everything about the clinic when they had completely atoned for their sins, but remember what they had done. So Ning Tao, after treating Jiang Yilong, told him not to tell people about the clinic, but now he had to remind Zhou Yufeng that she would forget everything.

It took Ning Tao about ten minutes to write the prescription pact for merits of good intention. Then he put the prescription pact on the table and said, “Aunt Zhou, sign it.”

Zhou Yufeng looked at the prescription pact and was stunned for a moment before she said, “Doctor Ning, how do you know all these things I did?”

Ning Tao smiled and said, “I have my way, of course.”

Zhou Yufeng suddenly understood something and tears came to her eyes. “Am I really going to forget all these things?”

Ning Tao nodded.

“Will I remember you then?” Zhou Yufeng asked again.

Ning Tao shook his head slightly.

Zhou Yufeng sat still for a few seconds, then took the pen and signed the prescription pact.

Between sickness and death, and health and longevity, she chose the latter. When she first came to the clinic, she still didn’t believe Ning Tao could cure her. However, when she saw the prescription pact, she believed what Ning Tao had said, because Ning Tao even knew about some things that she had forgotten and never told anyone.

Signing the prescription pact meant giving up the greatest accomplishment, the most meaningful and valuable thing in her life. But there was never anything in the world that she could gain or lose for no reason. If she wanted to live a long and healthy life, she had to give up all her merits of good intention.

Ning Tao held up a prepped Primary Elixir to Zhou Yufeng’s lips. “Aunt Zhou, this is an elixir for your illness. Take it.”

Zhou Yufeng inquired with tears in her eyes, “You’re going to help Su Ya take care of those children, aren’t you?”

Ning Tao nodded and replied, “Yes. Aunt Zhou, don’t worry. I will take care of the children with Su Ya.”

Zhou Yufeng then opened her mouth and ate the Primary Elixir.

Immediately, a cloud of blue smoke swept over Zhou Yufeng and wrapped her in a twinkling.

Ning Tao’s eyes widened, but he failed to see what was happening in the smoke even with his skill of looking. He only knew that the Primary Elixir was the medium of the patient, the prescription pact being the medium of the good-evil tripod, and that the patient’s signature and taking medicine would start the clinic’s mechanism of extracting merits of good intention and sins of evil intention, which was completed by the good-evil tripod—the core of the whole clinic. But he had no idea on what principle the good-evil tripod operated and how it did so.

“I still know too little about cultivation. I have to work hard. With Aunt Zhou’s merits of good intention, this month’s rent is enough. And the good-evil tripod will sent forth good energy, and then I’m able to keep practicing spiritual power,” Ning Tao thought.

The blue smoke returned to the good-evil tripod like ebb tide. There was a cloud of white air in the good-evil tripod. It was completely different from evil energy, it made people feel kind and warm, as if bathed in sunshine.

It was the good energy that emanated from the merit of good intention.

Zhou Yufeng suddenly fell to the ground.

Ning Tao rushed forward to hold her. Regardless of the situation in the good-evil tripod, he directly took Zhou Yufeng into the convenient door, and back to the room in the Sunshine Orphanage.

Having entered the room, Zhou Yufeng did not wake up.

Ning Tao put her on the bed and wiped the blood lock off the wall with the towel. Like the last time when he treated Jiang Yilong, he took out the Sacred Needles, pretending that he cured Zhou Yufeng with acupuncture.

“It’s about time you said. Have you finished the treatment?” Su Ya’s voice came from outside the door, sounding fierce. “If you don’t speak, I’ll break in!”

“What’s your hurry?” Ning Tao said, and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Su Ya rushed into the room. Seeing several blue silver needles in Zhou Yufeng’s stomach, she fumed, “You’re using silver needles to treat director Zhou!”

“What’s the problem? As long as it can cure Aunt Zhou’s disease, there is no need to care about the method,” Ning Tao replied.

“Director Zhou is unconscious in bed. How could you say she was cured?” Su Ya snapped.

Ning Tao went to the bed, stuck a needle in Zhou Yufeng’s philtrum, and twirled it several times.

“Whew… ” Zhou Yufeng suddenly opened her eyes. Then she sat up in bed and stared at Su Ya, who was standing before her.

“Director Zhou… you’re awake?” Su Ya was both surprised and anxious. “Are you feeling better?”

Zhou Yufeng kept silent for a few seconds before asking, “Who are you?”

Su Ya suddenly froze on the spot, and then she remembered the note Ning Tao had given her.

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