Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 142

After leaving Yin Molan, Ning Tao came to the office building of Blueprint Biotechnology Company.

Ning Tao’s face was already familiar to the security guard. Instead of stopping him, the security guard gave him a salute. What was more, as soon as he walked into the building, the security guard went into the guard room and called Lin Qingyu to tell her that Ning Tao was coming.

As Ning Tao just got to the elevator, the door opened. Lin Qingyu appeared at the elevator door. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt, black dress, highlighted her convex figure, She exuded a mature and sexy charm that could not be concealed.

They looked at each other, Lin Qingyu’s eyes filled with kindness and joy.

Ning Tao asked, “Qingyu, are you going out?”

Lin Qingyu reached out and grabbed his hand and said, “Why am I going out? I came down on purpose to meet you. Let’s go to my office and talk.”

Ning Tao was pulled into the elevator by her. He tried to pull his hand back, but when he did it, he found that she held his hand so tight that he could not get it out. He simply gave up, letting her hold his hand. Her hand was warm, delicate, and a little slippery, which made him nervous.

Fortunately, Lin Qingyu seemed to sense that he tried to pull out his hand and let go of his hand. “Did you come to see me specifically?”

“I have come specially to bring you the delicate perfumed cream. I’ll give it to you now.” Ning Tao opened the medicine chest and put a bottle of delicate perfumed cream into Lin Qingyu’s hand.

Lin Qingyu couldn’t wait to open the cork and sniffed it. The fragrance delighted her. “Is this the delicate perfumed cream?”

“Yes,” answered Ning Tao. “Let me know when you run out of it. I’ll give you another.”

Lin Qingyu looked at Ning Tao with burning eyes. “The delicate perfumed cream is worth 100,000. Why do you give it to me?”

What did she mean by asking this question?

Ning Tao paused slightly and replied, “It’s nothing. The delicate perfumed cream is actually made from…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Lin Qingyu suddenly opened her arms and hugged him.

It was a surging embrace, overwhelming yet warm and soft.

Ning Tao froze. For a virgin, his resistance to such stimulation was even less than that of a normal person. To make matters worse, it never rains but it pours. Lin Qingyu tiptoed slightly, her lips to his ear, with warm breath.

“I don’t care if you’re rich or not or what the delicate perfumed cream is made from. All I care about is why you gave it to me,” she stated, her ears being red.

Ning Tao felt some parts of his body were getting hot. “We… we’re friends.”

Lin Qingyu gave a sly smile at the corners of her mouth. “Yeah, it’s normal for boyfriends to give makeup to girls.”

Ning Tao felt trapped by her. It was not just a routine.

Lin Qingyu suddenly left Ning Tao’s ear and came face to face with him.

Their eyes met, and they made no sound.

Ning Tao was more nervous. His delicate perfumed cream seemed to be a melting point. He and Lin Qingyu had a layer of diaphragm, but now it was melting fast because of the heat between them. He still had reason, and he didn’t want it to continue, but his body was willing to do that, even eager.

Lin Qingyu clearly felt his body language. She suddenly closed her eyes and bravely put her red lips to Ning Tao.

The distance between them became shorter and shorter, and there were only 10 centimeters, nine centimeters, eight centimeters…


When the elevator door suddenly opened, two female employees stared at Lin Qingyu and Ning Tao holding each other in the elevator with their mouths agape. At the moment, Lin Qingyu’s lips only missed Ning Tao’s by one centimeter.

The air froze.

Lin Qingyu released Ning Tao, made an awkward cough and said, “You…”

The two female employees were quick to react, and said in unison, “We didn’t see anything.”

“Did I ask what you saw? Get to work!” Lin Qingyu said fiercely like a cat being trampled.

The two female employees gave up the elevator and ran to the stairs.

Lin Qingyu blushed and said, “Er, let’s go to my office first.”

Ning Tao was embarrassed, too. He nodded and followed Lin Qingyu to her office.

Lin Qingyu poured a glass of water for Ning Tao. She seemed a little more emotionally stable and stopped making any naughty or awkward moves.

Ning Tao began to relax. What had just happened was embarrassing, but he understood. Who hadn’t been impulsive?

“Well…” Lin Qingyu hesitantly asked, “Have you seen my brother recently?”

She tactfully changed the subject.

Ning Tao shook his head slightly and replied, “I went to the botanical garden once, but I didn’t see your brother.”

“Then you must have seen Jiang Hao?” Lin Qingyu inquired.

“Yes,” replied Ning Tao. “I learned a little about your brother from her.”

“What did she say?”

Ning Tao answered, “Your brother is already a very important part of the project of ancestor seeking. Because of some rules, he can’t leave there for a while or communicate with the outside world.” Then he added, “I don’t know much. That’s all I can tell you. But don’t worry. Your brother is a very clever man. He has great personal ability. He’ll be all right.”

“With you by my side, I’m never afraid of anything,” Lin Qingyu said in a small voice.

When a woman said this to a man, it went without saying what role this man played in her mind.

Ning Tao changed the subject. “By the way, how’s your collaboration with Takeda Biopharmaceutical Company going?”

After a moment’s silence, Lin Qingyu said, “I don’t want to cooperate with Japanese companies at all, but my father is very interested in it and thinks it is a rare opportunity. Although our Blueprint Biotechnology Company is small, and has a big gap with those large international companies, it could not be made up with more investment. What we need is to strive to improve our technology, expand our sales channels, gain our reputation and fix customer base. However, my father doesn’t care about my opinion at all. He received a formal letter of intent from Takeda Biopharmaceutical Company this afternoon, and he had already given a written reply and provided the proposal of our company to them.”

Ning Tao frowned slightly. “Doesn’t that mean you’re already working together?”

“Yes, Shan City government gave the green light to them and everything is done simply,” Lin Qingyu said.

Lin Donghai wanted to earn money, and this was an opportunity for his company to grow rapidly. The Shan City government wanted economic development and more jobs for this city. But how could there be such a good opportunity for free?

Until now, Ning Tao had no idea why Tamao Takeda and his father and Crewe Arthur took the risk to cooperate with Blueprint Biotechnology Company, when they knew that there was no project of ancestor seeking project or Lin Qinghua in Blueprint Biotechnology Company, and that they had no access to him. What exactly was their intention? What was the plan?

Lin Qingyu sighed, “I can’t help it. After all, I’m not in charge of Blueprint Biotechnology Company.”

Ning Tao said, “Don’t worry, and just watch out for their traps.”

Just then Lin Donghai came in the door with a file in his hand. At the sight of Ning Tao, his face darkened. “Why are you here again?” he asked.

Ning Tao stood up and replied, “I’m passing by to drop off a bottle of delicate perfumed cream to Qingyu.”

Lin Donghai immediately turned his attention to Lin Qingyu’s desk. He saw the little porcelain vase on the desk. There was no label on the little vase, but he guessed that it contained the delicate perfumed cream. After the glance, an intriguing smile appeared on his lips and his tone changed. “Ha-ha, I see. Have a seat, have a seat. Qingyu, how do you entertain guest? Run to my office and get me that bottle of ’88 scotch I’ve been keeping. I’m going to have a drink with Ning Tao.”

Lin Qingyu said doubtfully, “Dad, you…”

Ning Tao was also confused and couldn’t guess what Lin Donghai was going to do.

Lin Donghai urged, “Qingyu, what are you doing out there? Quickly.”

Only then did Lin Qingyu come to her senses and said happily, “Yes, I’ll go right away.”

To her, it was good to see her father’s strange change of attitude. She felt as if the wind had blown away the clouds and the sun was shining in a clear blue sky.

As soon as Lin Qingyu left, Lin Donghai’s face changed. “Ning Tao, I can’t turn against you in front of Qingyu. Now let me get this straight. You and Qingyu are not well-matched in social and economic status. You’re not cut out for each other. You go and stop pestering Qingyu. She is my daughter, and only a man who matches the Lin family is eligible to go for her.”

Ning Tao smiled inexplicably. “What you mean by a man matches your Lin family is probably a man like Tamao Takeda, right?”

Lin Donghai looked at Ning Tao coldly and reprimand, “You have some skills, but you are too conceited to be agreeable. You can’t marry Qingyu depending on your medical skills and martial arts. I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Get out of here.”

Ning Tao wasn’t angry at all, and there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth. “When you say you want to have a drink with me and ask Qingyu to get the wine, you’re just trying to draw her away and take that bottle of delicate perfumed cream, aren’t you?”

Lin Donghai suddenly started for a moment and rushed to Lin Qingyu’s desk.

“Steady!” Ning Tao yelled.

Lin Donghai got nervous, lost his balance and almost fell to the floor. Although he didn’t fall down, he ran out of his shoes. He was very embarrassed. Eventually, however, he caught hold of the small porcelain vase. But when he turned around, he realized that Ning Tao didn’t run after him, just playing a trick on him.

Lin Donghai was furious. “Why are you still standing here? If you don’t leave, I’ll call security!”

Ning Tao shook his head. “Do you think you can analyze my secret formula by getting a bottle of delicate perfumed cream? If you buy an Intel computer, can you build an Intel CPU?”

Lin Donghai grabbed the phone on the table, ignoring Ning Tao.

“It’s sad that Qingyu has a father like you,” Ning Tao said and left Lin Qingyu’s office.

Lin Donghai didn’t put down the phone. He made a phone call. “Hello… Yes, I’ve got the sample of the delicate perfumed cream… The secret formula? Don’t worry, that guy loves my daughter. The formula will come to me sooner or later… I’m playing hard to get. That young man is nothing to me… Ha-ha ha-ha…”

Of course Ning Tao heard him outside.

“You idiot.” He let out a sigh.

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