Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself - Chapter 140

As soon as the four patients entered the Sky Clinic, the face on the good-evil tripod scowled. Its style never changed—it smiled to the good, and scowled at the bad.

All the four patients were quite nervous, but no one dared make any noise.

Ning Tao wrote four prescription pacts for sins at a time. As before, he folded the prescription pact in half to prevent the patient from seeing the final verdict of “to atone for his sins with life”.

“Monk, come here,” Ning Tao called Monk to his desk and gave him a pen and a regular prescription pad. “Write down your parents’ address, or their bank account number,” he said.

“Why…” Monk looked at Ning Tao nervously, his voice trembling. “Why do you want me to write this?”

“The money in that room is yours, but I’ll borrow it for a while. I will divide the money into three parts and give it equally to all three of your parents,” replied Ning Tao.

The three rural killers looked at each other with some hesitation and worry.

Ning Tao said, “There’s only one chance. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to write it, but then your parents won’t get the money.”

“Okay, I write.” Monk then wrote down a bank account number on the regular prescription pad, but not his parents’ address.

Ning Tao put away the regular prescription pad and then asked Monk to sign the folded prescription pact for sins.

Then Ning Tao called Colored Snake and Rat over and asked them to write down their parents’ bank account numbers, too. Rat didn’t remember his parents’ bank account numbers, and he took out his phone to check the transfer records. Then he copied them down.

Ning Tao said he wanted to borrow the money, but of course he didn’t. It was just his white lie.

Although these three patients were extremely wicked people, they were filial. They would have to die to make amends after they left the clinic. Death would end all their troubles, but their parents were neglected. They earned the money with their lives. Ning Tao would take their lives, but would not take their hard work. So he asked them for their parents’ bank account numbers. When they died, he would divide the money into three parts and give it to their parents to make sure they lived happily during old age.

Only Wang Yaoyang was skeptical and hesitant. He took the pen and asked Ning Tao, “Doctor Ning, what does it say? May I have a look before I sign?”

Ning Tao scolded coldly, “Don’t talk nonsense! Sign it, quickly. If you don’t sign it, I’ll take you out and have my nurse treat the wound for you.”

Ning Tao’s words made Wang Yaoyang think of Qing Zhui immediately. He did not hesitate, and immediately signed the prescription pact for sins.

Later, Ning Tao took out four Fine Primary Elixirs and put them into the four patients’ hands, saying, “This is the medicine to cure you. Take it.”

These four patients then all swallowed the Fine Primary Elixirs in their hands. In an instant, a gush of smoke burst from the good-evil tripod, and immediately engulfed them.

Ning Tao stared at the cloud of smoke, thinking secretly in his mind, “Is it treating them one at a time or four at a time?”

This time he asked the four patients to eat the Fine Primary Elixirs at the same time in order to see whether the good-evil tripod would treat the four patients simultaneously. Unfortunately, he couldn’t see through the smoke.

A short time later, the smoke cleared and the four patients showed up again at the clinic. This showed that the good-evil tripod actually treated the four patients at one time. It was really amazing.

The four patients were stunned, wondered what had happened, but no one dared to ask.

“You guys come with me,” Ning Tao said, walking toward the stone wall and opening the convenient door with his key.

These four patients followed Ning Tao out of the clinic and back into the room. Once in the room, the smell of blood came to their faces, and Qing Zhui, who was standing in the room, came into view. Her tight T-shirts accentuated her beautiful breasts; her hip skirt outlined the perfect curve of her bottom; her legs were straight and white and delicate. She was so hot and beautiful, but the four patients couldn’t even look at her. What they felt in her was not temptation, but fear.

At the sight of Ning Tao, Qing Zhui was all smiles. “Brother Ning, is the treatments over?”

Ning Tao nodded, and headed toward the door with the bag housing money in his hand, while saying simply, “I’ll wait for you outside. Hurry up.”

“Got it.” Qing Zhui’s voice was soft and sweet.

“Doctor Ning?” Wang Yaoyang became nervous as if he sensed something was wrong. “Can I, can I leave now?”

Ning Tao didn’t answer him, and slammed the door as he walked out of the room.

The next second the door closed, there was a scream from the room…

Ning Tao stood in the yard with some mixed feelings. He cured the four patients and then executed them, which was equivalent to putting them through the agony of death again. In a way, it was very cruel and inhumane.

But he soon got over it. “Yes, I sympathize with them, but when they killed people and raped young girls, did they sympathize with the victims? He who has no mercy in his heart does not deserve mercy. What I can give them is not forgiveness but karma.”

At the moment, the door opened and Qing Zhui came out of the room.

Ning Tao looked into the room and immediately saw four bodies lying on the ground. Their skulls were split, their blood and brains splattering on the ground. The smell of blood wafted from the room and could be smelled in the yard.

Qing Zhui walked over to Ning Tao with a big smile on her face. She didn’t look like a cruel snake demon that had just killed four people. Instead, she looked like a kind and lovely girl who had just finished her study in a pole dancing class.

On the surface, Ning Tao couldn’t connect her to the four bodies behind her in any way.

“Don’t worry, the bodies and blood will dissolve quickly. I’ve wiped the blood lock you drew on the wall. There’s no trace left,” Qing Zhui stated.

“Let’s go back,” Ning Tao said. There was one more person he needed to deal with, the killer Yin Molan brought back.

Qing Zhui stood next to him, took his arm, and laughed, “The usual?”

“You’ve already killed four tonight. Isn’t that enough?” Ning Tao asked, speechless.

Qing Zhui replied, “The more I kill such villains, the stronger I become. So, of course, the more the better.”

Ning Tao felt a twinge of worry. “I have no objection to your killing the wicked, but you can’t kill the innocent. And you have to ask my permission before you kill bad people.”

Qing Zhui pouted and complained, “I know. You are more and more like my elder sister.”

Ning Tao gave a wry smile and led her out of the yard. The off-road vehicle was still parked on the side of the road, but neither Ning Tao nor Qing Zhui could drive. Ning Tao lifted the hood, unplugged the tubing, and set it on fire. There were traces of him in the car, like the fabric of his clothes, his dander or his hair. These tiny things were hard to get rid of, but a fire could solve the problem.

The four bodies and the blood in the room would be decomposed by Qing Zhui’s poison, and after the off-road vehicle that hit him was burned, there would be no trace of him left here.

Instead of returning by the same mountain route, they went into the forest, painted a blood lock on a dripping rock wall, and opened the convenient door to the clinic. No sooner had they returned to the clinic than the new blood lock began to fade. The dripping water on the rock wall would wash away his painted blood lock, which was also a measure to remove traces.

As soon as Qing Zhui entered the clinic, the face on the good-evil tripod showed its angry face.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I’m leaving. I’m leaving.” Qing Zhui bowed to it repeatedly. Before she could say goodbye to Ning Tao, she trotted toward the door.

It was inexplicable that the snake demon that killed people in cold blood was so afraid of the tripod.

“Wait outside for me. I’ll be right out,” Ning Tao shouted.

At the moment, Qing Zhui opened the door and went out. After jumping down the steps, she responded, “Okay!”

Ning Tao opened the ledger of bamboo slips and took a look, finding that the balance had increased by 300 points. The good-evil rent was more than enough for this month. Closing the ledger, he couldn’t help turning his eyes on the stone door with the inscription “Classics & Magic Arts Store”. “If I run this clinic in this way, it will not be long before I save up to 5,000 points of good-evil rent. By then I can open one of the two stone doors. What is behind them?”

Before he had made enough “money”, he was already thinking about what to do with it.

Even Chen Pingdao had no idea what was hidden in the Classics & Magic Arts Store and the Elixirs & Equipment Store in the Sky Clinic, let alone Ning Tao. According to the name, the Classics & Magic Arts Store was supposed to house scrolls and magic arts, and the Elixirs & Equipment Store was supposed to be stored with the elixirs, various spiritual materials, equipment and the like. “Should I learn the classics and magic arts or get elixirs, spiritual materials and equipment first?” Ning Tao thought hesitantly.

“Brother Ning.” Qing Zhui’s voice came from outside.

Ning Tao hastily stopped wondering and went out, holding the small medicine chest.

Walking through a wood, Ning Tao and Qing Zhui came to Qing Zhui’s house. After a glance at the entrance, Ning Tao felt a tingle in his back—at the entrance to the cave, the killer’s body was covered with snakes of various sizes and colors, and a boa constrictor was biting his head and swallowing him.

Ning Tao immediately woke up his eyes to enter the state of looking and found that the killer had no innate aura.

If Billy lived after being bitten by so many poisonous snakes and having his head swallowed by a boa constrictor, it would be a fantasy.

Qing Zhui, looking apologetic, said, “I… I left him alone when I went to you. I didn’t expect these snakes would bite him… Brother Ning, are you angry?”

Ning Tao sighed and said, “It’s not your fault. Well, we won’t have to bother to interrogate him now.”

He said this, of course, to comfort Qing Zhui, and he actually felt that it was a pity. The killer was likely to know valuable information about the Takeda family and Archer Investments. That was why he asked Yin Molan to bring the killer back. Unexpectedly, Yin Molan was so irresponsible and lazy that he left the killer here, causing the information source to turn into snakes’ food.

Qing Zhui leaned over to Ning Tao, feeling guilty. “Brother Ning, it’s all my fault. How do you think I can make it up to you? I’m at your disposal. You can punish me any way you want, okay?”

Ning Tao found nothing to say in answer.

Qing Zhui never changed her attitude towards certain things and even never tired of it.

Ning Tao was worried that if he couldn’t resist a certain temptation from her, it would cause him to…

It was so difficult to cultivate that it was almost impossible.

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