My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily - Chapter 289

At Seal Palace.

After Gu Mang came out of the shower, she nestled on the sofa and found a comfortable position to play games.

Lu Chengzhou was preparing the ingredients in the kitchen.

The ingredients were cooked into the pot one after another. The man looked at the girl who was playing games lazily with a towel on her head and was slightly dazed.

After a while, he looked away and made a cup of honey water and brought it to her.

He came behind her and ruffled the towel on her head. “Drink some.”

That hand was a little hot and she could feel it through the towel. Gu Mang’s body stiffened for a moment. She looked up and saw the man sit beside her.

Looking at her phone screen, Lu Chengzhou lifted his chin. “Incoming.”

Gu Mang came back to her senses. She could hear the footsteps of an enemy approaching from the phone. She returned her gaze to the phone and continued playing her game.

Lu Chengzhou watched her play. Gu Mang had opened up a lot of food on the table and he would occasionally feed her something.

The entire apartment was quiet but filled with an indescribable warmth.

After playing a round of games, Lu Chengzhou went to the kitchen to check on the porridge. Gu Mang thought for a while and followed him.

They remained in the same position.

The man stood and stirred the porridge with a wooden spoon before washing the fruits to make a fruit salad.

The girl bent one leg and leaned against the marble table.

She looked out of the window and raised her eyebrows. “It’s really snowing.”

Lu Chengzhou turned around and looked. “Yeah, do you want to go skiing tomorrow?”

Gu Mang shook her head and took a small tomato to eat. It was a little sour and she didn’t want to eat another one. She said in a low voice, “It’s cold. I’ll play games and watch a movie tomorrow.”

‘I’m not interested in skiing.’

“Okay, there’s a small theater in the apartment. What do you want to watch? I’ll get Lu YÄ« to bring some over.” Lu Chengzhou poured yogurt into the cut fruit and mixed it. He then stabbed a small tomato with his fork and fed it to her. “It’s not sour this time.”

Gu Mang frowned and hesitated for a second before looking at him.

The man lifted his chin, gesturing for her to try.

Gu Mang pursed her lips and tried it reluctantly. The sweetness of the yogurt covered the sourness and it tasted surprisingly good.

Lu Chengzhou saw her brows relax and he smiled. His voice was gentle as he said, “Go have a seat in the dining room. The porridge is ready.”

“Okay,” Gu Mang replied. She stood up straight, put her hands in her pockets, and walked to the dining room.

Lu Chengzhou’s black rice and red date milk was sweet—the kind Gu Mang enjoyed. It was delicious.

After dinner, Gu Mang went to the study to print out some medical information and sat on the carpet in the living room to read it.

It was from Yu Zhongjing regarding the core information regarding the new medical technology.

Lu Chengzhou wasn’t a medical professional. Some of the words were rather unfamiliar, and he could only understand them roughly.

It was a brand new type of medical technology, similar to the repair capsules. It was a single-person sterile room that could minimize any deterioration of a condition.

There has never been such a precedent internationally.

He didn’t expect her to want to open this door.

It was no wonder people looked down on medical organizations.

Lu Chengzhou sat next to her and did his own things, calculating the relevant data on the design of the fighter jet.

The two of them were very close to each other, the kind that could be reached with just one hand.

At eleven o’clock, Gu Mang put down her pen, yawned, and stretched.

Lu Chengzhou looked up. “Sleepy?”

Gu Mang hummed. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

“Okay.” Lu Chengzhou watched as she got up and went into the master bedroom with the documents. His back view was lazy and casual.

The corners of his lips curled up into a meaningful smile.

Gu Mang returned to her room, the sleepiness in her eyes completely gone.

She sat at the table and turned on her computer to contact Yu Zhongjing. The other party picked up very quickly. “Master, you found the problem so quickly?”

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