My Husband Hates Me, But He Lost His Memories - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The reason why Missus Seymour called me wasn’t because of the necklace that I received from Theodore. Nor was it about how I sold all the jewelry I brought with me from the Everett Duchy.

Of course, such things must have already reached her ears, but she didn’t seem to care that much.

However, it was still surprising for me—rather than the usual strictness on her face, there was a deep expression instead.

“Oh, you’re here.”

Standing by the window, Missus Seymour looked back at me and spoke briefly. Her attitude was calm, but there was an indescribable sorrow in her eyes.

I approached her slowly, walking so that there was no sound. She had sent me on the territorial inspection, but it didn’t seem like she held any malice. It was just a bit awkward between us.

“I heard you were looking for me…”

“Yes, I have something to tell you. You have to know as well, Lily.”

Missus Seymour beckoned to me, then she continued speaking.

“It will be Camillus’ death anniversary in four days. Theo’s older brother.”


My eyes widened unknowingly, my composure quickly slipping. …I had no idea. Although I was briefed about the Valentino family before I was married, the tutor didn’t mention when Camillus Valentino had passed away.

Suddenly, I remembered Theodore shedding tears in the bleak garden at dawn. The estate’s atmosphere had fallen to a gloomy mood recently, and Missus Seymour’s expression was full of grief.

All of that was because Camillus Valentino’s death anniversary was approaching.

“You know how Camillus passed away, right, Lily?”

“…I heard that he passed away while trying to block a fissure.”

I answered as I remembered. Missus Seymour led me to a room full of portraits. It seemed to be a room where portraits of the Duke of Valentino, his wife and their immediate descendants were being kept.

“It happened when Camillus was only twenty years old, and Theo was younger. The previous Duke and Duchess… My brother-in-law and my sister—they were also swept away by the sudden emergence of a fissure, and they lost their lives. But even Camillus’ life ended because of a fissure.”


Missus Seymour stopped in front of two large portraits, and beneath those portraits were names written in an elegant script: Peter Valentino, Renée Valentino. It was the former duke and duchess.


While looking up at the two portraits, Missus Seymour spoke, but she couldn’t continue her words as though her throat had closed up. It wasn’t until a moment later that she continued.

“I looked up to my brother-in-law and sister so much. Those two deserved everyone’s love. Why must they die at such a young age? There are still so many things I don’t understand.”


“And Camillus had to follow the way he did.”

At that, the gaze that looked back at me was somewhat strange—and I soon understood why Missus Seymour was talking about this with me. The deaths of the former duke and duchess, as well as their eldest son… could be understood as the fault of Everett’s atrocities.

Chills ran down my spine, but I quickly regained composure. If the Everett family was behind their deaths… Then was it possible to manipulate the emergence of fissures?

‘I’ve never heard of such a thing being possible. But if it’s my father… he might have found a way.’

But anyway, it would be impossible for any human to do.

Whether Missus Seymour was aware of that or not, the atmosphere around her soon became calm once more and she walked away slowly. Then, where she stopped was in front of a dust-covered portrait of a young man… Camillus Valentino.

The Camillus Valentino in the portrait looked to be someone who had a soft impression, with his warm brown hair and light blue eyes. I looked back at the portrait of the previous duchess, and… it seemed like he took after Renée Valentino.

“Camillus was such a good child. He was good-natured and caring, and everyone adored him.”


“Camillus for Theo very much. After his unfortunate passing… Theo was half out of his mind. And whenever Camillus’ death anniversary approaches, it’s still hard for him.”

Missus Seymour reached out and carefully stroked the portrait, then she turned gracefully to look at me. Her grayish green eyes looked peaceful. No—this tranquility was feigned.

“In four days, a memorial service will be held for Camillus’ death anniversary. Originally, it should be you, the Lady of the house, who will be checking the budget, the schedule and the guests, but… It hasn’t been long since you’ve come to the Valentino estate, Lily. So I’ll be taking charge of it for now. There shouldn’t be any mistakes for an important event like this. You understand, right?”

“…Yes, I understand.”

In the end, she brought up the main point. But Missus Seymour wouldn’t have called me just to get my permission like this. That’s how I felt.

She walked around the portrait room more and told me an old story, expressing her doubts about the questionable deaths of her relatives. By doing so, she must have intended to instill some guilt in me.

After curtsying towards Missus Seymour and leaving the portrait room, I went straight back to my own room. The necklace I received from Theodore was placed atop my dressing table. The moment I saw it, I felt frustrated and distressed beyond words.

I crouched down in the darkness. Theodore’s expression as he stood in the garden flashed through my mind, and there was a belated realization.

At that time, I definitely wanted to comfort him, even without knowing why he was crying.

‘After his unfortunate passing… Theo was half out of his mind. And whenever Camillus’ death anniversary approaches, it’s still hard for him.’

Why was Missus Seymour trying to make me feel guilty? Was it a warning? Even if I see Theodore struggling, was she trying to say that I shouldn’t dare approach him to comfort him because of those reasons?

Yes. I know it, too. I shouldn’t have forgotten my position.

However, would it be easy to turn a blind eye even when seeing him struggle right before my eyes?

After thinking like this, I stared into space, dazed, as though someone had hit me.


I could certainly turn a blind eye towards Owen, Hessen and Lennon. The same goes for Missus Seymour and other people. But Charlotte was an exception.

Charlotte is…


Charlotte is a precious person to me.

Then Theodore Valentino… Why?

“Stop it.”

Yes, let’s just stop. Stop thinking. Either way, sometime in the future, I’ll either be poisoned to death or divorced. There should be no feelings involved. Nothing at all.

The necklace that Theodore had gifted suddenly came into view. The light green peridot shone transparently, but I hurriedly shoved it into a drawer.


After closing the drawer tightly and hiding it like that, the peridot’s shimmer did not leak out at all, and this seemed to help as my mind became calmer.

Oh, I see. I only need to lock it up. I’d have to lock it up tightly so it doesn’t leak out. Then I won’t even think about wanting to comfort Theodore.

I imagined that there was a small box within me. In that box, I placed all the things I was afraid to name, one by one. Those emotions are not mine. They aren’t allowed to be mine.

The moment they are named, the moment they are uttered—only I will be left miserable.

Four days later, the memorial service in the honor of Camillus Valentino was held.

I also attended, but I only stood in one corner quietly, as though I was a complete stranger.

People glanced at me once in a while, their gazes prickling, but I tried not to make eye contact with anyone and kept my head down.

“Poor Camillus…”

“Even the heavens are indifferent. Good people like Camillus and Theo should live happily for a long time, but why do such evil wretches like the Everetts…”

“Shush, I think she can hear everything.”

Whenever I heard such words, it felt like I was being rained on, like a boulder that’s been carved out and battered down little by little by the rain—an ugly rock that could only stay in its place.

Pitter, patter—

And just then, it began to rain. As I stared at the cloudy sky dazedly, someone approached me with an umbrella.

As soon as I lifted my gaze, an expressionless face came into view. Beneath slightly lowered black eyelashes were blue eyes that both seemed to be as deep as a lake. When our eyes met, his eyebrows crumpled as though he was annoyed, then he spoke with care.

“You have to get out of the rain. Why are you spacing out?”


The memorial service seemed to have just ended, so it wouldn’t matter if I went inside. Nodding, I tucked the hood of my cape lower over my face. With timid movements, I was about to walk around Theodore furtively and head to the central mansion, but he grabbed my arm with a somewhat incredulous look on his face.

“Use the umbrella.”


I was about to say that I was fine without it, but I silently accepted it since there were other gazes on us. Theodore stood close next to me under the umbrella, and I emptied my mind as we walked together.

As we entered the foyer, I slipped away from Theodore, who was still shaking off droplets from the folded umbrella. Then, I heard a voice calling out to him.

“Theo! It’s been a while.”

It was a high-pitched, beautiful tone like the singing voice of a soprano. When I raised my head, the first thing that came into view was pink hair.

I stared blankly at this new face, but the beautiful woman with scarlet eyes was smiling brightly at Theodore.


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