Metal Evolution - Chapter 35

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Bang, bang, bang…

Xue Yue’s fists struck the machine like a violent flurry and released continuous thumping sounds. The dull and urgent sound resounded throughout the whole hall.

A numerical value would appear after every punch to reflect the strength of the punch.

This was not a test of a single punch, but an average of 50. If it was merely a single attack, the value reflected would certainly be terrifyingly high. However, with 50 continuous punches, an individual’s strength would definitely weaken.

The aim of the strength test was to measure the normal strength of a Superhuman and not the strongest power an individual could burst out. After all, it was impossible to kill a monster during a fight with a single blow.

Only an average of the strength can represent the true level of a Superhuman.

Finally, 50 punches were completed.

Xue Yue panted and looked at the screen.

“The highest value was 7.8 tons while the lowest was 6.3. The average of 50 punches was 7.5 tons!” A string of numbers was reflected on the screen beautifully.

What? The average punch strength was 7.5 tons? Brother Xue Yue’s strength really reached the level of an A-Grade Superhuman? Ling Kai glanced at the values on the screen and widened his mouth in shock.

To have achieved A-Grade in the first test, this… Was it because he had already awakened his abilities and only came to measure his strength now? Or did he just awaken his abilities, but already has reached A-Grade standards?

Ling Kai’s eyes flickered and there was an indescribable shock in his eyes. If he has awakened recently, then he is a very terrifying individual. With such talent, he is a genius at the very least! 

“7.5 tons?” Xue Yue blanked out momentarily and looked at his hands in disbelief. Was he that powerful? He clearly recalled that he participated in a shot-put competition before his college entrance examination. At that time, he only managed to throw a distance of 7 meters!

And right now…

“Brother Xue Yue, quick. Test for your neural reaction!” Even Ling Kai eagerly urged him.

Having said that, he pressed a switch. Instantly, two red screens rose from the ground on both sides of the runway and sunk into the ceiling.

Two red light curtains had instantly separated the runway from the outside world, forming a sealed pathway.

“Brother Xue Yue, the neural test is very simple. It is to pass through this red pathway. During the process, you will be attacked by a special light and what you have to do is to avoid them as much as possible!”

Ling Kai pointed towards the runway sealed by the red light and said, “Remember, the faster you advance, the attacks you receive will be proportionally more violent and intense. Of course, the end results you achieve will also be higher.

“However, you have to pay attention so as to not get hit too many times. Otherwise, it is useless no matter how fast you are!”

“I understand!” Xue Yue took a deep breath and nodded slightly before walking to the pathway.

“Begin!” Ling Kai’s sonic boom voice exploded!


The soles of his feet slammed against the runway and Xue Yue dashed out like a cheetah.

However, just as he had dashed out more than dozens of meters, a glaring red line shot out from the upper left side, aimed at Xue Yue’s head.

His heartbeat sped up and without a second thought, he did a dive that completely avoided it. However, just as he had bent down, another light emitted from the lower right and aimed for his right foot.

It was already too late when Xue Yue noticed the second ray of light. He could only get hit and did not manage to dodge it.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh… 

Xue Yue continued running forward.

Be it strength of speed, Brother Xue Yue has already reached the level of an A-Grade Superhuman. However, he’s still too inexperienced with practically no experience in fighting. 

For an experienced person, they could avoid earlier attacks by tilting their heads and there was no need to make such a big dive.

Even though Xue Yue dodged the first attack with the dive, he could not react in time as his movements were too big. Therefore, it was hard to avoid the second attack!

The following situation progressed as expected by Ling Kai. Xue Yue had stumbled all the way and finally finished the neural reaction test. However, the grade he received was merely a High B-Grade!

The brain development of A-Grade Superhumans far surpassed C and B-Grade Superhumans. Their neural reaction would naturally be faster than the latter. At the very least, they would have to reach Novice A-Grade. Every grade of neural reaction was divided into four levels. They were respectively: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Superior.

However, Xue Yue was merely an Advanced B-Grade and was two levels away from Novice A-Grade.

That was enough to show that Xue Yue had recently awakened and had yet to familiarize himself with his abilities. Or perhaps he had not received professional training!

“Brother Xue Yue, your neural reaction should be Advanced B-Grade!” Ling Kai smiled and said to Xue Yue who walked over. “This is a bold question, but I hope that you can answer me honestly. How long has it been since you’ve awakened?”

Xue Yue scratched his head and smiled. “Around ten or so days!”

“…” Ling Kai was dumbfounded and he blurted out, “Around ten days!?”

His guess was verified. Brother Xue Yue had indeed awakened only recently and it was a mere ten days!

“Such talent…” Ling Kai was at a loss for words. He had merely awakened for ten days and he was already an A-Grade Superhuman.

“It’s really true that comparing one with others would only make one angry. Thinking back, I had accidentally awakened my abilities due to a fire and almost two decades have passed before I barely reached the standard of an S-Grade Superhuman. However, you are an A-Grade Superhuman upon awakening!” Ling Kai shook his head with a bitter smile.

“A-Grade Superhuman?” Xue Yue had his doubts. “Brother Ling, you mentioned that I’m an A-Grade Superhuman. What’s that? Could it be that Superhumans are graded?”

“Superhumans are divided into C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS-Grade based on their strength. Above SSS-grade are the extremely rare Supergods!”

Ling Kai explained with a smile, “In fact, most Superhumans who recently awaken are categorized under C-Grade and improve one or two grades after a period of training. Therefore, C, B, and A-Grade Superhumans form up the majority of the population!

“Many Superhumans remain A-Grade their entire lives!” Ling Kai looked at Xue Yue. “However, you’re different. You were A-Grade the moment you awakened and therefore, you are very talented!”

Xue Yue nodded. Nitrell, William, and Kezmo who he had previously killed on the deserted island were also around that level.

“For C, B, and A-Grade Superhumans, their abilities have just awakened and thus, they have yet to undergo a complete change. As a result, they can be killed with live ammunition.

“However, live ammunition cannot kill Superhumans above S-Grade.”

Ling Kai said emotionally, “An example is the runway you had run on earlier. The speed of those lights are faster than live ammunition and S-Grade Superhumans can rely on their neural reaction and speed to ensure they avoid them successfully and pass the test. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for live ammunition to hit S-Grade Superhumans!”

Xue Yue secretly nodded.

“Above the SSS-Grade are Supergods!” Ling Kai’s gaze was of reverence. “Each and every single Supergod possesses terrifying abilities. Not only are they as fast as lightning, but they are also incomparably powerful. A single punch from them could cause a heavy tank to fly out hundreds of meters away!

“Supergods have far exceeded the limit of ordinary people and it is not an exaggeration to call them gods!”

Xue Yue was shocked by the information he received. “Brother Ling, can you join the temple as long as you are a Supergod?”

Xue Yue had heard Thomas and Helen mentioning the temple on the deserted island and the temple seemed to be extremely respected around the area.

Ling Kai was slightly stunned for a moment before he shook his head with a bitter smile. “The temple is no place for ordinary people. It’s the same for Supergods. Only by becoming an existence that exceeds Supergods, would they be able to be ranked among the temple and become someone high up above!”

Xue Yue was shocked. “Even Supergods are unable to join the temple?”

“That’s right!”

Ling Kai said with certainty. “Let me say it this way. I’ve encountered Supergods before, but I’ve never encountered a single god from the temple. They are all beings exceeding the Supergods and every individual possesses terrifying power that could destroy the world. Each and every one of them have the right to speak with big countries on equal levels and people like these are rarer than presidents!”

Xue Yue was somewhat dumbfounded.

“The temple creates the rules for the world of Superhumans and they possess authority. It is a place where all Superhumans dream to join. Not a single Superhuman does not strive to be ranked among the temple one day… Haha, I’ll stop here. I’m afraid there’s no hope for me anymore. On the other hand, if Brother Xue Yue works hard, perhaps you might have a glimmer of hope!”

Xue Yue shook his head with a wry smile. A glimmer of hope?

“Alright, we shall chat about this more later. Next will be a test for your superpowers!”

Ling Kai pressed a switch and the red light curtains disappeared. He then pressed another switch and a cube projection raised up.

The cube was three meters long and stood flat in the middle of the runway, similar to a transparent cage.

“Brother Xue Yue, this is an energy measuring machine. After you enter, it will induce your powers and you will naturally know what powers you possess. Go in!” Ling Kai pointed at the cube and said.

“There’s no need to test for this. I can control metal!” As he said this, four silver spikes popped out from his right hand.

Ling Kai was somewhat dumbfounded and he stared at the spikes on Xue Yue’s hand for a long time before nodding. He can control his super abilities with such ease and there’s not even a need for induction?

As expected, he is a genius!

Xue Yue scratched his head and strangely asked, “Should this be difficult?”

Ling Kai was speechless. “Generally speaking, Superhumans who have recently awakened are unable to control their abilities freely. We normally regard their state as ‘out of control’. Even though they are weak, they are very dangerous because they can easily lose control and hurt ordinary people!

“Just like me. When I awakened my superpowers, I nearly burnt my family to death!”

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