Metal Evolution - Chapter 31

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The sea breeze blew, and the waves rolled!

The scenery on the snow-white beach was picturesque, but the atmosphere was extremely strange!

Three burly white men stood rooted on the spot and stared blankly at the scene before them. They felt as if their brains had short-circuited as they couldn’t believe what was happening!

“T-The powerful William was actually… defeated? Moreover, all his teeth were knocked out?”

“Oh… my… god! This world has gone crazy!” Their mouths twitched as they retreated slowly.

A fierce glint flashed within Kezmo’s eyes and he quietly moved forward while waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack!


William spat out blood and his whole body convulsed due to the pain from his broken teeth. However, this also roused his ferocity. With a roar, he growled and dashed forward. His eyes were similar to fierce beasts that preyed on humans!

A kick containing his full strength had ruthlessly smashed towards Xue Yue’s chest. “Die! I want you dead!”

“Big bear, you’re too slow!”

The corner of Xue Yue’s lips curled up and he easily grabbed William’s right leg. Originally, he had not been trained professionally in fighting and had no idea how to respond to such a rapid attack.

However, William’s attack was extremely slow and weak in Xue Yue’s point of view, just like an old man. As a result, he managed to catch it easily with a simple raise of his hand!

Was William’s attack very slow?

Not exactly!

William’s attack was sharp and as fast as lightning, which ordinary people were unable to defend against. However, Xue Yue’s eyesight, reaction speed, and movement speed were much stronger than William’s. As a result, he had felt that William’s actions were ‘very slow’.

Xue Yue revealed a thin smile as he grabbed onto William’s leg, without giving him any chance to retaliate. His right hand tightened as his fingers gripped into William’s right leg like a vise that captured a dead dog. He then started waving him around at a fast speed.


William’s body crashed heavily against the beach, resulting in a rumbling sound. Afterwards, he was once again thrown into the sky before falling down… This repeated several times and shortly after, two humanoid holes appeared in the sand.


Dead silence!

The scene was extremely violent, but also strange at the same time. A 1.7 meter short boy was grabbing onto a tall, strong man who was 1.9 meters tall and repeatedly smashing him up and down, just like whirling around a dead dog…

“Oh god…”

It was too violent. Extremely violent! The three burly white men were stunned.


As a B-grade Superhuman, William had strong vitality. Even though he was constantly thrown up and down, he was not dead yet. He continuously roared, shouted, and desperately tried to break away from Xue Yue’s control.

However, Xue Yue’s hands were as hard as steel hoops which firmly trapped his right leg. Moreover, tiny spikes grew from his finger which penetrated deeply into his flesh.

It would be almost impossible if he wanted to break free from Xue Yue’s attack.

Boom— boom— Xue Yue continued smashing him left and right.

“An opportunity!”

Just then, Kezmo, who had been waiting for an opportunity, finally took action. Layers of black scales rapidly emerged from his hands and his nails grew a few centimeters longer that flickered with a dark glint. Black scales had also surfaced on his neck area.

In an instant, he turned into a monster with scales grown all over his body!


Kezmo kicked the ground and transformed into a ghostly image as he instantly attacked Xue Yue. In less than one-tenth of a second, his right hand appeared behind Xue Yue’s back and his sharp nails seemed as if it were about to dig out Xue Yue’s heart!


The attack reached him in an instant and his nails finally touched Xue Yue’s back. “I’ve succeeded!” Kezmo’s eyes brightened in delight.

Just then, Xue Yue grinned and smiled maliciously. “You’ve finally attacked. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

After he said that, only abnormal sounds could be heard before dozens of spikes glistening with a cold glint suddenly emerged from Xue Yue’s back. The spikes shot out like lightning and pierced into Kezmo’s chest!

The spikes pierced through Kezmo’s body and came out his back!

“You… I… how could this happen?”

Kezmo widened his eyes and stared at the silver spikes before his chest. Gurgling sounds could be heard from him and blood flowed out shortly after!

“Heh, I knew you would launch a sneak attack. Therefore, I’ve kept my guard with you this whole time!” Xue Yue threw William to one side and turned to look at Kezmo with a sneer!

“You… you… you are a metal element Superhuman!” Kezmo’s eyes seemed to breathe out fire as he glared at Xue Yue. If gazes could kill, the current Xue Yue would most probably have been dead hundreds of thousands of times. He hated his current plight. He was waiting to launch a sneak attack but did not expect such an ending!

His sneak attack failed and he ended up meeting his maker!

The most despicable thing was that Xue Yue had concealed his strength. He could control metal elements and purposely used brute force during his fight against William…

He was dressing up as a pig and preying on a tiger!

“Gosh! I hate you so much!!” Kezmo faced the sky and roared!

“Stop hating on me and obediently go to hell. Your gods are still waiting for you!”

“…” Before he could finish his last sentence, Kezmo’s head went soft and drooped.

He was dead, without any possibility of surviving.

“Ho— that was close!” Xue Yue released a long sigh of relief. He nearly ended up dead from Nitrell’s sneak attack yesterday and as a result, he had a lingering fear about it. If Kezmo’s sneak attack were to succeed, then he might as well be dead!

The sun gradually rose and the sunlight transformed from a gentle light to a hot and scorching one. However, the three white men by the sea felt as if they were in an icehouse as their bodies were bone-chilling cold. They stood there blankly and even forgot to react!

The change was too fast!

A moment ago, Xue Yue was just torturing William Alexander, and the next second, Kezmo was killed!

“Oh god…” The three men met gazes and exchanged a look. Immediately after, they ran and split into three different directions.

They had no other option but to run!

Even the powerful William and Kezmo had been killed. Staying there was equivalent to dying!

“Thinking of running? Why don’t you stay instead!”

Xue Yue’s silhouette flashed and chased the trio at a speed as fast as lightning. With a wave of his right hand, Pop, pop, pop, three completely intact heads flew into the sky and sprayed blood everywhere!

They were only ordinary people, so compared to Superhumans, they were no different than ants!

“It’s your turn!” After he resolved the three white men, Xue Yue slowly walked towards William who was lying on the ground. The series of consecutive blows caused him to feel dizzy and lightheaded!

“Ah…” William looked frightened and desperate. “D-don’t come closer. I-I am someone from the Aonas Family. You can’t kill me. If you do, you will suffer from a strong retaliation from the Aonas Family!”

“Sigh, all of you are the same. What else are you capable of other than giving out threats?”

Xue Yue walked over and five spikes appeared on his fingers. As he looked at William who had a frightened expression, he faintly smiled and said, “Did you know? In fact, I was the one who killed Thomas. Therefore, I’m not afraid of the Aonas Family’s revenge in the slightest!”

The moment he finished talking, a silver glint flashed past and five spikes slashed William’s throat!


He had consecutively killed 5 men in mere seconds and Xue Yue felt a huge wave brewing in his stomach as he felt exceptionally uncomfortable. All his strength seemed to have been emptied from his body as he collapsed on the ground.

“G-goldie. Do me a favor and settle them!”

Xue Yue turned to look at Goldie who was lying on a coconut tree. He had asked Goldie to stay hidden on the tree before he arrived at the beach.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Xue Yue did not worry that he would die!

Goldie jumped off the coconut three and flapped its wings as it landed on Xue Yue’s shoulders. Gugu~~ It made a few disgruntled cries before reluctantly swallowing the corpses lying on the beach.

It was unknown how it could accommodate five burly men in its small stomach. It opened its mouth and swallowed five men at one go without even burping. What a scary creature!

“This guy…”

On the superyacht, hundreds of meters away, Liang Bo had witnessed the scene on the beach and he could not help but marvel. “I thought he was an ordinary boy, but unexpectedly, he’s a Superhuman. Moreover, he’s ruthless and merciless when he attacks!”

“This guy is at least an A-grade Superhuman. Earlier he was acting as weak as prey… What a shrewd guy!”

“Liang Bo, the passenger information of HA298-325 has been sent over!”

Just then, a burly man walked behind Liang Bo with a phone in his hand.

“Is there someone named Xue Yue on that list?” Liang Bo turned and asked.

“Yes!” the burly man answered.

“Let me take a look.” Liang Bo took the phone from him and looked up Xue Yue’s information. “Xue Yue, Male, 18-years-old, China, Dalian… Born in an ordinary family. Father: Xue Hanglin, a Chinese special class astronaut; passed away ten days ago. Mother:…”

After he finished browsing Xue Yue’s information, he could not help but be stunned when he read this piece of information: “Xue Yue. A passenger on HA298-325 ten days ago. The airplane crashed and he died in the accident.”

The document was very detailed. It contained everything that happened before his ‘death’. Everything had been clearly written down and there were photos of Xue Yue at every stage of his life.

It was to the extent that it had the graduation photo he took at his school was also included!

The document had clearly reflected everything that happened in his life!

The photos had clearly shown that the ruthless Superhuman on the beach was Xue Yue!

“Genius, he’s a real genius!” Liang Bo’s eyes flickered with a glint. “This boy must have awakened his superpowers when the airplane crashed. Therefore, he was lucky enough to survive and was left stranded on this deserted island!

“He has merely awakened for a short period of 10 days and has already reached the A-grade. This talent… a genius!

“The lord’s household is sufficiently large and powerful, and the young masters are not fond of fighting… The family doesn’t lack anything except for…”

When he came to this point, Liang Bo immediately ordered, “Turn around, go back to the island!”

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