Metal Evolution - Chapter 23

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

A blazing disc of fire hung in the air, and the skies were like blue jade, where the azure blue was exceptionally beautiful.

There was not a single cloud in the sky and the breeze carried the scent of the sea towards the deserted island. All the trees were listlessly standing straight.

The surroundings and the trees were hot, but Xue Yue’s heart was… even hotter!

He was holding a slender and soft waist on one hand and long legs that were as white as polished pearls on the other. Xue Yue was feeling an indescribable throbbing in his heart and his expression unnaturally turned red!

Since childhood, Xue Yue had never been in such close proximity to anyone of the opposite sex.

Helen stretched out her arms and held onto Xue Yue’s neck. Seeing that he was standing rooted on the spot while blushing like a monkey’s ass, her mouth slightly curled upwards with a beautiful arc.

“Xue Yue, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you moving?”

“Ah?” Xue Yue was startled as he turned redder and felt even more awkward. “N-nothing, let’s go!”

With a bend of his knees, Xue Yue instantly leaped and appeared five to six meters away. His speed was incredibly fast.

“Ahhh!!” Helen’s scream had nearly ruptured Xue Yue’s eardrums.

“Helen, are you alright? Sorry, it’s my fault for moving too quickly…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine! It’s so exciting, just like a joyride. Quick… increase your speed, hurr— ahhhh”

Under Helen’s urging, Xue Yue moved at a speed where only his afterimage could be seen as he followed the direction of the stream and ran down. Soon, he appeared at the small bay!

The tide had already receded then and the beach appeared exceptionally lively. Stranded fish writhed in puddles, crabs drew crooked tracks in the sand, seabirds actively and cheerfully searched for food…

“Helen, we’ve arrived!”

Even though Helen was daring, her pretty face blushed red after being held by Xue Yue the entire journey. That was also the first time she was held by the opposite sex. What was wrong with me earlier? Helen could not understand how she was so bold to actually allow a stranger man to hold her.

The original Helen was a haughty and cold campus belle in school that was nonchalant to everyone!

“Cough!” Xue Yue dryly coughed and put her down. He deliberately turned around, pointed towards the beach in front, and said, “Helen, the small bay here is flat, with shallow water depth and no big waves. It’s suitable for swimming. But do pay attention that there’s a huge water hole of ten meters wide in front. Don’t ever drop in there, the water level is very deep inside.”

The huge waterhole was the pit where the submarine was buried. Xue Yue estimated that it was minimally 50 meters deep and 100 meters wide. It would be troublesome if one were to fall inside.

“Huge waterhole? You mean that?” Helen’s complexion returned to normal and she followed the direction Xue Yue’s fingers pointed to and as expected, she saw a huge water hole.

The tide had already receded and 20-30 meters in front of them was full of potholes. There was only one area that was filled to the brim with sparkling seawater. It was shaped like a circle, similar to a pool.

“That’s right!”

“En, got it!” Helen obediently responded and eagerly said, “Xue Yue, let’s start swimming!”

After she said that, Helen limped towards the dry beach and undressed her cowboy jeans and T-shirt without any reservation. In the blink of an eye, she transformed into a sexy, tall, bikini babe!

Xue Yue’s eyes nearly popped out from the view!

“Hehe, Xue Yue, I’ll be going down first!” Helen turned around and saw Xue Yue acting as if he had lost his soul and could not help but smile. Immediately after, she stepped forward with her long legs and walked towards the sea with a charming smile.

“I can’t stand this…” Xue Yue muttered to himself, took off his clothes, and went down. Just then, Goldie who was sprawled on his shoulders cried out in dissatisfaction before it flew to the shore.

The sea breeze was gentle and pleasant.

Xue Yue and Helen started their first swim on this deserted island. As Xue Yue had lived by the sea since his childhood, there was no need to comment about his skills. In particular, his physique had increased considerably after awakening his superpowers and therefore, his skills were much better than before!

Helen was also pretty good. She swam like a mermaid, elegant and noble while shuttling back and forth underwater, appearing very cheery.

“Xue Yue, come and chase me!”


Cheerful laughter echoed above the sea level and it was the first time Xue Yue had completely relaxed. Ever since he had arrived on this deserted island, he had never been so happy like now.

This feeling was really great!

After an hour or so, both of them were tired. They went ashore and laid on the snow-white beach to rest.

“Xue Yue, you swim pretty well!” Helen tilted her head and praised with a sweet voice.

“Haha, have you forgotten that I grew up near the sea…”


Just then, the ground suddenly shook hard and calmed down immediately after. However, another tremor followed soon.




The ground seemed to shake based on a rhythm as it repeated every 2-3 seconds, just like someone striking a drum.

“What’s going on?” Helen stood up and a trace of panic flashed past her eyes.

“Don’t be scared!” Xue Yue got down and his ears came closer to the ground as he listened carefully. Bang— Bang— The ground shook rhythmically.

“Ah? What’s that? Xue Yue, look!” Helen suddenly let out a scream and pointed somewhere far away.”

“What’s that?” Xue Yue’s eyes widened and his mouth instantly opened wide in shock.

On the left were three towering peaks, with one taller than the other two. Growing above it were lush and dense trees, which covered the peak.

At that moment, on the peak on the far right stood a huge head that seemed like a crane in a flock of chickens amongst the trees, appearing unusually out of place.

“Mon-monster!” Xue Yue’s heart dropped and he internally cursed.

The trees were not considered tall due to them growing on the deserted island and none of them were taller than ten meters. However, the monster’s head had exceeded the height of the trees and was in plain sight. Evidently, it was taller than ten meters.

“Xue… Xue Yue, that… is that a monster?” Helen tightly leaned against Xue Yue and her eyes revealed fear and excitement.

Xue Yue was shocked and could not help but look at her. “It seems like you’ve seen a monster before?”

“It’s my first time seeing one in real life, but I’ve seen it in books!” Helen said in slight excitement. “In fact, monsters do exist on Earth and it’s not a secret to the elite class. However, ordinary people do not know of them!”

“I knew it!”

The monster took a step, and the ground shook. Every single step it took resulted in the ground shaking hard. Surrounding trees seemed as if they were made of paper and broke, collapsing one after another. It could not stop the monster’s strides and every single step covered dozens of meters of distance.

Helen stared at the monster with confusion in her eyes. “If my memory serves me right, this deserted island has not been marked by the elite class and it should be an ordinary island. However, monsters have appeared here. Could it be… that a new monster cave appeared here?”

How many islands were there in the vast sea?

These islands were similar to the number of stars in the skies, too many to count.

The islands which ordinary people knew of were only an extremely small portion. There were still many other islands that had been concealed and marked by the elites class.

Islands that have been marked all possess the value of being marked and the necessity of doing so!

As for the island they were on, Helen remembered that it had yet to be marked!

Thinking of this, Helen suddenly became excited. “Xue Yue, if this is the case, then we’ve hit the jackpot!

Xue Yue was baffled by her. “What jackpot?”

Helen did not immediately answer. She glanced at Goldie in the distance and then looked towards the monster before she asked, “Xue Yue, tell me the truth. Did you encounter monsters at the bottom of the sinkhole?”

“How did you know?” Xue Yue was slightly surprised!

“So you’ve honestly encountered monsters down there?” Helen hastily questioned.

“Yep! I discovered a huge underground crack after I was pushed down the sinkhole by Thomas. I don’t know where the crack leads to. I also encountered two monsters the night I stayed down there, but they were different from the one before us!”

Indeed, as for the two monsters Xue Yue saw, one was shaped like an aquatic insect with four sickle-shaped arms and the other was as heavy as a tank. There were big bags all around its body and it was shaped like a lobster.

As for this head in front of them that was higher than those trees, it looked like a giant sickle, a shark’s head and the front end was long and narrow. It had a huge mouth beneath its head and shell-like armor on its back. Yellow-colored arteries densely covered its whole body and two forelimbs grew on its chest, similar to two pairs of hooks.

The weirdest thing was that there was a pair of wings on its shell-like back, looking very strange.

“That’s it, it must be a newly emerged monster cave! Xue Yue, you’ve struck the jackpot!” Helen happily said. “This must be a new monster cave, it must be. Moreover, you were the one who discovered it!”

“Helen, what are you trying to say? Why am I getting increasingly confused?” Xue Yue furrowed his brows.

“Oops!” Helen slapped her head and said with a smile. “You might not know, but monsters have appeared on Earth long ago, just that ordinary people are unaware of them. These monsters are not native creatures on Earth. Instead, they emerge from monster caves!”

“Monster caves? What’s that?” Xue Yue asked.

“It’s hard to describe what a monster cave is!” Helen continued explaining, “No one knows where these caves lead to, nor do we know why they emerge from there. However, all monster caves are priceless and it represents unimaginable wealth!”

Xue Yue was even more confused as he asked, “Monster caves are priceless treasures? Why is that so!”

“Didn’t you know? Their bodies are full of treasures!” Helen excitedly said, “Monsters are killed to extract their organs, blood, and bones to conduct anatomical research, which will then be used to create a variety of new materials and drugs. These things can also be used to craft weapons, synthetic metals, and prepare potions….”

“In summary, every single one of these monsters can be used as research material!”

“The value of Superhuman existence is all due to these monsters!”

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