Marriage B - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 – The Past (1)

[The Past]

“The storm is too strong right now… Can’t you just sleep over today? Is the matter truly that urgent?”

“I’m sorry Ellie. I’m a pathetic man for not being able to keep his promises with you.”

“Don’t talk like that duke! You aren’t pathetic!”

The woman exclaimed as she pouted at him, seemingly displeased with Terio for slighting himself. Seeing this, Terio smiled softly at her with a gentle light shining in his eyes.

The woman before him looked almost like Melissa Rubiet with her soft blonde hair, gentle countenance, and a slender voluptuous body.

As Terio looked at her again, he couldn’t hold himself back from kissing the woman’s forehead. From the angle he was standing, he was able to see the traces he left on that woman under her one-piece dress, satisfying his masculine ego greatly.

As his lips touched her skins, a memory where Terio was holding Melissa in his arms surfaced. And for a moment, Terio felt like Melissa was alive and had come back to him. It was a beautiful dream.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t bring her back with me to the residence.

“Fine. I will reluctantly let you go, but you have to come back soon, alright?”

The woman whined coquettishly, earning her, Terio Alte’s affectionate smile as he indulged in his fantasy.

“I’ll be right back, Ellie.”

I’ll be right back, Melissa.



The gate opened with a dull sound. And the Alte Family’s servants all bowed respectfully as they welcomed their master back.

Terio glanced at the butler with an indifferent look in his eyes and nodded his head. At this time, Eden, the butler, had straightened up from his bow as he approached his master and greeted him with a wan voice.

“Have you been well, master?”

It was unlike the butler’s usual modus operandi, eliciting another look from Terio. In his mind, this loyal butler had never looked nor sounded like this. The loyal butler who had never even turned a suspicious look at Terio, when he said he was going away on a business trip, nor questioned him why he suddenly returned without a warning, was acting strange. Not only that, Eden’s face also looked strangely pale. As if he had lost a lot of blood somehow, causing a slight concern to rise in Terio’s heart.

But, unwilling to think too much, Terio assumed it was because of the time coupled with the heavy atmosphere the storm brought with it, which made people’s heartstrings dispirited. Thus, Terio decided not to ask.

“All the imperial airships are broken due to the witch’s moon.”

“I see.”

“… Yeah, as such, the plan to go to Ethiopia would be delayed until the airship was repaired. Therefore, for now, I’ll stay here. And I’ll inform you as soon as I get a call, Eden.”

Although everything he spoke of was the truth, Terio still felt like he was making excuses to everybody. No, to some extent, those words he uttered WAS an excuse. After all, Terio Alte didn’t immediately return to his mansion after he found out his scheduled trip was cancelled.

Instead, he directly went to visit his lover as if it was only natural for him to go there when he had time. Furthermore, he not only ate together with her, but also slept with her as a feeling of exhilaration and happiness suffused his body and heart. However, the happier he became, the more anxious he felt.

The inexplicable anxiety plagued him throughout the day he was with his lover. And in the end, the feeling escalated to the point he couldn’t even enjoy his time with his lover.

Eventually, he gave up his promise to spend the night together with her and lied so he could return back to the mansion, feeling something was amiss.

Yet, when Terio Alte had returned to the mansion, nothing was out of place. Still, from the time the gate opened to the time he received greetings from his servants and exchanged light greetings with Eden, he was on the lookout for the things that were setting off his senses. Yet, he found nothing.

As such, he thought that nothing had happened in the mansion. However, even though he thought that, the anxiety that had been plaguing him all day had not gone away. In fact, if he thought back, this feeling started…

“Today, will you stay out late?”

Ever since he heard Goyo’s question this morning.

It was because Goyo Rubiet had acted unusual and that caught his attention. Resentment filled him at the thought of Goyo since he didn’t like the thought that she was still able to sway his feelings with a single word of hers. As such, an imperceptible frown crossed his face.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen her since I returned home. Terio thought as his mind recalled the way that woman always stood quietly among their servants while welcoming him home with a graceful bow. However, today, he didn’t see her face among them. So, Terio asked.

“How about Goyo?

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