Marriage B - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – Marquis of Bethelgius (2)

Suddenly, a trumpet sound rang across the venue, loud and clear.

“The bright sun of Solaris, the emperor and empress are entering!” The footman announced in a deafening voice.

At the moment the trumpet sounded, Goyo felt like their eyes had met. However, she couldn’t be sure since she had to bow her head in a hurry to greet the imperial family. Even so, while bowing, she felt as if his eyes were glued on her. But she couldn’t make sure that was the case with the current situation.

The roar of the trumpet lasted for a minute, as if it was compensating for the dignity of the deficient emperor. It was only after the sound of the trumpet was over that the people were allowed to straighten their backs. Goyo stood straight, looking as if she was interested when the emperor started his greetings as the sound of trumpets died down.

This imperial ball was held right now in order to commemorate the victory of the war after it started almost one year ago. Thus, the content was about their victory and a word of consolation for the dead knights, praise for the living knights, and glorification of the empire’s strength.

And though less than 10% of these people at the ballroom realized that Solaris was at war, it didn’t prevent them from nodding with a proud face.

You must be happy to have your share back.


Goyo thought cynically.

“And since it’s also a ball to commemorate the victory, I couldn’t help but to mention the best person who deserves it. Marquis Bethelgius, please come forward and take this glass.”


Goyo lifted her head to look towards the center of the venue at the emperor’s words. And she saw that man taking a slow step towards the emperor, looking like he enjoyed the gazes that were directed towards him.

Even from afar, she could see that the man walking forward had sharp features under his rare reddish blonde hair. And she noticed that his height was not something that other knights could compare to. And the way he walked was incredibly elegant, something she had never expected to see in a common-born military man.

Annecy Bethelgius. Originally he was a commoner, but he became a marquis after making great contributions during the war between Solaris and Ubel where he made his name known.

During that war, he was only a mere common soldier, who was not even a knight. Yet, he quickly rose through the rank, becoming a captain by leading all battles he fought in to victory.

It was somewhat a surprise for everyone. Although few people predicted Solaris defeat due to the difference in national power between the two nations, they never expected that Solaris would get an overwhelming victory. After all, Solaris Empire didn’t exactly have an overwhelming advantage over Ubel Kingdom.

Furthermore, although significant damages were unavoidable, Bethelgius managed to minimize the damages as much as possible.

And by reversing the seemingly impossible situation several times over, Bethelgius was able to make his name known. Thanks to those factors, he was able to enjoy a manifold rise of status from commoner to marquis.


Well, this ball wasn’t only held just because he had risen to become the marquis, though. Goyo murmured those words from the bottom of her heart.

“I’m very grateful, your majesty.”

The new marquis received the emperor’s cup with a relaxed bearing. He didn’t have any sign of nervousness in him like what she had expected commoners would have. Moreover, his etiquettes were also perfect even to his fingertip’s movement.

It was very unexpected that the man’s demeanor was so noble-like despite the fact he only came up to the capital and received his title less than a year ago.

Because of his perfect noble comportment, the nobles, who were trying to catch his fault due to his recent ascension to aristocracy, had to back down and grabbed a glass of wine to hide their emotion. And those, who were reluctant to stay ignorant of the war, became the marquis’ followers.

Meanwhile, some aristocrats, who were trying to consolidate the empire’s power by overthrowing the current emperor’s reign, accepted the marquis. And this faction even had the idea to draw the marquis to their side.

Because the marquis’ ability was monstrous as he was able to become a major force in the nobility circle in the short span of less than a year.

The emperor patted Marquis Bethelgius on his shoulder with a smiling expression, but Goyo noticed that there was a hesitation in the emperor’s gesture.

“It is because of God’s blessing that a man like you is born in Solaris. Do not hesitate to let me know if you want anything. Unless you ask for an empire, I’m willing to give you anything you want.”

The ballroom immediately buzzed with astonishment at the emperor’s promise. Meanwhile, the expression of the empress and the two dukes was stiff and strained with consternation. It seemed that the emperor’s grand promise was not in their plan at all.

After all, the fact that a commoner had received the title of a marquis was already an unprecedented event in the history of the empire. His achievement was great indeed, but in people’s opinion, being rewarded with a title as a marquis was already greater than he deserved.

The only one who didn’t show much reaction towards the emperor’s promise was Goyo Rubiet, who knew that the emperor would do this. Furthermore, she even knew why he did this.

While Goyo didn’t come to this ball in the past, she still knew about it because the emperor’s words were notorious.

“Your majesty, the marquis have already been rewarded with his title, so…”

“How can you say it is sufficient just by giving him the title of marquis?! If the positions that commoners can climb to at once are not limited to the rank of marquis, he could have climbed to the duke position in one stop! Besides, how can I call myself the Emperor of Solaris if I end my congratulations just by giving him a poor title?!”

The emperor exclaimed with a hard tone at Duke Rubiet. And though they secretly agreed with Duke Rubiet’s words, no one stopped the emperor from reprimanding the duke. So, everyone was silent as the atmosphere became strained.

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