Lady Fu Amazes the World Once Again - Chapter 24

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On a full moon night, the moonlight shone through the forest clearly!

The scene in front of them had been even clearer!

Wen Xiaoya and Chen Mo were so petrified that their souls were about to leave their bodies! Werewolves, they should only be found in movies, were they not? Were they not just fantasies in fantasy novels?

However, before they could react, the graveyard began to violently tremble. They felt that the land was about to cave in!

Suddenly, the black wolves in suits around the flames turned their heads in unison and looked at the two humans who trembled in fear. They bared their long sharp fangs that dripped with saliva.

It was no wonder that the road ahead was so smooth. It was also no wonder that the records stopped when more than a dozen people who arrived at the werewolf cemetery did not come back. Perhaps this place was not a cemetery in the first place. It just became a cemetery when more people arrived!

That folk song about Kelsi was what they had just recited. It really had some unnatural power. No wonder Wen Xiaoya had been bewitched and accepted this mission. She had even insisted on coming here.. Ironically, she felt as though she was going to die here. 

However, she would never sit still and wait for death. Moreover, this young man, Chen Mo, had to be buried here by her, not the wolves! Wen Xiaoya dragged Chen Mo — who was speechless — away, but her legs seemed to be glued to the ground, she was unable to move at all!

This group of werewolves could make the earth tremble, and it seems as though they could also easily control the human body too! What should she do?! Wen Xiaoya maintained her consciousness and watched as more than twenty werewolves walked towards them!

The requirements for completing the mission was to open a coffin and retrieve said items. However, this was a graveyard, and there were at least sixty coffins. Which one of the coffins was the right one?

Regardless, she raised the shotgun in her hand, aimed at the werewolf’s head, and shot its head!

“Awoo!” With a shrieked-like scream, a black wolf in a suit fell to the ground and died. When the other werewolves saw this, they immediately got into an attack stance, and nimbly dodged Wen Xiaoya’s bullets!

Shooting was a sport that Cang Lan loved very much. She had hunted cunning foxes in the forest. Now that she was faced with a pack of wolves, she was not afraid!

Even if she died, she would drag half of the werewolves’ corpses along with her!

Suddenly, Wen Xiaoya’s feet could move. She carried the unconscious Chen Mo on her back and threw away the guns on his body to reduce the weight. Only the bullets were left, and she tied him to her body with a rope.

The werewolves were afraid of being shot, so their movements were obviously slower. Wen Xiaoya took the opportunity to run into the depths of the cemetery.

However, just as she tried to run away and shoot the werewolves at the same time, she suddenly tripped over something and fell heavily to the ground with Chen Mo — who weighed over a hundred pounds.

A black wolf suddenly jumped closer and bit on Chen Mo’s calf. Wen Xiaoya reacted quickly and shot the black wolf in the head from a close range. The black wolf died from the impact of the bullet shot.

Unfortunately, Chen Mo had already been bitten, which led to a serious injury. Fresh blood flowed like water onto the ground. The smell of blood stimulated the blood-thirsty wolf pack, and its size suddenly doubled!

It is over, it is definitely over now.

Wen Xiaoya had never taken the initiative to admit defeat. However, right now, she could see the grim reaper that hovered beside her. She hugged Chen Mo tightly and used her body to protect him, and closed her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Chen Mo. I shouldn’t have brought you here.

“I shouldn’t have accepted this mission at all,” she helplessly whimpered. 

A minute passed, but she still did not feel the pain of being bitten to death by a pack of wolves. On the contrary, the original howling of the pack of wolves had also disappeared. It was abnormally quiet as if she had already been sent to Heaven.

Wen Xiaoya opened her eyes. In front of her was a terrifying human face. He was covered in mud and looked as thin as a stick. His face was similar to a skeleton, and his eyeballs seemed to be about to fall out at any moment. He had dirty long hair that fell to the ground, and he wore a crown embroidery with skimpy hair on his head.

It was impossible to tell whether he really was a man based on his ghastly appearance.

His voice was even more unpleasant to the ear, it was as if the sharp sound of chalk had scratched on a blackboard!

“You’re finally here. Blood, blood, I’m so hungry!”

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