Lady Fu Amazes the World Once Again - Chapter 20

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wen Xiaoya was so engrossed in her conversation with Chen Mo that she had not realized Fu Lengye at the door.

Before the new computer system had been fully installed, Chen Mo was well aware of her master’s habits. So, he made all the tools she needed into a simple operating table.

Thus, it functioned normally in the afternoon, basically the same as Wen Xiaoya’s previous computer.

A computer worth five million dollars had been made into a worth of ten million dollars in terms of functionality.

The two of them put their arms around each other as usual and set off to the restaurant like siblings to reward their brains and stomachs.

Feng Gu kindly reminded them when they were on their way to the dining area. “Mrs. Fu, Mr. Fu came back three hours ago. He doesn’t look too well.. He’s been waiting for you in the restaurant, and you too.”

Wen Xiaoya’s understanding of the butler’s underlying words had not been perceived well. She had no idea what Feng Gu meant by ‘doesn’t look too well’. She also did not understand the meaning of the pause between ‘you’ and ‘you too’.

Fortunately, Fu Lengye’s behavior had easily expressed his true feelings when they reached the restaurant. Wen Xiaoya stood next to the stone pillar in the long corridor of the restaurant, completely dumbfounded.

Fu Lengye.

In the open space of the restaurant.

Playing basketball with a team of elite athletes!?

There was also a row of beautiful female cheerleaders that cheered for him. She wondered to herself when the basketball hoop was installed.

Just a few seconds after Wen Xiaoya walked into the restaurant, Fu Lengye started to dribble the ball, and overtook people in the court.

The movements were done in perfect succession, and it ended with a three-point shot. The landing posture was like a perfectly crafted pose.

“Wow! He’s so handsome! He’s simply the man of my dreams!”

“This smooth offensive shot done by an NBA champion star would only be so-so! He’s really young and energetic!”

Wen Xiaoya thought that this group of beautiful cheerleaders looked familiar, they looked so familiar that they were actually the maids from home.

This included the members on the court who played with Fu Lengye too, they were the butlers and male gardeners from home.

What was he trying to achieve?

Fu Lengye lazily held the basketball in his arm. With each step he took, he swayed as he walked towards Xiaoya with confident steps.

His basketball attire was different from the usual formal business appearances in the past. Now, he looked like a male college student! When he walked in front of Wen Xiaoya, she could smell his sweat all over his body, this gave him a fresh and natural youthful charisma that exuded from his body.

Fu Lengye had watched Wen Xiaoya walk over, but he suddenly turned around and faced the young man beside her, Chen Mo.

“Are you interested in playing a round?”

At this moment, Chen Mo was silent, he did now know what to do.

His limbs were not coordinated. To Chen Mo, playing basketball was equivalent to sending a man to his death!

However, Fu Lengye’s expression had also been seen on his previous girlfriends’ faces.

He immediately understood the whole situation!

“Master! I’m a hardcore otaku. Not only just basketball, but I’ve never even played tennis, or any sports for that matter. No, no, no, master, can you teach me how to play basketball in the future instead?!”

Wen Xiaoya did not quite understand at first, but after she heard Chen Mo’s response, she suddenly understood something.

He was a good disciple that knew how to protect his master! She too had picked up on the situation and was proud of him for playing it out so well!

“Baby Ye Ye, Chen Mo is my disciple. He was an orphan who was adopted and sponsored by me when he was ten years old. He can be considered my only family member, but enough about that, I’m starving!”

Wen Xiaoya deliberately used her ultimate move — using an affectionate nickname!

She hoped that this would make him stop thinking about it in the future. After all, the future that she had planned out could not be without Chen Mo.

It was true that Fu Lengye did not have an easy time dealing with Wen Xiaoya alone, moreover, now he would have to deal with a smaller version of Wen Xiaoya. 

The only difference was that one of them had directly admitted defeat, while the other had tried to get close to him and directly played miserably. It seemed that the best solution was to return to his home country, China, as soon as possible. 

“Yeah, I’m actually hungry too. We can play together whenever you like. Boy, you don’t have to be so scared of me. Come on, let’s eat.”

Fu Lengye gave in, but he did not give in completely. He especially emphasized the word ‘boy’ in his tone.

Wen Xiaoya tried her best not to laugh out loud. Was this the legendary jealousy side of Mr. Fu? This felt like watching two handsome little boys bicker!

Ready, set, fight!

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