It’s Tickling to Be Loved All of a Sudden - Chapter 3.2

She realized that she had died. But she was confused about what happened in between the time that she was dead, till the time she was now alive again, in another person’s body. Besides which, even the name was the same.

When she was forced to admit the fact that she had become Audria Trudy, she recalled what happened to her, her face crumpled on its own. If all that she knows about Audria Trudy was true, then she has just survived the death of this character.

She just had no luck whatsoever. She knew all about Audria Trudy. She was in a business that catered to the nobility. And there was not one person among the nobles that she did not know about, both in the capital and the empire. So she had heard all about Audria Trudy.

As well as about Duke Trudy, the only one who could compete against or surpass the Imperial family in the empire. And about his one and only heir. If her memory served her well, this was the year that Audria Trudy died.

There were very few people, who had seen her in person, because she rarely went outside, so there was not much accurate information about her, but what others built upon and talked about.

At first glance, Audria Trudy, seemed to have been born with everything from the time she was born; but in reality, she was an abandoned child of the duke. She had become that Audria Trudy. She still couldn’t believe it, no matter how many times she thought about it. But at the same time, she couldn’t deny it.

This fact made Audria’s face crumple. ‘So where was her body?’

Audria did not die. But she also died long ago. Stupid and unlucky Audria, who died in the end after sacrificing everything for her siblings. But she lived for some reason. She had also become the youngest daughter of Duke Trudy, the head of the best family in the empire.

Having the blood of the Archduke Trudy running through your veins is the same as being born bedecked and dripping with diamonds. So, Audria Trudy should be the happiest person and the object of envy for everyone.

But unfortunately that was not the case. She was turned out from her family from birth and didn’t even come out of her room for the rest of her life. So when the noblewomen talked about her, they always clucked their tongues as they said “That child is so pitiful.”

Audria Trudy became an object of sympathy despite being a part of the duchy of Trudy, which was a subject of awe and fear for everyone. But among all this, there was a person who received admiration and envy, instead of fear from everyone and that was the late Duchess Rachel Trudy who had passed away.

Ironically, her presence, which Rachel Trudy had prayed for, was the beginning of the tragedy of Audria Trudy.

Unlike his publicly known image, which was what everyone else knew, the Archduke Trudy was very much harmonious in his family. Though outwardly he had always been plain-spoken, with a very good poker face and a very difficult person to get along with in general.

But when he was with his wife, he was full of laughter. He always called his wife Rachel’s name sweetly as if her name was overflowing with honey. It was unbelievable that such a sweet sound could come from the normally low and cold voice of the Archduke Trudy.

But unfortunately, Rachel Trudy wasn’t healthy. Her body was weak from childhood and could catch cold at the slightest chill and then she would not be able to get out of bed for more than a fortnight. When she was pregnant the first time, the Archduke was more worried and scared than happy.

What if she couldn’t hold on and die while trying to have a child? Duke Trudy left everything behind and was beside Rachel’s for the entire duration of her pregnancy, all the way till her delivery. Thanks to his devotion, she was healthy and gave birth to Jeremiah Trudy.

So he relaxed his vigilance. When he heard that she was pregnant with their second child, he believed that if he took care of her the same way, by staying by her side all the time, just like he did when she was having Jeremiah that she would be fine.

However, as time passed, her condition only grew worse with each passing day and in the end she was unable to recover from the exhaustion of giving birth to Audria. So the Archduke and Jeremiah had to lose their beloved wife and mother.

Although her body was weak, she was tough with great mental strength. She always ignored tacit rules that existed among the nobility and made all her decisions on her own based on what felt right to her heart.

When they had a child, the nobles were different from others in that, within 100 days after the birth, the child was left wholly to the nanny.

But Rachel didn’t. She raised Jeremy on her own, until he could do most of the things by himself. How much trouble did the Archduke Trudy and Rachel have before they named their child Jeremiah? Among the numerous choices that she had, that was the name which was chosen by her.

Rachel experienced everything as a mother who raised her own child. The joy of the first time a child calls mom and dad, the first time a child turned over, the first step that was taken and everything was a happy miracle.

From the time that Jeremiah first started talking; Rachel taught him everything that he needed to know, starting from his letters. Rachel loved Jeremiah with everything that she had. The archduke and Jeremy had great affection for her in return.

When they lost her, their loss was too awful and great to bear. It was like they had lost their whole world. Archduke Trudy felt helpless and couldn’t do anything. The problem was that while both of them were suffering under Rachel’s loss, there was no one to take care of Audria, who had just been born.

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