It’s Annoying I Want To Eat People - Chapter 11

After Li Nansheng left, Han Chi walked into the bathroom and asked Yan Han to leave the island quickly.

Yan Han shook her head and resolutely refused to leave, and gestured: Someone really wants to harm you.

Han Chi was very helpless and said, “Well, when does that man want to kill me? You go back first and come to save me when he wants to kill me, okay?”

Yan Han shook her head again and gestured: I don’t know when he will harm you. My dream won’t tell me the specific time. Maybe it’s just these two days.

“You are a zombie. It will be very inconvenient for you to stay in my house for a long time. Besides, my dad is still lying at home to recover from illness. If he accidentally bumps into you one night, he will be scared to death.”

Yan Han wanted to make a helpless expression, but her facial muscles were stiff, so she could only continue to gesture blankly: Then you find a place for me to stay, I promise to stay there obediently.

“My house is too small that there really is no other place for you to stay.”

Han Chi’s intention to drive her away was very clear. She was really a little angry. She had worked so hard for more than ten days to reach the island and was almost blown by the sea breeze. She did all of that to save him but he wanted to drive her away. 

He was heartless and unforgivable.

Yan Han decided to ignore him, turned and walked to the balcony, sitting motionless on the ground, indicating that she would stay on the balcony obediently.

Seeing that she was so determined, Han Chi could only frown and sigh. Yan Han was a zombie after all, and he didn’t dare to make her anxious. The rabbit bites when anxious, and it was the same for a zombie.

At more than three o’clock at night, Han Chi woke up from his nightmare. After waking up, he couldn’t sleep. He kept replaying the people and things in his dream in his mind. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed for a while. Later, he couldn’t lie down anymore and sat on the edge of the bed for a while.

Thoughts rushed in his mind and became a mess. Han Chi had to run to the locker to find cigarettes. After searching for a long time, he found only one pack. The pack was very light. After opening it, there were only four cigarettes left.

The cigarette pack was given to him by Li Nansheng. Whenever their action team went to Yunjing City to perform missions, if they got plenty of time, sometimes they would take a risk to go to small shops to collect a few packs of cigarettes. The cigarettes collected were generally divided equally among the brothers present.

Some people would keep the cigarettes that were evenly divided for smoking, while others would choose to sell them on the black market for something they need.

Of course, Li Nansheng kept them for himself. One time when their team went out to perform a task, there was a small shop not far away. The small shop had not been looted before, so there was a lot of stuff and more cigarettes. At that time, their team of six took nearly 20 packs of cigarettes. Li Nansheng was the team leader, so he got five packs of cigarettes, and the other five had three packs each.

After Li Nansheng finished his mission and returned to the island, he took one to Han Chi.

He didn’t smoke before, but started to after 2022. There were too many things that happened that year. Every scene haunted him like a nightmare. From that time on, he couldn’t sleep at night and often had nightmares.

During that time, he and Nan Sheng were still in Yunjing City, and couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, so Nan Sheng handed him a cigarette, saying that if he smoked, it would relax his mind and body.

He lit a cigarette and paced out of the room, thinking about the past in a mess.

When he walked to the balcony, because there was no light turned on, it was dark all around, and he almost tripped over something. Han Chi glanced intently. It turned out that it was Yan Han who was asleep. He almost forgot that Yan Han had stayed on the balcony. Why did she just lie on the floor to sleep, wasn’t it cold?

Han Chi kicked Yan Han in the leg and found that she was still motionless and not awake.

Sleeping like a pig, Han Chi thought while staring at Yan Han on the ground.

He stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette, and was about to go back to the room to continue sleeping, but when he turned around, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and an idea came to him. He turned his head and looked at Yan Han who was lying on the ground, and kicked her again. This time the kick was stronger, and Yan Han remained motionless like a corpse.

He immediately turned around and went to the bedroom to take out the sterilized tweezers and test tubes, and walked to the balcony.

Holding the tweezers in his right hand, Han Chi took a small piece of meat from Yan Han’s arm and put it into the test tube.

The next day, Han Chi brought the test tube into the laboratory of the CDC. He took out part of the tissue from the test tube, and after processing, took the supernatant and observed it under a microscope. After a short observation, it was found that there were normal living cells in Yan Han’s tissues.

Han Chi was surprised and delighted. He adjusted the angle of the slide and continued to observe. At the beginning, he guessed that Yan Han was definitely a mutant. Sure enough, there were normal living cells in her body.

In order to further confirm his speculation, Han Chi used the isotope labeling method to label the R virus genetic material to track the whereabouts of the virus genetic material. After centrifugation, he found that although the R virus dominated, it could not attack these normal living cells.

Was it because these cells contain R virus antibodies? He couldn’t think of the reason for a while.

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