It Seems Like I Fell into a Reverse Harem Game - Chapter 7.3



The two men stared each other down from opposite sides of the doorsill. Finally, with a reluctant expression, the man on the inside asked,

“What are you doing here?”

“Whatever that is, it’s not something to talk about standing here.”

Ettsen moved back without a word. Robia stalked into the room. Robia looked around the private room in the knights’ quarters.

“If it’s business between us, there can only be one, correct?”

Finding a sofa, Robia made himself comfortable and looked up at Ettsen.

“Why didn’t you leave?”

“That isn’t your concern.”

Ettsen looked angry.

“Hurry and make up a reasonable excuse.”


“If you do not, then I’ll know you have something else planned.”

“…..Did the princess send you?”

“If not, why would I be here?”


“You look like you don’t believe me.”

At that instant, Robia felt a surge of anger. He felt like his relationship with the princess was being denied.

“Where is Yuriel? Ah, has she already left you?”

Ettsen controlled his anger.

“I know that you don’t feel anything for that person. Don’t go picking a fight with me for nothing.”

“She’s been left alone for long enough. Has it not crossed your mind that she’s been far too well for what her crimes were?”

“That’s not something for you to say.”

“….I’m a little surprised. You’re actually still by that woman’s side.”


“Do you still not know that woman?”


“I suppose you would rather not know. If you did, you would want to throw her away this instant.”

“No matter what kind of person Yuriel is, I will never throw her away, no matter the reason. At least not like you.”

Robia jumped up from the sofa.

“You’re saying I threw her away?”

“Who are you criticizing in your situation, hm? I heard you’re sponging off the princess again?”

“Yuriel has never been mine, not for one instant.”

Robia smiled crookedly.

“And that goes for you too.”

Ettsen grabbed Robia by the collar. Robia kept testing Ettsen’s patience.

“…..I know.”

“You know and you’re like this? Stupid bastard.”

“You should watch your mouth from now on.”

“You’re the one who should think carefully. Fine, if you still love Yuriel, do whatever’s necessary to stop her. Put your life on the line and stop her.”


“If anything happens to Her Highness, I swear on my life….. it won’t be a pretty death.”

Robia forcibly removed Ettsen’s hand on his collar. Then he said something he had never wanted to. It was his first and last piece of advice.

“If you also…. felt something for her, then don’t do anything you’ll regret.”

Ettsen said nothing.



The door to the inn opened, and a man stepped outside with a hood pulled low over his face. In the alley opposite, Robia and an unfamiliar figure watched the man.

“He’s a member of the guards?”

“Yes. He looked completely taken with the woman when I saw him before.”

“Is there anything else?”

“There hasn’t been any movement for now…. Ah, a maid she seems to have known from the palace came too.”

“A maid? Is there a way to find out who she is?”

“It would be simpler if the maid returned, but…. I will ask around for now.”

“Tell me every bit of information you find out without making any independent judgments about what to include. Understand?”

“Yes, Milord.”

Robia pulled his hood low over his face.

“Don’t tear your eyes away from Yuriel for one second.”


Taking a heavy coin purse from inside his cloak, he tossed it at the man’s feet. The man swiftly placed the purse in his clothes and flashed a grin.

“Her Highness the princess’s birthday.”


“If she makes a move, it’ll be on that day. Notify me appropriately.”


Robia left.

It happened a few days after that. As usual, Robia was staying in the detached palace which was a part of the princess’s palace when he found a note underneath his soup bowl.

[Goes in and out of high-class noble houses. Seems to be looking for work as a maid.]

Robia crumpled the paper and threw it into the flames of the fireplace.

More days passed.

[Seems to have found work in a noble house. Goes out to buy clothes.]

The notes faithfully relayed news about Yuriel.

[Noble house is the Dominat Duchy. Works under the playboy grandson. Will be able to uncover details about the maid mentioned before soon.]

And the last note said this.

[Is not leaving the inn. Has stayed at home for past couple days.]


It was light out the day of the ‘princess’s’ birthday party. They said that the princess’s actual birthday was tomorrow. The party tonight was more important to me, because I was tired.

“How can you be so sluggish on a day like this, Your Highness!”

“…..It’s okay if I’m a little sluggish. I’m tired.”

Sunken-eyed, I avoided Daisy and was on my way out of the room when I met Tarshish, who was trying to come in. Tarshish looked twice as tired as me.

“Your Highness, these require your approval…..”

I waved a hand and Hess took the stack of documents from his arms in my place.

“Didn’t you hear the news?”

“About what?”

“My birthday party is today. So, no one’s working tonight. Or tomorrow. Apparently, it’s because it’s the day I was born.”

“……If they are not approved today, then what is the point of those documents I spent all night preparing….”

He mumbled as if speaking to himself and sagged against the wall. I patted Tarshish’s shoulder.

“Get some rest until tomorrow. And…. I’ll get you an assistant soon, so stay strong for a few more days.”

“I think I heard that last week…….”

Tarshish moved his limbs limply and disappeared.

And I moved less limply than him as I headed toward the party hall. Nadricka could have come, but when I thought about how he might be treated like he was last time, I didn’t think we needed to come together. It wasn’t even my real birthday.

In any case, when I thought about how I wouldn’t be able to leave in the middle due to being today’s star, I could already feel my tiredness multiplying. I listened to the emperor’s congratulatory address then followed his lead up the stairs to my seat.

I felt better once I sat down. After that, it was the same thing over and over. Delegates from each country and the nobles offered various gifts, and I gave my thanks again and again.

Though I tried to maintain my smile, my lips began spasming, so after a point, I was greeting the gift bringers with a straight face. The presents didn’t even pass through my hands and piled up high behind my seat.

At this point, I had the wild thought that a swinger party would have been better, and even contemplated whether my butt would have flattened out into a circle or square shape.

At that moment, I heard an ear-shattering noise behind me. However, I wasn’t able to look.


The system window had appeared in front of my face like a lie.

The box is empty.

Box? What box?

Drawer 1 is empty.

Drawer 2 is empty.

The cupboard is empty.

Would you like to check the lead? Y/N


In that moment, chills went down my spine.

‘The confiscated item is in the princess’s bedchamber.’

Confiscated item.

Princess’s bedchamber.

The familiar sentence appeared back in front of my eyes.

You use the consumable item ‘Sixth Sense (1)’.

You use the consumable item ‘Luck (1)’.

You have a sudden impulse check the carpet!

I straightened.

Right now,

Yuriel was in my room!

You have discovered a jewel box.

You open the jewel box.

Will you collect the ‘Necklace of Blood’? Y/N

Yuriel pressed ‘N’. Why?

And what is that?

But this wasn’t the time for that. I had to go right now.

“……Highness! Your Highness! Please!”

I came to my senses then. Everyone was looking at me. Everyone.

The party hall was strangely quiet. I looked back as if led by some force. I remembered having heard a loud noise.

Some of the presents I had been gifted were fallen on the floor. The man who was responsible was bowing on the floor and trembling.

But that wasn’t important.

White powder.

A bronze statue of a child was broken, and the powder stuffed inside had spilled across the floor, reaching my feet.


The hall which had been quiet enough to hear a needle drop gradually filled with chatter. I clenched my cold hands.

The emperor and my eyes met. His looked troubled but not surprised.

I looked around. No one questioned what the powder was. There was no one in this hall who didn’t know the princess did drugs.

At that moment, the notification sound rang out again.


All requirements to open the route have been achieved.

A new route can be generated.

(Remaining slots: 3)

Will you generate the route? Y/N

Special route: ‘Arken Dominat’, the only son of the ducal house’s route has been opened.

[The Way to Capture His Heart – 1]

The information you have disclosed is that which he most needed. However, he will not be so easily satisfied. You must prove that you have continued usefulness beyond this one time. Contribute to Princess Yeldria’s downfall.

[Current Progress]

Progress toward Princess ‘Yeldria Viotte Cecilia’s’ downfall: 0%

The progress percentage increases.

Progress toward downfall: 3%

I had struggled to set everything right. I had done everything I could, even in the middle of an unfamiliar world and with an unfamiliar name.

But I was back here again.

“Your Majesty. What is this?”

A young man was kneeling on one knee at my feet. He rubbed some of the white powder on his finger and brought it to his nose.

Soon after, like an actor on a stage, he gave an exaggerated shudder.

“Isn’t this, drugs?”

Progress toward downfall: 9%

“……Lord Dominat. This is not something for you to meddle in,”

The emperor said.

I hadn’t recognized ‘Arken Dominat’, the character from that quest, even when he was right in front of me.

Was there really no way to oppose it?

I had thought that if I could pick myself up, then the future would change as well.

I felt my anger rise. And despair flowed through my veins.

Until when would my life remain hostage to this damn princess’s shadow? When?

Again, I had been caught by the princess of the past. Even though it wasn’t my wrongdoing.

Arken Dominat let out a bright, beautiful laugh and bowed his head at the emperor.

“Your Majesty, please excuse me for being late to this grand party.”


The emperor looked displeased. Whether he couldn’t read that face, or he was ignoring it, Arken Dominat turned around and spread his arms.

“But instead, look and see who I have found!”

Progress toward downfall: 11%

The firmly drawn curtains of the terrace pulled back. And a figure dressed in a lavish white dress stepped into the light.

In a lilting voice, Arken Dominat said,

“I have found Your Majesty’s younger sister.”

It was Yuriel.

Progress toward downfall: 31%

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