It Seems Like I Fell into a Reverse Harem Game - Chapter 4

It was a room where almost no light reached. Essen was sitting back in a chair, and in his lap, Yuriel had buried her head and was crying. Essen caressed Yuriel’s hair and kissed her forehead.

“If you keep going on like this, you’re the only one who’ll suffer, Yuriel.”

His voice was soothing. But even with that low voice, Yuriel rejected his touch and continued to sob.

Yuriel was pounding Essen’s knee with her fist when she looked up. When he finally saw Yuriel’s furious, tear-stained face, Essen scowled.

“What exactly is it you want that you’re acting like this.”

“I said I couldn’t tell you!”


“Please, help me, Essen.”

Yuriel brought his hand to cup her palm and said,

“Nothing’s going to change. We just have to do like we always have. I’m still going to be by your side, and you love me, too, right?”

“Do you… hate that woman? Why?”

With her jaw clenched, Yuriel nodded her head.

“You do too! You feel the same as me, don’t you?”

Essen was quiet. At the end of his silence, he opened his mouth.

“….If you say that you‘ll give up everything and that you’ll leave with me now.”


“You’d probably shake your head, right?”

Essen was quietly gazing at Yuriel’s face when he hugged her then murmured while caressing her hair.

“I understand. Let’s do what you want.”


“So please, don’t cry.”

Now alone, Essen suddenly turned his eyes to the official document lying on top of the table. He had already read multiple times the document which had arrived at dawn, but still he found himself picking it back up.

The paper on which the schedule for the palace knight selection exam was written, a document permitting carry of a sword, and a short note that carried no hints of its sender.

[Hope you have no regrets about your decision.]

Even though it was only the one sentence, it wasn’t difficult for him to guess the sender. Because it felt like he could hear her voice right this moment.

Suddenly, like a person who couldn’t take it, Essen roughly gripped the scabbard of the white blade at his hip.

It was the royal sword engraved with the insignia of the former nation of Velrod, now erased from the map. He didn’t know that she would return this sword.

All of a sudden, it really felt like something in the past. Everything that had happened….

Yes, all of it.


The game window that no one could see now or in the future appeared and disappeared.

“Unforgetting Heart” is on standby for activation.

Activating…. 0%

Because you have a record of failing to access it, the item is being converted to a state of forced sleep.

Conversion complete.


After sending Robia back, I had been heading back to my chambers but the closer I got, I could hear the noises. Although the voice was lowered in fear that someone would hear, it was a tone of fierce beratement.

“What are you doing!”

“I’m only restricted from coming near the bedchamber, but I am a servant of this palace! Why are you preventing me from being even here?”

“Don’t you think it’s blatantly obvious that you were waiting in the hall leading to the bedchamber? Don’t make a scene and go back!”

“We have no choice. Let’s drag her out for now. Quickly drag her out!”

My eyes met Yuriel’s as she was being dragged out by both arms. I had thought she’d been quiet these past few days but she was already creating another incident.

I slowly walked in her direction. Soon enough, the servants discovered me and bowed their heads deeply.

“What is all this?”

“Your Highness! I have a proposal!”

The servants who had opened their mouths to respond closed and opened their mouths like a goldfish. It was because Yuriel had rapidly made her move.

I stopped for a moment before passing her by without a second glance.

“Your Highness! Please listen to me! It is about Essen Velrod! You will regret it if you don’t hear me out!”

I looked behind me.

“What are you doing? Follow.”

With my eyes, I dismissed the others who were holding onto Yuriel. Yuriel glared at each of them in turn and scurried over to follow.

I took Yuriel and arrived at the reception room of my chambers. When I smoothed my skirts and leaned back into the sofa, even though I hadn’t said anything, Yuriel knelt in front of me of her own will.

“Although I do not know the reason you spared me, please allow me to repay that grace.”


I laughed at the obvious ploy.

“Are you asking me to make you my personal maid?”

“I have talked it over with Lord Velrod.”

Yuriel looked up at me with self-satisfaction. And eyes filled with the certainty and hope that I would not reject her. But the words that came from her mouth….

“He said that he would attend to Your Highness every night as before. Didn’t you like him?”

Her cutely smiling face couldn’t be more nauseating.

I automatically clenched my fist.

“….If you value your life, stop right there.”

Don’t make it so I won’t feel guilty for killing you.

“I don’t know what you told him before coming here…. but is that something you should be doing?”

“I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to say…”

“How can you tell that person to sell his body for your sake?”

What expression did you have when you told him to go into the bedroom of another woman, not to mention his enemy, every night for your sake?

“What do you want exactly for you to go that far?”

“….Isn’t it Your Highness that has more that you could ever want?”

I gave Yuriel a piercing look.

“Does it bother you that I own even that? Should I tell him to give Your Highness his heart too?”

Yuriel said, like a person who couldn’t fathom why I was angry.

“….I will never let things go the way you want.”

I proclaimed quietly. While looking into Yuriel’s eyes, while observing her face as if to confirm it, while memorizing everything about this moment.

“So give it up.”


An unknown bug has occurred!

You have discovered a new branch point.

Due to the princess’s change of heart, a hidden ending has been activated.

You can select the hidden ending ‘Happiness of Now’(000).

You can escape the long shadow of death and the whirlpool of destiny.

And you will eternally give up on endless honor and unimaginable fortune.

The unfinished routes that were in progress will be closed.

-Unfinished routes : Robia Juranne, Eclot Pacis

You will not be able to go back so please choose carefully.

Will you select ‘Happiness of Now’(000)? Following your selection, you will immediately enter the ending?

I lost my words. Hurry and choose, Yuriel. The one opportunity for both of us to live.

Although I didn’t know if that would result in us receiving eternal rest, returning to our original world, or being left here forever.

Since this is the only happy ending where both of us will end up alive.

“What is there for someone like me to give up? I was only trying to help Your Highness…”

But what Yuriel did was.

The hidden ending ‘Happiness of Now’(000) will be destroyed.

She chose ‘do not select’. Without a hint of hesitation.

I stared at Yuriel in disbelief.

On nights where I couldn’t sleep I had wondered. Maybe you were like me, brought here when you didn’t want it. Maybe you were being forced by some inescapable, unseen something to proceed with the captures and play this game.

Because the only ones who could see this damn game window were you and me. Because that meant that I wasn’t the only outsider in this world. Because secretly, that was such a relief.

I had thought that at some point I might be able to tell you everything and ask for your help. I wondered if there was no reason for us to be fighting. So I had always held some hopes for you.

But if you truly were wishing for my death. If that was your immutable truth and clear desire.

“Your Highness. If you ever change your mind, let me know. If your nights are lonely. Any time.”

As though she was certain that I would definitely seek her out again, Yuriel confidently stood up.

“Thank you for hearing me out. I am grateful for your great magnanimity.”

“That will never happen. Tell him that.”

At my words, her smiling face momentarily fell apart but Yuriel quickly fixed her expression.

She walked out on her own two feet.

The door closed.

Finally, I accepted it. Although Yuriel and I had started out the same way, right now we were walking completely different paths. Therefore, we could never be on the same side in any instant, and we were undeniably, enemies.

I wasn’t going to run. I wasn’t going to let anything be taken away, and I wouldn’t let anyone fall into ruin.


Will you use the skill ‘Sincere Voice’? Y/N

You have used the consumable item ‘Focus(1)’.

You have used the consumable item ‘Interest(3)’.

Eloquence increases by 200%. 

The servant ‘Kyle’ is convinced by your eloquence.

Failure! They do not have the desired information.

Desired information? What exactly did that mean?

I sat up. Yuriel probably couldn’t even imagine it. That I was spying on her game window. And this would someday save me.

About ten or so minutes later the same game window popped up. And.

The servant ‘Yuri’ is convinced by your eloquence.

Failure! They do not have the desired information.

The servant ‘Evan’ is convinced by your eloquence.

Critical! ‘Interest’ is super effective.

Success! You have acquired the information.

Will you check the acquired information? Y/N

‘The stair landing on the east side of the hallway on the third floor with the princess’s bedroom’

The moment that window popped up, I ran outside of the room.


“Huh? You’re not supposed to be here.”

Daisy scrunched her face as soon as she saw Yuriel.

“Aren’t you under a restraining order?”

“I guess you haven’t heard. I came in with Her Highness.”

“Ah, that scene you made out in front?”

With a smile on her face, Yuriel quietly ground her teeth.

“Anyway… the order was just reversed.”

“It was reversed?”

Yuriel slowly approached the bottom of the stair landing where Daisy was.

“Like you said, Her Highness was a benevolent and compassionate person. Because our conversation went well, I’ve been assigned to be her personal maid starting today. And now I’m on my way to do my first task.”

“….But why are you getting so close?”

“Because there’s something I need to talk to you about.”


“Her Highness was saying how her time alone with you was so delightful.”

“Wow, she could have told me that herself. Her Highness is too much!”

Daisy put her hands on her cheeks and twisted her body from side to side. For a moment, the corner of Yuriel’s mouth trembled but she immediately put herself in order.

“Maybe that’s why but she said she had something she wanted you to do in secret. You only need to deliver this note. Do you understand?”

“To whom? Now?”

Yuriel gripped Daisy’s forearm and pulled.

“It’s not a suggestion but a command so it would be good to follow it. Of course, if it’s you, you’ll definitely do it, won’t you? You said you would work hard for Her Highness.”

Daisy nodded her head in slight bewilderment. Then, with a satisfied smile, Yuriel lowered her voice and whispered,

“Right now in the outer palace…”

Right then, Yuriel’s wrist which had been holding the note was lifted up high.


At the strong pressure, Yuriel scrunched her face and turned her head then froze.

“What do you mean what. It’s me, Yuriel.”

The one who was clutching Yuriel’s wrist, and looking down at her with a slow smile, was the princess.

The princess easily took the note in Yuriel’s hand and waved it.

“I don’t think I remember ordering anything?”

Yuriel stared at the princess in disbelief.

I let her arm go and stepped back.

“Shall I see. This command I supposedly gave.”

I kept my eyes on Yuriel while I slowly opened the note.

“Your Highness, I was, so what I mean is….”

Yuriel’s pupils shook continuously. I slowly read the words written in the note out loud.

“I am sending her as a welcome gift in hopes that you recover well from the fatigue of your travels. ….The girl is still young and thus knows nothing but she should suit my lord’s tastes.”

“Your Highness! I, I can explain! Please-.”

“You will understand what I mean when I say you do not need to return her. Enjoy her to you heart’s content and take care of the cleanup yourself….”

Unable to read it to the end, I crumpled the paper in my hand. My clenched fist trembled.

I had heard the news that, starting a few days ago, nobles from the provinces had been coming up to the capital to participate in the Grand Assembly.


Plop. At the same time that my hand opened and the crumpled paper dropped to the floor.


This little.

With the same hand, I grabbed Yuriel’s collar. Yuriel teetered one, two steps toward me.

“Yuriel, Yuriel.”


“This is good. Really.”

If it had been the original princess, this much wouldn’t have been even surprising. I crooked my lips and laughed.

“People would surely believe I did it after the fact.”


“You thought that too, which is why you did it. Isn’t that right?”

Seeing her keep her mouth shut like a clam and her gaze lowered now that she felt at a disadvantage, I felt my anger rise.

Since she had acted immediately after leaving the room, it meant she had planned it. A plan directly targeting this girl.

“Exactly what is your reason for doing this? What benefit do you get from doing that to that girl?”


Yuriel was consistent in her lack of response. No doubt she was furiously thinking of how to get herself out of this situation.

But she wouldn’t be able to find a solution. That was because I had no intention of laying my anger to rest, no matter the reason.

Ultimately, Yuriel’s face crumbled and she bit her lip.


Will you attempt Weakness Discovery(1)?

Attempting. 3%……


“Answer, now!”

I gripped Yuriel’s collar tighter.



Weakness Discovery was successful!

Weakness Discovery(0) has been consumed.

Will you check the ‘Weakness’? Y/N

Now that I thought about it, the first time I had seen the ‘weakness discovery’ window, I had been alone with Daisy.

I hadn’t even considered it but if she had witnessed that scene……

Then it was my fault. That the girl had almost become a victim.

[A Useless Weakness(017)]

[Character] Daisy Peren(16)

Although it wasn’t a failure, it’s a poor enough weakness to make one think you might be barking up the wrong tree. Using this weakness will only make the princess angry so it is advisable that you do not scratch at it and make it a boil but rather eternally bury it. If you value your life, that is. 

Yuriel’s face darkened.

Upon seeing the sight, an irritable laugh burst from me before I quieted.

I felt Daisy scared and deathly still at my anger but….

“How do you see her?”

I pressed on without giving Yuriel a chance to respond.

“How could you do this kind of thing! How can you be so low!”

I shook the hand holding onto her collar. Yuriel looked straight up into my eyes and shouted,

“It was all for Your Highness! I just wanted to be of help to you! I wanted to be forgiven for my past mistakes! It’s true! The nobleman I was trying to send that girl to controls the real power in the south and-.”


Even to my ears, it was a vicious outburst. Enough to make the walls ring. How much more disappointed do I have to be in you for this all to end?

I closed and open my eyes. A just barely calm voice flowed from my lips.

“I’m so grateful that you care about me so much.”

Even to Yuriel, the words were out-of-the-blue.

“Now that I’m thinking about it, it’s not a bad idea.”

Suddenly, from beside us, Daisy began to hiccup.

I let go of Yuriel’s collar and picked up the paper. Then I grabbed Yuriel’s hand, pulled it toward me, and made her clutch the paper.

“You go.”

Smiling sweetly, I clasped her hand in both of mine and patted it.


I didn’t let go when Yuriel instinctively tried to pull her hand out and I said,


“Yuriel. Leaving your assigned place, are you in your right mind?”

I heard an unfamiliar voice.

When I slowly looked back, a woman in an old fashioned outfit with half-white hair styled high and not a strand out of place, along with the comparatively familiar head maid of my palace, were standing there. When the head maid met my eyes, she bowed her head deeply.

“….Your Highness.”

The woman next to her also showed her respect one step late. Although she had made a show of not seeing me in her search for Yuriel, I could conjecture the truth quite easily. That she had done so in order to cut me off.

“Who is this?”

“This is the head maid from the emperor’s palace.”

Ahh. I remembered seeing her pass by the emperor’s side a few times while we dined.

I got a bad feeling. Why had the head maid of the emperor’s palace come to find Yuriel?

The woman came closer and standing next to Yuriel, she lowered her eyes and said,

“Your Highness. She made a breach of etiquette. Please forgive her.”

Afterwards, in a way that suggested she was keenly aware of my eyes, she began scolding Yuriel.

“No matter that you were trying to carry out orders, this is the princess’s palace. You must not act of your own volition. Is that not why Her Highness is so displeased?”

“Head maid.”


“What are you saying?”


[The Emperor’s Interest – 1]

The emperor is very curious about you who have stolen two of the princess’s men and yet have survived the princess. He wants to know about you. As long as his curiosity continues, no one in this palace can harm you. Not even the princess. 

However, because the emperor is very fickle he quickly tires of most things. While his curiosity continues, successfully have 6 Fateful Encounters with him.

[Remaining Time for the Event]

1 day 23:59:09

(*The event time may be renewed.)

[Current Progress]

Number of Fateful Encounters : 0/6

[Reward Upon Successful Completion]

‘Yelfortz Enze Cecilia’ Special Route Open

…..A special route will open, for real?

It was the first time the words ‘special route’ had come up. And wasn’t ‘Yelfortz’ the name of the current emperor and the princess’s brother.

I had thought I had felt chills but there was a reason. It seemed the emperor really planned to kill his sister.

Of course, there was no way I would leave it at that.

So what was making me angry in this moment wasn’t something like that.

‘As long as his curiosity continues, no one in this palace can harm you. Not even the princess.’

Taking advantage of the fact that my grip had loosened, Yuriel pulled out her hand. The note once again fell to the floor.

The head maid nimbly picked up the note. And she skimmed over it expressionlessly.

“I apologize for troubling you, Your Highness.”

“Do you think I asked to get an apology?”

“Your Highness, everything was the emperor’s-.”

“I have no intention of giving Yuriel up. At least not with her body in good condition.”

I wasn’t really going to send her in Daisy’s place. But I had to make it so Yuriel would never want to do something like this again.

“Your Highness. Please calm down. His Majesty separately ordered this servant to do so. If you want to punish someone, please punish me since I was the one who delivered His Majesty’s orders to this girl.”

Ridiculous. Yuriel had done it for her ‘weakness discovery’. There was no way the emperor had been involved with that.

In summary it was like this. If you punished someone following the emperor’s orders, it was no different from an insult to the emperor himself.

Right now, in front of me, she was using the emperor’s name to save Yuriel. Because she was someone the emperor was interested in.

“The emperor ordered it? Can you say that even after reading that?”

You only learned what Yuriel was trying to do after reading that note.

“I do not dare to understand His Majesty’s intention, but seeing as how Your Highness has been indifferent toward the rural nobles, I wonder if he was not trying to establish connections for you even to the extent of borrowing your name.”

Could you make it any more obvious that you’re lying.

“As the emperor would like to see this girl again, if you could postpone the punishment for her coming here in defiance of your orders…”

Seeing her speak so smoothly without changing her expression, my insides boiled.

“Even so! Even if it is the emperor! You cannot take my servant as you please. I must see the emperor right this moment. I cannot hand her over before that! You there!”

The soldier who had been standing at the end of the hall scrambled over to the landing.

“Detain her!”

In that moment, I was truly the princess. I turned around and began walking.

Before I knew it, I was running, and I threw away my heels which were in the way.

Soon, breathing hard and barefoot, I arrived in front of the emperor’s palace. The soldier who had been standing guard jumped in fright and even before he said anything, he flung open the door.

I proceeded to the hallway where the emperor’s office was.

I saw someone hastily run over from the opposite side and charge into the emperor’s office.

Was I too late. Even as I gasped for breath, I chased after them half a step late.

A servant in green was already whispering something in the emperor’s ear.

I plowed barefoot through the soldiers and servants who didn’t dare to stop me – I probably made quite the sight – and came right up to the emperor’s nose.

“Ah, Ria. That is… No, why do you look like that?”

Then, bam!

Purposely making noise, I put my hands on the armrests of the chair the emperor was sitting in.

“Your Majesty.”

“Y, yes.”

“You called for Yuriel?”

“….You must be very angry because I gave that order without you knowing.”

Lies. How could someone who called himself an emperor.

Even if I tried to press him about his real purpose here, it was impossible that he would tell me the truth.

I lowered my head more and looked down into his eyes. The emperor’s face, which was covered by my shadow, scrunched as if he were feeling troubled.

“Yuriel will not be coming.”


The emperor’s face gradually hardened.

“Are you saying that you will disobey my command? I didn’t have much time so I used your servant for your sake, but I will make sure something like this doesn’t happen again so….”

“Yes, it should not. And, I was not talking about that.”


“She disobeyed my restraining order. I am thinking of handling this according to imperial law. It is not urgent, is it? Or, do you need that girl now? Your Majesty?”

“…..Alright. That was certainly her mistake.”

“I will not kill her so do not worry, and please rescind your command that she come immediately.”

“…..I will do so.”

I slowly straightened my upper body. The anger which had been sloshing in my entire body had subsided, but with my whole body I felt that a hard, hot lump had formed beneath my heart.

Even though I was looking over it now, I would not forget this. Ever.

I was about to turn around but unable to hold back, I said one thing.

“Have you fallen for her.”

The emperor’s face became filled with surprise. Not like a guilty person, but rather, like someone who had never considered the possibility.

But…. it would soon become like that.


You have entered the ‘Confinement’ state.

The event ‘The Emperor’s Summons’ will automatically be canceled.

Did it say she needed 6 fateful encounters.

I knew. The truth that those would not be fateful encounters.

The emperor had already changed.

Darkness was distinctly dying the inside of the room. I sat back in my chair and massaged my brows.

“What happened?”

“They say that she received nine lashes.”

Yuriel had been caught while trying to do something in the hall outside my bedchambers, which she had been restricted from accessing. I had heard that she had been sentenced to flogging as an appropriate punishment for the crime.

If it was nine lashes, it would be painful for some time to stand and walk or sit. Since her muscles would have ruptured.

I was quiet for a moment before I asked.

“And Daisy?”

“She has been told to rest up until tomorrow. And she has returned to her quarters now.”

“I understand. You may leave.”

I raised up my tired body and walked to the bed. Like a doll with its strings cut, I fell onto the bed.

Then I naturally remembered.

Today too. He hadn’t come today too.

If he wouldn’t come I could just call for him. Since he was my concubine.


If I thought about what happened to Daisy today, there was no guarantee that Yuriel wouldn’t target Nadricka in the future.

My head throbbed.

I should, keep a little distance. From him.

Truthfully, the person Nadricka was seeing wasn’t me but the princess. And even if I treasured him, he would only remember me as the princess. The truth that I had tried to keep at bay creeped into my thoughts and filled my head.

Wasn’t the reason that he wanted my love because I was wearing the princess’s face too.

I closed my eyes.



Nadricka carefully opened the door and stepped inside. Moonlight was spilling into the dark room.

He stopped on his way to the bed.

The princess was sleeping curled up at the edge of the bed. He hesitated as he approached.

He wordlessly stared at her cheek, pale in the moonlight, before kneeling in front of her.

“Your Highness…..”

His eyes held a mix of emotions. Nadricka put his hands under the princess’s neck and knees and laid her into a comfortable position. He cautiously pulled the covers up to her chin and then, slowly lowered his head.

Not daring to breathe, he brought his lips to the princess’s forehead before drawing back.

“Please, have sweet dreams.”



With a stern expression, I stole Robia’s wine glass. He furrowed his brows as if he couldn’t understand the reason.

“You’re going to drink in front of me?”

As if he had just remembered what he had done to me in a drunken fit, he embarrassedly withdrew his hand.

“How much exactly did you have to drink then?”


Robia pretended not to hear me and poked at his innocent salad with his fork.

“Tch. You were at least cute when you were drunk.”

I said to myself. He choked on his salad.

I laughed and drank a sip of wine. Robia coughed a few more times before he finally lifted his head.

“Do you want me to hit you on the back?”

“I’m good.”

It was lunchtime by the time the lesson had ended, so we were eating together.

Robia continued coughing as he pulled his water glass to himself.

Right then, the door burst open. Dragging along a maid who was trying with all her might to stop her, Daisy rushed in.

“Your Highness!”


Daisy collapsed in front of me and bowed her head.

“Please don’t throw me away!”

“What do you mean.”

“Why are you telling me to go to another palace! Huu huu.”

Daisy, who had been speaking normally, began crying as her emotions surged.

“Everyone is so eager to get out of this palace but why are you crying?”

There was the incident from before and she was probably shocked so I had just been trying to send her to another palace.

And Yuriel would just go into the emperor’s palace even if I sent her away. Plus, it was even more worrying not having her where I could see her.

“I don’t want to go to another palace! I want to stay by Your Highness’s side!”

I had only reached out a hand to calm her, but Daisy jumped into my arms. I had to admit, it was cute how her body was all warm from crying.

This girl and her tastes….

I could tell from the way Robia, who was usually expressionless, was giving Daisy a strange look.

Well, whatever.

“Fine, do what you want. I don’t dislike you either.”

“Your Highness!”

Daisy called out to me joyfully. Meanwhile, the maid who had been brought in front me while trying to stop Daisy was darting her eyes uneasily and backing away. When our eyes met and I nodded my permission, the maid showed her obvious relief and escaped.

I softly caressed Daisy’s messy hair. What would I do if I didn’t at least have Daisy.



You are freed from the state ‘Confinement’.

You remain in the state ‘Weakness’.

Essen Velrod has come to take you to your room. Will you go with him? Even if you may be unable to discover a hidden event in the process?

A. Refuse.

B. Return together.

C. Ask him to stay with you because you want to walk for a bit.

I was leaning against the headboard of the bed with my legs crossed. Blue moonlight poured in from between the curtains and was wetting my feet. I motionlessly observed the system window.

I knew for sure that she would try something the moment was set free from jail. At times like these she gelled so well with the system window.

Where will you go?

A. The garden of the main palace

B. The emperor’s bedchambers

C. ‘Yuriel Rose’s’ room

I pulled on a thick brown overcoat and set off from my room. The soldiers who were guarding my room saluted me.

They asked me if I wanted them to follow but I said that I would go alone. I couldn’t show them the rough side of me.

The garden at night was full of the sound of wind. Following the wind which seemed to hold its breath, the swaying leaves screamed while bumping against each other.

I stood silently while I was watching Yuriel approach from far away. Yuriel seemed not to notice me as she leaned against tree trunks and stepped with difficulty.

In the middle, she collapsed once or twice and each time seemed to spit out curses while hitting the ground.

Sure, it must hurt. She probably hadn’t gotten proper painkillers so walking like normal was impossible.

I recognized the emperor absentmindedly standing in the moonlight at the bottom of the hill behind me. Although I didn’t know what was bothering him so much that he had decided to come out for a walk in the middle of the night, I had no intention of allowing the two to meet.

Let the system be plagued with bugs for all I care.

As Yuriel was about to pass me by without seeing me I called out to Yuriel.


Yuriel flinched and looked back at me. I confirmed shock and fear weakly flash across her face.

“Are you planning to kill me?”

“Why would I show you my face if I were going to kill you?”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“You were the one who started it.”

I crossed my arms and tilted my head back as I leaned against a tree. Yuriel squarely met my eyes and responded.

“No, it’s not that. I just thought it was weird.”


“Why you spared me. I thought you might be trying to do something about Lord Velrod but it doesn’t seem to be that. Why?”

She was a special one as always. Particularly the way she could ask why I’d spared her without changing the color of her face.

“Aren’t you like this because you know the reason?”


“You’re doing all kinds of things because you think I won’t kill you.”

Yuriel suddenly smiled sweetly.

“Like I thought, there’s something you’re hiding from me. Right? Or maybe I already know the secret.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

I stood up straight and slowly walked to her. I hung my arms from Yuriel’s shoulders and tilted my head to her ear.

“When I feel like you’ve done enough to kill you, you’ll die.”

In the dark, our eyes locked. Reflected in Yuriel’s red irises and black pupils, I could see my blue eyes.

I clasped Yuriel’s face and brought my face right in front of her nose.

“Think carefully. Think and think some more, Yuriel.”

Yuriel stared at me as if entranced. And she showed an ambiguous smile.

“Thank you for the warning, Your Highness.”

“Then should we see how well you understood it?”

I quickly distanced myself from her and laughed. As my laughter subsided, I commanded.

“Get out of my sight right now, Yuriel.”

“I receive your command, Your Highness.”

Yuriel bent her knees slightly at me in response.

Yuriel returned, just like that. I skimmed over the place where the emperor had been standing dumbly, but the emperor had also disappeared.

Congratulations! You have encountered the emperor!


I doubted my eyes when I saw the system window appear in front of my eyes the moment I arrived at my room.

You have collected ‘Fateful Encounter’ #1.

TIP/ The event period will be adjusted according to the duration of the Encounter. Try to extend the Encounter for as long as possible.

You encountered the emperor pacing outside your room. At the unexpected encounter, the emperor is quite shocked. This is because he believed that you would surely be sleeping inside of your room. If you don’t catch him now he may escape?

A. Pretend not to know who he is.

B. Tell him to come into the room with you.


Yuriel selected C. Then again, there was no one who would leave a passed-out person.

Critical! Affection raises by 99.

Critical! Affection raises by 80.

Critical! Affection raises by 80.

Critical! Affection raises by 100.

I glared at the system window that continued to pop up. Seemed he was completely prepared to fall in love. The rate at which he was developing feelings was really something.

You have achieved the necessary affection level to open the route.

Had things really come to this point.

Was there no way to evade it. It felt like I was being told that no matter how I struggled, what was meant to happen would happen.

It might be that the one I had to fight wasn’t Yuriel but the entity beyond the system window.

You have not yet achieved the necessary achievements to open the route.

Note/ ‘Fateful Encounter’(1/6)

You have acquired a lead.

Leads you have collected until now(4/5)

Will you check the acquired lead right now? Y/N

Lead? I knitted my brows when I saw the unfamiliar system window.

It seemed I wouldn’t even be able to sleep well at night from now on. I ground my teeth.


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