Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ - Chapter 173

Chapter 173


“Sorry for calling you all of sudden . ”

“No, it’s fine . What do you need from me?”

Today, we were called to the Knights Order by the second prince, Felix-sama, who also acts as the Knight Commander .

“I have a request for you, Takumi-dono . ”

“A request, is it?”

“Yes, I’d like for you to go together with Alfried to the Meat Dungeon . ”

“Meat, dungeon… is it?”

There, he asked me to accompany Al-sama to a dungeon, but… I was puzzled by the name of the dungeon that was unknown to me .

That’s because I have no knowledge of this “Meat Dungeon” . The knowledge I possess has been inserted by Syl, so I was sure there were 108 dungeons in total .

That’s why even though I am aware of dungeons the people of Aetherdia aren’t, the opposite shouldn’t be possible .

“Your Highness, Takumi-san might not be aware of the dungeon’s popular nickname . ”

“N? Ahh, I see . Pardon me, Takumi-dono . The Meat Dungeon I am talking about is the 65th Dungeon ‘Huge Animals . ’”

When pointed out by Isaac-san who was also present, Felix-sama corrected himself .

I see, it was a nickname . Yep, that would explain why it isn’t among my knowledge .

… Rather, I have been going to the castle (meeting with the royalty) quite a lot recently, and Isaac-san seems to have been nominated as the person in charge of me, but is that just my imagination? Moreover, he followed-up for me many times already too~

Is it perhaps because he’s from the Risner family that became our guardians… or something? But, Wald-sama would be in the same position then, but Wald-sama is not here . Well, I am sorry to Wald-sama, but I would not like being followed-up by him~

“That dungeon is full of large monsters, you see . Additionally, the dropped items are mostly edible meats, that’s why it’s called ‘Meat Dungeon’ by the public . ”


“Dungeon of Huge Animals” is one of the intermediate dungeons, it has no attribute, it’s a dungeon of a special class, and it’s apparently very close to the Capital .

“Al-sama is going to that very dungeon? A prince is?”

“Yeah, there are some circumstances because of which Alfried has to go personally . ”

“Would it be better for me to not ask what those circumstances are?”

“No, it’s not like it’s a secret or anything . That… a cunning, nagging old man has assigned duty for Alfried to complete… then this and that happened, you see . ”


I don’t know what that cunning old man said, but Al-sama has to go to the dungeon because of that?

Yep, I don’t get it . Well, looking at the evasive Felix-sama, I can tell it’s nothing worthy .

After all is said and done, he named the other party as a cunning old man .

“And so, the request for me is to act as his guard?”

“Yes . We intend on adding a few Knights as guards too . There’s a difference between the having the knowledge and experiencing the dungeons for yourself, after all . I would like you to accompany him as well, Takumi-dono . ”

So we aren’t the sole guards?

In that case, were something to happen, we can keep the monsters company while the Knights protect Al-sama . Something like that?

“Is capturing the dungeon not the objective then? Do you have a number of floors in mind?”

“Far from capturing the dungeon itself . The objective this time is to obtain the meat of Flamesaurus that resides on the twelfth floor . ”

“Flamesaurus meat, is it?”

Flamesaurus, huh . A C-ranked, huge lizard that bursts into flames .


Allen and Elena who were obedient up until now showed great interest when talking about meat .

They have not eaten Flamesaurus meat before, after all~

“N? The Flamesaurus meat? It’s quite delicious meat . ”

“Allen wants to eat~”

“Elena too~”

“”Let’s go, to the dungeon~!””

Hearing that it’s delicious, the children were suddenly eager to go .

And, they pulled on my clothes as if saying “Let’s go immediately . ”

“Hey, hey, we are still in the middle of the talk, no?”

When I cautioned the children, they both stared fixedly at Felix-sama .

“… Err, so, may I believe that you have accepted the request?”

Felix-sama’s words were clogged up after being silently stared at by Allen and Elena, but he immediately continued the talk .

“Yes, if you consent for the children going too, then I will accept . ”

“Naturally . Thank you for accepting . ”

After accepting the request from Felix-sama, we went to meet with Al-sama straight away .

That’s because Al-sama will be the one telling us the details and the date of departure .

“Sorry about this, Takumi . ”

After meeting up with Al-sama, his first words were those of apology .

We really just met, so I stiffened for a little in surprise .

“Eh? Wha, Al-sama? What’s the matter?”

“What are you saying, did I not get you involved like this, this time?”

“Get us involved? How did it turn out like that? I was only offered a request, which I accepted, you know?”

The reason we are going to the dungeon is because I heard the story and decided to accept the request . I definitely wasn’t dragged into the matter, and definitely not coerced .

“That’s ture . However…”

Although I did not blame him, Al-sama felt complicated and couldn’t consent .

“”Let’s quickly go, to the dungeon~?””

“As you can see, my children are this eager to go, so you don’t really have to mind it . —— Allen, Elena, it’s not your first time meeting, but you should at least introduce yourselves . ”

When I urged the children to introduce themselves to Al-sama after recalling their first time meeting with him, the children cheerfully introduced themselves .

“The yummy meat~”

“Will gather lots~”

And, they exposed their appetite .

“Meat is certainly this time’s objective, but… we won’t be getting that much, you know?”

“”No way~ lots~!””

“You are going to get many?”

“”Yeah, many~!””

“… Takumi, these children seem to be in extremely high spirits . ”

Al-sama was slightly dumbfounded by the children’s state .

“Yes, that is so . And so, have you decided on the time of departure?”

“I am ready any time as long as the Knights that are going to accompany us are decided . ”

“Your Highness, please excuse me for cutting in your conversation, but the Knights that will accompany you to the dungeon have been already selected . ”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, we were already officially notified by His Highness Felix-sama . ”

Najack-sama informed us that the knights who will be accompanying Al-sama to the dungeon as guards were already selected .

“I see… but, Takumi heard about it only today, right? Don’t you have preparations to make?”

“No, we are ready any time . Even if you say ‘Let us go right away’ that is . ”

“As expected, going right away would not be possible . ”

“Hahaha~ I know . ”

Even though we would be good to go even if Al-sama said “Let’s depart right away then” I understand that it would not be possible .

“Then, how about three days later?”

“Yes, I understand . ”

The day of departure to the dungeon has been settled on three days from now on .

“”Ehh~ we are not going today~?””

Allen and Elena were dissatisfied with these three days .

The two definitely want to go to the dungeon right about now .

“Don’t you guys want to have delicious meals in the dungeon?”

“Delish . ”

“Meals . ”


“I will prepare many tasty meals before going to the dungeon . Look, I might make some snacks too, you know?”

Although I could cook something on the spot, having something ready to eat in the Infinite Storage would make me more at ease . Besides, it might be good to prepare some snacks for when they get hungry .

“Got it~!”

“Three days~!”

When I pulled the trump card that are snacks, Allen and Elena immediately agreed with the three days .

Being raised by me who loves to eat, the two also cannot win against food~ I have to repeatedly teach them not to follow strangers that offer them delicious sweets .

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