I’m An Interdimensional Login Interface - Chapter 45

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“… So, you’re saying that there are three other camps besides yours in the Seventh District. But, two of these camps had been breached by monsters recently, and only a few people have escaped to your camp.”

Inside the small room, Meng Yang quietly listened to the news that Gussa had brought him. His heart was quite restless for a while.

The plight of the people living here was more difficult than he had imagined.

There were thirteen districts in the City of Despair, which Meng Yang had figured out from Phoenix and the others’ stories. The whole city was basically a fortification, and only the north had a long and tall wall.

The entire Wall of Despair ran from east to the west and stretched for tens of kilometers. It extended from the east to the endless sea of ​​sand; and west to the adjacent seashore. When viewed from a high altitude, the City of Despair’s urban pattern was basically similar to a long strip of city walls.

There were two reasons for this. One was that most people living in the City of Despair had been banished here from the east and west continents for hundreds of years. The places of exile were different, and many people were of different nationalities, and they were still viewed as the enemy before they landed on this continent. Gradually, they formed a primitive state of urban areas that gathered together but were not completely integrated.

On the other hand, it was also to resist monsters’ attacks on the Wall of Despair.

The siege of the monsters coming down from the north did not come occasionally, but all-pervasive. The lack of people in any period may endanger the safety of the entire city.

Over an extended period, these cities had gradually formed the thirteen districts.

Meng Yang’s survivor camp was currently located in the Ninth District, which was separated by a single district from the Seventh District, where Gussa had come from. In addition to this, many places in the city were infested with various monsters, making it extremely difficult for people to communicate.

The lives of ordinary people outside the camp could be considered a constant battle. Only people with extraordinary abilities like Phoenix and Gussa could move about without much difficulty.

“There are more and more monsters appearing around our camp, and I’m afraid we won’t last any longer.”

Gussa stood up and sat on the simple wooden bed. He watched Meng Yang, who was lost in thought, and added.

“There are more and more monsters appearing?” Meng Yang was slightly confused when he heard this. “Were there no monsters previously in your camp?”

Gussa shook his head. “No, there are many monsters near our camp, especially when the City of Despair fell, as our location was the main focal point. Hence, a large number of powerful creatures gathered. However, as time went by, the monsters eventually left and went to other places. Only recently…”

“A lot of monsters have been gathering recently?”

Phoenix joined in the conversation between Meng Yang and Gussa almost unnoticeably. There was a rare solemn expression on her usually calm face. She continued while looking at Meng Yang, “I met a bright firebird when we were on the road to find the magic crystals. These kinds of monsters rarely came close to the City of Despair in the past. The gnolls’ attack on our camp revealed quite a lot of information. Generally speaking, tribes like the gnolls would not launch attacks against human camps, even with their strength. They are deceitful but fearful creatures. Also, the saw-toothed tiger that was harassing our camp… its attacks have been increasing as well.”

“What are you implying, Phoenix?” Hera, who had been standing quietly beside her, suddenly asked.

Gussa, whose face was full of helplessness and pain, fixed his eyes upon Phoenix at the same time.

“I’m just saying that…” Phoenix replied slowly, “The abnormality in their movements is not without reason.”

“Are you saying that…”

As soon as Phoenix finished speaking, both Gussa and Hera’s expressions changed.

Meng Yang was the only one still left in the dark. Well, there was also Sun Shuai, who had been eavesdropping from a distance.

“What in the world is going on?”

Meng Yang noticed the change in the people’s expressions and instantly got a bad feeling.

“There’s an incoming Magic Tide!”

Hera and Gussa cried almost in unison, and their faces turned extremely distraught.

“If a Magic Tide is approaching, then the camps where humans exist are meaningless. We’ll either be breached by the monsters sooner or be left unable to escape our fate later.”

Gussa smiled bitterly. After the robust middle-aged man uttered the words ‘Incoming Magic Tide’, it seemed as if his whole body had been beaten to a pulp as he slowly sunk into the ground.

“How could this be?”

Hera murmured beside him; her gaze turned hollow as if she was reminiscing something fearful.

“This is merely a guess,” Phoenix glanced at Hera and Gussa, who looked crushed, and continued lightly again, “After all, we can’t completely be sure at this moment.”

“It must be the case,” Gussa sighed. His eyes seemed to have lost all focus and hope. “I had noticed that the surrounding monsters were moving more frequently recently.”

“Well, can you guys tell me exactly what is happening? What’s a Magic Tide?” Meng Yang looked at their expressions and could not help but ask again.

As he stood in the corner, no one seemed to notice that Sun Shuai was already slightly shaking.

“It’s a big inside story. A huge inner plot. This must be the highlight of the next storyline. F*ck, I’m so excited. I should be the first player to know about this!”

There seemed to be a moment of silence in the room.

After a while, Phoenix looked at Meng Yang and slowly explained, ‘Your Excellency Meng Yang, do you know why this place was called the City of Despair, and why this continent was named the Land of the Forgotten? It’s because this is not a place where humans can live. There’s no hope here.”

“No hope?” Meng Yang raised his eyebrows. He had noticed the pessimism of the people living in the City of Despair before, but hearing this sentence coming out of the strong and powerful Phoenix’s mouth caught him completely off guard.

“Although this place is called the Land of the Forgotten, we never actually discovered how big this continent is because it’s full of monsters and Extraordinary Species. The only place we can survive is in this small area around the City of Despair.

“Moreover, this continent will produce an extraordinary energy surge every once in a while. The people who were initially banished here called it the Magical Tidal Wave, also known as the Magic Tide. There’s no definite time and rhythm to it, but every time it appears, the monsters living here become more violent and crazy. The City of Despair was established to withstand the arrival of these monsters. Of course, at the time, it was not yet called the land of the exiled…”

Phoenix spoke in a calm voice, but Meng Yang felt that many things had suddenly become more apparent now.

Now, he finally knew how the Forest of Bones outside the City of Despair had been formed and why the City of Despair walls were built so magnificently. It was all due to the Magic Tide’s appearance, which made various monsters and beasts restless and which drove them to start attacking the City of Despair.

For in a world where monsters existed, the fall of the City of Despair had naturally caused the people who lived here to lose the only protective barrier they could rely on. The only thing they could do after this was a struggle for survival at death’s door.

Meng Yang did not really understand what the Magic Tide actually was, but looking at these people’s faces, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Some monsters or Extraordinary Species that appeared were small characters, such as the pig-headed monster, the gnolls, and saw-toothed tigers. Moreover, there was not a lot of them. If tens of thousands of Extraordinary Species rioted at the same time, he was afraid that the remaining human beings would not even be able to withstand a single splash from this oncoming tide.

The City of Despair was previously destroyed due to the eruption of a Magic Tide. The humans were unable to resist the attacks, and in the end, only a few people in the city were lucky enough to survive.

Even so, the survivors struggled to carve out a living in the shadows of these various monsters and Extraordinary Species.

“Then… when do you think the Magic Tide will erupt?” Meng Yang swallowed his saliva as he tried to digest this astonishing piece of news. He lifted his head as he asked the group.

If it was really as bad as they had described, Meng Yang was almost 100% sure that his small thin body would not survive this so-called Magic Tide.

Phoenix shook her head and said, “The exact time is difficult to determine, but basically, you will be able to notice a lot of the signs. For example, various Extraordinary Species will become more active; This is applicable for both beasts and monsters. Additionally, it will be easier for human beings to awaken the Extraordinary Seed.”

“I just can’t catch a break!”

Meng Yang heaved a loud sigh. After surviving the pig-head monster, followed by the gnolls’ attacks, he was finally feeling safe. Now, he had to receive the news that the Magic Tide was approaching.

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