I’m An Interdimensional Login Interface - Chapter 27

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Oh, I’ve resurrected!”

The battle was now in full swing, and a portion of the gnolls had already rushed through the bottom part of the fortress wall.

Figures solidified within the summoning circle inside the camp one by one before walking out again.

Li Yuncheng patted the back of his head, still feeling slightly dazed. He first looked at his arms and legs, then glanced around at his surroundings. He could hear the noise of battle in the distance, coming from the entrance of the fortress. Then, he suddenly snapped out of his daze.

He could remember it clearly. He was killed by a gnoll with an ax to his head. Even though he could barely feel anything due to the lowered pain settings, the scene of the attack was imprinted into his mind.

In an instant, he had returned to the resurrection point again, and he quickly became excited.

It was a completely different experience to personally experience resurrection as it was far more intimate than watching your character resurrect in-game. The inexplicable satisfaction of escaping death or being resurrected from the dead immediately filled his body.

 “F*ck, which one of the gnolls killed me? I’ll have to murder it for sure!”

After his excitement faded, it was quickly replaced with a wave of anger.

At that moment, more and more figures were appearing around him. There were guys and girls, some of them still with shocked expressions, while others were touching their chests, necks, heads, etc. After they realized that they were not injured, they screamed excitedly.

“I’m not dead, I’m alive again!”

One of the players who had resurrected in the summoning circle was as pale as a sheet of paper. He could barely stand and soon crumpled to the ground. At first, all he could do was gasp loudly, but then he had suddenly let out a loud cry.

Among those who were resurrected, some recognized that person as the sad sack who was the first one to rush blindly into battle. In the end, he was charged down by four or five jackals. They tore into him, and he was eventually bitten to death.

More importantly, this player had not reduced his pain settings to the lowest setting and still had about 20%. So, there was still some pain that lingered in his memory.

“After I kill those jackals, I will skin them and eat their meat.”

After that player laid on the ground for a while, he slowly recovered and stood up again. His eyes seemed to be bloodshot, and he rushed toward the fortress’s draw bridge in a fury.

“You s*ns of b*tches. Bah, yes you! I want revenge!”

As this player rushed out, more players, regardless of gender, slowly snapped back to their senses and started shouting.

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. This game is so addictive!”

“Revenge, revenge!”

“I’m still a little shocked, those creatures seem so real!”

“Don’t be a wimp, just do it!”

The sudden encounter just now was too realistic, and many people had been unable to react. This time, everyone was able to confirm that their bodies were fine after death and that they had recovered completely. With this, they were no longer afraid and were instead seeking revenge.

At that moment, most of them did not have any weapons. Previously, if they were caught in battle, they did not have a chance to react to the blow that killed them. They had left their weapons behind and were not wielding them when they resurrected. However, after their previous experience, most of them had become more imposing. Even some of the more timid players managed to muster up their courage.

On the other hand, the small portion of players who had rushed to the front and fought desperately against the gnolls no longer spent time or effort trying to prepare themselves mentally. Instead, the moment they were resurrected, they rushed toward the main entrance of the camp.

As they ran, they shouted, “Defend!”

At the same time, there was nothing to be said about the players who were already originally fighting desperately against the gnolls at the frontlines. These were the players who were whooping and praising the thrill of the battle, shouting louder than they had ever done before.

At that moment, outside the walls, Xu Zhe, Zhuang Dafa, Liu Chuanfeng and Sun Shuai were leading two or three players each, and were having a brutal fight against some gnolls that they had gotten caught up with.

Even so, the battle could not be compared to the one against the pig-headed monster. Even though there were more players, there were more enemies as well. Because of the lack of chemistry among the players as well as their disoriented psychological state, their planned strategies could not work properly, and the battle soon descended into chaos.

Ordinary gnolls’ combat strength was nothing to be laughed at. Their physical stamina and strength surpassed those of ordinary people. However, if they were faced with three or four players’ frenzied attacks, they were still at a disadvantage. The key to this was that the group of daring players could barely feel pain. It did not matter if they were holding swords, spears or bats, as long as they had something in their grasps, they would battle the gnolls without backing down.

“The gnolls have attacked the fortress entrance!”

As many players and gnolls were caught in battle, Xu Zhe, who had been paying attention to the overall situation, noticed that there were gnolls at the back who were starting to attack the fortress.

There were originally 24 attacking gnolls. After the battle began, thirteen of them got entangled with the players at the front while the remaining eleven gnolls flanked them and started attacking the players at the back. During the attack, they encountered a few players who desperately fought back, killing one of them. However, under the leadership of the gnoll leader, the remaining ten gnolls started their attack on the fortress.

Out of the thirteen gnolls that were entangled with Xu Zhe and the others, four of them had been killed by the players, and two of them were seriously injured, such that only seven remained. However, there were also only nine players left, and each of them was injured one way or the other. Never mind those who had lost their limbs, there were even those whose eyeballs had fallen out. They had fought madly, trading their organs for the gnoll’s lives.

Six or seven jackals inside the fortress had been killed as well. A few injured jackals had run off to the side, whining and no longer daring to approach the players.

“Fight! If the gnolls take over the camp, we’ll fail the mission!”

Xu Zhe grasped the sword in both his hands. At that moment, he could already feel the fatigue in his body. This game was great and all, but it was way too realistic. He had only swung the sword a few times and he was already feeling extremely exhausted.

“You guys stall them, I’ll go back to support the others. If you can’t stall them, then exchange your lives to injure them, and resurrect quickly!”

With a slash of his knife, Liu Chuanfeng had left a gaping wound in the back of a jackal before jumping away quickly. While two other players lunged at the jackal, he took the opportunity to shout the command at the others.

Compared to most of the players on the battlefield, Liu Chuanfeng had been involved in many bad fights and gang fights in his youth. With his long, skinny legs, he would run away quickly and abruptly before the foes he was facing could even react. Repeating this tactic, he ended up with the least injuries and generally maintained a better physical status.

Slipping away from the arduous battle at the front lines, Liu Chuanfeng and the two players in his team sprinted wildly toward the gnolls in front of the fortress.

“Come on, you punk!”

A gnoll that had fallen behind was facing the draw bridge in front of the camp, getting ready to follow its leader into the camp to wreak havoc. However, it suddenly heard a voice from behind it, followed by an abrupt, sharp stab of pain in its calf. The moment it turned around, it saw a person rushing at it, chopping at its leg.

The gnoll lifted the thick wooden bat in its hands, spurred by agony, and swung it violently at Liu Chuanfeng’s head. However, the other person swiftly retreated and evaded its attack.

Its opponent did not fight it head-on but instead focused on attacking its legs to hinder its movements.

The two other players that were following Liu Chuanfeng had also learned his cunning tactics, which was to rush at the gnolls’ legs. Even if they died, they still had to land a strike.

Despite this, the three players were unable to do too much damage. The two players were following Liu Chuanfeng’s tactics, and one of the players had managed to stab a gnoll in its thigh, but in the next moment, he was chopped up into green mist by an ax. The other player’s movements were also too slow, and he was grabbed by a gnoll, who proceeded to snap his neck.

“Even if I were to die, I’ll make you lose at least a drop of blood.” 

After he saw the two players die, Liu Chuanfeng gritted his teeth. Ignoring the other gnolls, he rushed toward the gnoll leader that was standing at the front.

After such a long time in this chaotic battle, Liu Chuanfeng was already starting to feel his limbs tire. Now, he just wanted to put up one last desperate fight before he died, then he could continue once he resurrected.

As Liu Chuanfeng rushed desperately toward the gnoll leader, the ax-wielding gnoll leader was facing Phoenix, who had just jumped down from the wall.

Ever since Phoenix fired that arrow, the gnoll leader had turned its attention toward her. This seemingly fragile human female gave it a greater sense of threat than anyone else here.

If she had just continued firing arrows from a higher position, it would just feel slightly inconvenienced, but now, the female dared to jump down from the wall to face it. The gnoll leader no longer had any scruples.


Just as the gnoll leader was preparing to launch its attack against the female archer, Phoenix, it suddenly sensed that someone rushing toward it to attack it. However, the gnoll leader did not have the slightest intention of evading.

With the speed of his sprint, Liu Chuanfeng took advantage of this rare opportunity and slashed his bone cleaver brutally at the gnoll leader’s thigh. The cleaver was swiftly brought down upon the monster, but with a loud bang, it rebounded at an even faster speed. In that instance, Liu Chuanfeng felt as if he had brought the weapon upon the wheel of a huge cargo truck. Not only had he not hurt that gnoll in the slightest, but the bone cleaver in his grasp had also bounced back forcefully.

“Such thick skin!”

Liu Chuanfeng was slightly alarmed. Since entering the game, this was the first time he had encountered a beast that could not be chopped up.

Even for the coarse-skinned, thick-fleshed pig-headed monster which he had encountered previously, he believed that this slash would have drawn the slightest drop of blood. However, there only seemed to be a faint white mark on the gnoll’s leg right now.

Liu Chuanfeng stood there, stunned. After the gnoll leader resisted Liu Chuanfeng’s bone cleaver attack, its hairy left arm which was not wielding the ax shot out and grabbed Liu Chuanfeng by the shoulder, lifting him as if he were just a chick. Then, without even sparing him a glance, it hurled him toward the fortress’s wall.

“This boss is so cruel. t’s going to kill me with one throw. Just you wait, once I get resurrected, I’ll break through your defenses!”

The thought flashed quickly through Liu Chuanfeng’s mind as he flew through the air. Then, he saw the wall before him getting closer and closer, and it seemed like he was about to slam into it very soon.

Liu Chuanfeng had already closed his eyes. He knew that there would be no pain. When he opened his eyes again, he would have been resurrected again.

However, he suddenly felt his body being pulled by something. When he opened his eyes, he saw that his body was tied up in a green vine-like being. The vine then pulled him toward the wall.

Once Liu Chuanfeng steadied himself on top of the wall, he looked up and saw a middle-aged woman with faint wrinkles on her face. She was looking at him with a smile. “You’re very brave, adventurer!”

The middle-aged woman’s fingertips danced around gently, and glowing, green spots of light suddenly appeared. They proceeded to seep into Liu Chuanfeng’s body.

Liu Chuanfeng immediately felt extremely refreshed. All the pain and exhaustion he was experiencing seemed to have been relieved at that moment.

“Healing, we have healing!” Liu Chuanfeng shouted excitedly!

Meng Yang, who was standing not far away, saw Liu Chuanfeng shouting in excitement. His eyes reflected the same look of shock.

He was aware of Hera’s healing abilities, but looking at it now, it seemed like both Hera of Phoenix’s abilities far exceeded what he had imagined.

“In this alternate world, just what abilities are there?”

At that moment, there was a ruckus at the base of the camp walls. The players that were killed by the attacks had resurrected, and they were now returning to the fight.

The gnoll leader held the battle-ax in its grasp as it faced Phoenix and the oncoming group of people. Suddenly, it looked up to the sky and let out an ear-piercing howl.

The many enthusiastic players suddenly covered their ears as they wobbled about unsteadily.

Meng Yang too clasped his hands over his ears. After the gnoll leader’s howl rang out, he suddenly felt a wave of dizziness as blackness threatened to cloud his vision.

“This…gnoll does have extraordinary abilities!” 

After the gnoll leader’s long howl, its movements did not seem to stop, and it strode toward the draw bridge, intending to rush into the camp.

However, in the blink of an eye, a silhouette suddenly shot out. The longbow in Phoenix’s hands was now being wielded as a weapon, and with one blow, the gnoll leader’s charge had been repelled.

Even so, the gnoll leader reacted just as quickly as it swung its battle-ax at Phoenix. Still, even though its movements were fast, it was still slower than Phoenix. She the swing easily, and quickly struck it with another blow with her bow.

Its skin, which did not even break from the attack by Liu Chuanfeng’s bone cleaver, had started to bruise after being struck by Phoenix’s bow.

Having said that, Phoenix was in an equally dangerous position. The gnoll leader was brutally strong, and extremely fast too. Each of its blow carried immense force, and just one hit was strong enough to kill.

The two of them were swift, their movements nimble and agile. Some of the players who had somewhat returned to their senses were dazzled by the scene before them.

“Is this the strength of the game’s NPC and monster?”

“That’s kind of cool!”

“Their movements and strength are extremely powerful.”

“My goddess is awesome!”

“It’s like we’re watching a movie!”

In front of the camp’s wall, the gnoll leader saw that it was being ensnared by Phoenix. Thus, it let out an ear-piercing howl again, causing many players to cover their ears, appearing dizzy.

Upon hearing the cries of the gnoll leader, the jackals and gnolls throughout the battlefield gathered together and rushed toward the camp. This was regardless of whether they had previously been observing or had been caught in battle.

At the same time, orbs of green light descended from the top of the wall like a starry sky.

Many of the heads which had become dizzy because of the gnoll’s howl were suddenly touched by the green spots, and they were shaken from their incapacitated state.

One by one, they recovered.

When they saw that the gnolls and jackals who had gathered to launch an attack, it did not matter if they were players from the first wave who had fought to their deaths, or if they were the players who were previously paralyzed with shock. None of them hesitated, and their gazes blazed with either a thirst for vengeance or fiery passion and excitement!

“Kill them all!”

Their shouts rang through the sky and shook the earth!

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