If You Put a Leash on Villain - Chapter 0

“Finally, I’m holding you by my leash.”

I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this day. I have endured the desire to die, by only imagining the day when I would hold this man’s life in my hand. With his whole body bound in shackles, he looked like a captured beast.

I seemed like a hunter, with the way I was looking at him.

But when my dream was right in front of my eyes, it wasn’t as pleasant as I had thought. I believed I would have felt overwhelmingly joyful, but I don’t know why I feel this way.

Eclette bit her lips and put the muzzle on Kires’ forehead. It was done in a smooth motion. However, her fingers were stiff and did not move.

‘Just why…’

My hands were shaking before I even knew it.

Eclette clenched her teeth, looking at her visibly trembling hands.

Even though the muzzle was right in front of him, Kires looked calm.

His red eyes slowly closed.

As if you would accept everything…

Eclette screamed in anger and struck Kires. Fresh red blood fell on his white cheeks.

Eventually, Eclette put down his muzzle.

As soon as their eyes met, the word that she had buried in her heart popped out.

“Why did you do that?”


“Why are you doing this to me?” I asked even though I knew better than anyone that it was meaningless to ask.  Did you have to do that to me?  What did I do so wrong to you?

She  wouldn’t know even if her life depended on it.

Why was he cruel to me? And why did you take away your precious people?

As he stared at her, urging an answer, Kires’ lips opened slowly.

“I hate it.”


“I hate you.”

At first, he hated laughing at other people. Then, he didn’t like to talk with other people. And finally, he hated even staring at other people.

‘It was because I hated you so much.’ I couldn’t stand having someone else become precious to you.

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