I Was Reincarnated as a Baby God - Chapter 7

However, even as he said so, Lanore didn’t seem surprised in the least.

Vermon also had a blade on his neck, but he too didn’t look very surprised.

Rather, he waved his hand out as if he was annoyed.

A silver streak pushed the sword away. Vermon said with a crooked smile.

“This brother has a little sibling.”

Lucia, who was listening blankly, opened her mouth.

‘Oppa? Oppa, ahhhh!’

Come to think of it, when he had kidnapped Lucia, he said he was her brother.

It was such a chaotic situation at the time, so she thought it was utter bullshit, so she let it go……

But it was truly real.

Lanore swung the sword gracefully and slid it back into his scabbard.

Lanore, who placed the sword back with a click, looked up at the Knights of the Grand Duchy.

“If you were a little later, I would have destroyed the tower.”

Vermon flinched as his shoulders trembled at the threat.

But soon, he answered confidently.

“……Have you any idea what kind of toy tower the tower is?”

“Of course is my son not the owner of the toy tower.” (TL Note: Yes they keep actually saying Toy…)

Lanore whispered so that Vermon could hear everything.

“Our little baby. Just tell your dad. He didn’t do anything, did he? Hmm?”

Lucia was so bad that she stuck her nose out.

She’s sure she did something instead to Vermon, but it was all a little vague.

Anyway, as a result, she ate a lot of fruits and managed to come back safely.

“A lump of dust! Seria would be saddened to hear that.”


Lucia cried as if she sympathized with Lanore’s words.

It looked like a baby bird pouting after a mother bird.

Vermon wiggled the corners of his mouth when he saw Lucia.

However, he immediately cleared up his face and snapped back.

“Oh, why didn’t you come when the Emperor died again?”

Lanore’s smile deepened when he was sarcastic.

“That’s what it is.”


Lanore gestured to the knights who were standing behind him.

The knights moved and brought forth a white horse.

“A little bit of talking on the way.”

Lanore easily jumped on the horse.

He said with a grin.

“Shall we talk on the battlefield for the rest of it?”

Vermon blinked.

He asked back a beat later.





Vermon was taken to Lanore and they all headed for the Ice Wall.

Lucia came into Eden’s hands and was brought into the safe Great Wall Castle.

“He’ll be back this evening.”

As if this situation was very familiar to them, Eden explained it to Lucia.

“You never skip meals, so they’ll be right back in time.”

Just as Eden had spoken, the two Shinsus returned exactly in the evening.

Lanore smiled as if flowers were about to pour out as he found Lucia.



Vermon followed behind Lanore with a look of discontentment on his face and shut his mouth.

Lucia, who was waiting on top of the table in advance, waved her front feet to pretend she knew.

The table was full of food for the two Shinsus who must have become hungry during their battle. (Daddy has to beat a bit of life out of his son for the sake of his baby girl. Even as the brother no one is immune to punishment for daring foxnap the baby.)

Vermon dragged the table chair out and flopped down miserably.

He was so exhausted that he mumbled, putting butter and jam on the bread.

“This…… is exploitation……”

Lanore replied to him while gracefully cutting the meat.

“I’m going to lend the money you borrowed to fix the tower.”

“Wasn’t it all paid off!?”

“There’s interest.”


Vermon was shaking and eating bread sulkingly.

Lanore smiled mischievously at the sight of Vermon, who was destroying the bread soaked in his tears.

“So we didn’t even say hello to each other.”

Lanore said, putting the pieces of cut meat in Lucia’s mouth.

“Say hello, this is your sister, Luenstella. she’s called ‘Lucia’ for short.”

Lucia chewed the meat and looked at Vermon.

When she heard that he was her older brother, she was certainly not unfamiliar with his features.

His soft blue eyes, that were as clear as a river, resembled her mother Seria.

The face that was made up of fine lines looked like Lanore.

Lucia was looking at the Vermon in a curious mood, and he opened his lips.

“It’s Vermon.”

The very dry self-introduction of only his name was all he did.

Lucia hesitated a little, and then raised her foot in front of him politely in greeting.

It was as if she was saying, ‘It’s nice to meet you.’

Vermon looked down at Lucia’s small foot that was held out.

The fluffy front feet seemed to be clumped together with little dandelion seeds as paw pads.

He gently grabbed Lucia’s tiny feet with his index finger and thumb.

Then he lifted the small paw as if he were shaking hands.

“Nice to meet you. Lucia.”

Lucia replied to him.


At first, she thought that he was scary and strange.

‘But even though the horse is cold, I think the action is straightforward.’

It was Vermon that was grumpy but did everything he could in such a way.

He nodded by himself, and Vermon took a sip of wine and opened his mouth.

“Have you heard anything about Peiran lately?”

Lanore’s hand using the knife stopped cutting.

He asked back with a frown.

“……Peiran Abelrod?”

Lucia also pricked up her ears.

The name she heard for the first time in a long time came into her ears.

In her old memories, emotionless gray eyes came to mind.

The man with his hand on his chest and one knee on the ground was talking at Ianel.

– I’m Peiran Abelrod, in charge of escorting the Imperial Princess as of today.

Peiran Abelrod was a knight that belonged to the Imperial Palace Knights.

He had no high status, no wealth, no patronage to back him up.

He joined the Imperial Palace with only one sword

He joined the division.

But exactly three months later.

There was no one in the palace who didn’t know his name.

The Imperial Palace Knights were full of many great knights.

Obviously breathing the same air and being in the same space, she didn’t feel like they were together at all.

Iannel could never trust Peiran.

And it seemed to be the same with Peiran.

– I want to go to the Southern Front.

Please allow me.

After working as a guard for a year.

Peiran asked Iannel to allow him leave to go play.

Iannel thought there was something to come and wanted to watch.

In the first place, he was too good a knight to remain only as a mere escort for the only princess.

So Iannel allowed Peiran to play.

After returning to the Imperial Palace Knights, Peiran went straight to the southern front.

The dry and awkward master-knight relationship ended in vain.

Peiran led the war to victory with numerous contributions on the southern front.

Soon after, his name was followed by the modifier Roachim First Knight.

And to encourage the armistice, the Pope visited the Southern Front himself. Peiran’s life was completely reversed.

The Pope fell in love with Peiran’s skills at a glance. (OMG I thought was gonna have a BL moment lol till I tl’ed the skills bit {super sus})

It was at the time when the head of the “Sungjeon Division”, the Pope’s immediate escort division, resigned due to some unsavory matters.

The pope offered Peiran to take charge of the Holy Knights Division.

At first, Peiran refused the request.

However, after the pope’s earnest request, he eventually became the commander of the Knights’ Missionary Division.

It was very unusual to hire a knight from outside the Vatican.

However, Peiran was a coveted talent, with the conservative Vatican willing to take the risk for his abilities.

The Roachim Empire said it would wait for Peiran to return at any time, and promised to give him a high title when he returns to the Imperial Palace Knights. He had become a huge figure that both the Royal Family and the Vatican coveted.

And while Peiran was on his way, Iannel had never met him face to face in all that time.

Every once in a while, they heard all the news.

“Why all of a sudden?”

Lanore narrowed his eyes and asked Vermon.

“The Knight that came to reveal the injustice of the Imperial Princess……”

Vermon narrowed his eyes and said,

“Peiran’s name was used as his own collateral.”


Lanore burst out laughing as if he were full of energy.

Lanore was not the only one who was surprised.

Lucia flicked her ears several times, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

‘What’s wrong with him?’

Their relationship only lasted for only a year, and it was all about being a mandatory escort knight.

She couldn’t believe Peiran actually went out to prove her innocence.

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t figure out the reason.

While Lucia is confused, she uses her fingers to cross the table. Lanore, who had been tapping each other, opened his mouth.

“Then I heard a rumor while I was out in the woods.”

Lanore said with his head tilted slightly sideways.

“Peiran’s gone crazy.”

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