I Was Reincarnated as a Baby God - Chapter 6

Episode 6

Lucia leapt up and stared over for the door.

Her heart began to pound hard.

She even shook her ears thinking that she might have heard it wrongly.

Prince Agris blamed the dead princess for all the sins he had committed.

Ianel De Roachim became a pariah who murdered her father when she was half asleep.

‘But I just said it was the truth about the Emperor’s death.’

There were some people who believe that Ianel didn’t commit murder.

In the midst of the hopeless future, a bright hope sprang up.

She shouldn’t have stayed still like this.

Lucia held onto Vermon’s wide sleeve spread on his desk and pulled it.

Vermon frowned as Lucia clung to his sleeve.

“What? You have to say actual words for me to understand.”

“Uuveeve! Veeve!!”

With his sleeve in her mouth, Lucia pointed towards the door with her nose bounced about in place.

Vermon, who was watching with his head tilted slightly, opened his lips as if he had suddenly realized something.

“You can’t be…”

Lucia twinkled her eyes with anticipation and shook her tail about vigorously.

“Did you eat like that and still want to grow up properly?”


‘That’s not it!’

Vermon clicked his tongue and pulled the fruit plate forward.

“A glutton for a meal.”

Lucia became frustrated and annoyed by his lack of understanding and bit the tip of Vermon’s index finger.

She bit as hard as she could, but the Vermon didn’t even flinch.

Rather, he held out his other fingers as if to encourage her to bite more.

She was really inclined to bite him very properly.

Again, a voice rang out from the other side of the door.

“Mr. Vermon? What should I do?”

Vermon looked down at Lucia.

Lucia was staring out the door instead of biting the finger.

Someone had opened the door and left to retrieve delicious snacks.

Lucia jumped off the desk and ran hard with her little legs.

However, the door was closed with a bang right before her nose.


Lucia slumped in front of the door with a blank look dawning on her face.

But she wasn’t completely hopeless.

‘There’s someone who knows that I’ve been wronged!’

A very small but clear hope sprouted from in her heart.

Lucia had a strong determination now engraved in her heart.

‘I’ll make sure I’m cleared!’

Lucia shouted as she stretched her front feet vigorously into the sky.

‘I can do it!’



Upon arriving in front of the Tower master’s room, Vermont opened the door.

The knights, who had been waiting around silently, were surprised by the unannounced appearance and opened their eyes wide.


Recently, she already knew that Tower Master didn’t meet anyone. Of course, she came here even with the determination of being kicked out.

But she never imagined that Tower Master would actually meet them.

The knight who jumped up asked the bermon.

“Are you the master of the Tower?”

Vermin barely lifted up his head as he went over to the top seat.

He sat down all relaxed and crossed his legs.

The knights sat on the sofa again while watching them.

“Thank you for allowing this meeting.”

“Of course you’d appreciate it.”

“I am the Viscount of the Roachim Empire, Melbeard.…”


Vermon cut off the person with an expressionless face.

“You don’t have to reveal your origins or family. It doesn’t mean anything here.”

The driver hardened his body with a cold voice.

Vermont was right.

Matap Runehilt was free of all constrictions from all nations and status on the continent.

There was nothing more stupid than talking about where he came from and who he was.

The knight, which took a deep breath, carefully brought up the main point.

“I would like to reveal the truth about the death of His Majesty.”

But Vermon didn’t even blink at his words.

“Is there any truth left to be revealed there?”

Rather, it was an incident in which the honor of the imperial family fell to the bottom because it was so starkly exposed.

The knight shut his lips for a moment at the openly sarcastic remark.

He swallowed his dry mouth and spoke calmly again.

“The princess never did such a thing…… she’s not someone who’s capable of hurting anyone.”

It was a voice full of pent-up anger.

The knight squeezed his fists on his lap.

Vermon looked as veins bugled on the knight’s clenched hands and softly spoke.

“That would remain true until she started suffering from mental illness.”

The knight hardened at the same time.

“I believe the court made a statement that the princess was mentally ill at the time?”

The courtiers who examined the royal family had to leave a record of everyone’s suspected mental illness.

A week before the Emperor was killed.

The royal court’s examination report said the princess had been added to the report.

The court diagnosed that the nature of the princess was suddenly reversed, she could no longer control her anger, and she often acted impulsively as if she had become another person.

As a result of compiling statements of opinion and eyewitness accounts

the imperial family concluded that the mentally ill princess committed the murder impulsively.

The knight with his teeth clenched shouted loudly.

“It’s been fabricated!”

Vermon’s face showed his irritation as he got up to leave.

Then the knight behind his back shouted as if he were grasping the last straw.

“I’ll bet on the name of Fayran Abelrod!”

Vermon stopped as he grabbed the doorknob.

As the cool energy circled over the light sky blue eyes, the pupil grew elongated like an animal.

He breathed in briefly and his pupils returned to being round.

And he slowly turned his body around to face the knight.

A penetrating gaze glared at the knight.

“What did you say just now?”

The knight trembled with a completely different look then before.

The knight replied hesitantly.

“Oh, Lord Abelrod……and if you put your name as collateral, the Tower master will approve the dispatch……”

After a long silence, Vermon finally opened his lips.

“Fayran Abelrod’s name?”

“That’s right.”

Vermon was lost in thought for a moment.

He soon groaned clicking his tongue and with no choice spoke out bitterly.

“I’ll accept your request for dispatch.”


In front of the knights who opened their eyes, Vermont added gravely.

“I’ll send to you the best wizard.”


Left alone, Lucia tapped at an hourglass that was floating on the desk.

‘Is this really a real tower??’

Lucia had never actually seen the tower in her life.

She just heard stories about it from the imperial wizards.

‘I heard it was a tower that was so high that the top reached past the clouds.’

The wide window behind the desk ended up catching her eyes.

A cool breeze was blowing through the half-opened window.

Lucia often ran up piles of books, scrambling over them, and now climbing this pile to reach the window.

As soon as she stepped forward by the window paws at the edge, Lucia froze.

Outside the window, a vast land was spread out under the distant view.


The height she’s never experienced in her life was so high that she was dazzled in amazement.

If she would fall from this height, she would become a mass of dust, as Vermon liked to call her.

Her legs were trembling.

‘I guess it really is a real tower.’

It was when Lucia was looking down the window with her breathless eyes.

She heard a dreary voice from behind her.

“Dust ball.”


Surprised, Lucia raised her front feet making a strange sound.

A silver ray of light held Lucia aloft and kept her away from the window.

“Are you crazy? If you fall from here, there’s not even going to be any dust left!”

An irritated voice stuck loudly in her ear.

Lucia looked up, holding her beating heart in surprise.

Vermon snorted at the round eyes she was making.

“What a little thing……”

However, unlike his harsh words, he hugged Lucia tightly with his hands.

“Let’s go back to where your father is.”

Yes, let’s!

A bright light surrounded the two at the sound of fingers flicking out.

It was a mobile magic that she was now quite familiar with.

After the light died down, Lucia opened her eyes.


And she blinked her eyes for a moment.

The magic circle took them to the front of the Great Wall of the Grand Duke’s castle.

It’s a great castle, but……it was surrounded by a completely different atmosphere than before.

The knights in armor were heavily armed and lined up.

The silver armor glittered bright in the sunlight.

While looking around in embarrassment, Lucia gulped in heavy breaths.

A blue flying knife was placed against Vermon’s neck.

It brushed past Lucia with precision, right in front of her neck.


A soft yet sharp voice called out to Vermon.

Vermon crumpled his face and looked towards the owner of the sword.

“If you were taking your sister, you should have told someone.”

Lanore said with a grin.

“Dad was surprised.”

AHHH brother you’re so mean sneaking off with your little sister without letting dad know. Look how worried he was he had set up a contingent around the castle cuz she done went poof!

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