I Was Reincarnated as a Baby God - Chapter 2


The red-haired woman shouted sharply at the giant beast.


She beckoned the fox to stand down.

The fox changed himself into a human form again in response.

Meanwhile, the woman calmed Ianel in a soft voice.

“Baby, it’s okay.”

But Ianel couldn’t calm down at all.

She wanted to ask why they are like this and who they were.

However, all the sounds coming out of the mouth were ‘Kiaang’ or ‘Kuaang’. ‘I can’t speak!

There was no way to do anything because the correct words couldn’t be spoken.

Ianel fluttered about her white forefoot.


She looked up at the woman while bemoaning with frustration.

Like a clear sky, blue, light-colored eyes came into contact with their eyes.

The rosy hair, flowing like a wave, was intense, and the contrasting white skin and sharp features felt cold and vivid. The expressionless woman smiled lightly when their eyes met.

She gently tickled the back of Ianel’s nose with her finger.

The touch that slowly rubbed along the nose and head was warm.

Suddenly, her body became drowsy.

Ianel yawned without her knowledge.

Her eyes dimly started to close by themselves.

The silver-haired man looked down at Ianel and said.

“I guess she’s getting sleepy.”

“Because she must have used all her strength to break out of the egg.”

“How is she so small? Small feet and a small nose……….”

She felt the long fingertips gently pressing against the soles of her feet.

Even while sleeping, Ianel dreamed of her feet moving to avoid finger attacks.

“Stop bothering her.”

“But it’s cute.”


“Okay, Seria.”

The voices of the men and women softly trailed off.

‘No, if you fall asleep like this…’ 

But she couldn’t overcome the drowsiness that came in.

‘Okay. Let’s just take a nap and think about it.’

As soon as she was left by herself in the comfort of darkness, a low voice sank into her ears.

“Sweet dreams, Luenstella.”

“Good night, Lucia.” (TLN: so, new name! Long and short version is so cute. Thanks to friend Jay helping me get the long name correct.)




The silver hair shone in the sunlight. The man with an elegant and slim figure was a beauty with a stunningly gorgeous appearance.

The sharp golden colored pupils like fox eyes looked leisurely through the forest.

“Where did our little girl hide?”

Although he already knew everything, he pretended not to know.

Then he stopped in front of a big leaf and smiled.

When the leaves were turned aside, a white-haired young fox that was hiding below appeared.

The white fox curled up and wagged its tail.

There was a mischievous smile on the man’s face.


As if to answer the call, the tips of the fluffy pointed ears, mixed with light pink, prickled up.

“Hidden in a place like this again.”

A big hand held Lucia in his arms.

She was the former princess Ianel, but she was reborn as a new god, and it’s been a month since she broke free from her egg.

Lucia was still a kid.

Although she grew in size, she was far smaller than others.


When she cried out, not wanting to be hugged, the man gently scratched under Lucia’s chin.

“We’ll be back home soon. Mother is waiting for us.”

Lucia reluctantly raised her head to the man who looked down at her kindly.

The man’s name is Lanore.

He was Lucia’s father.

The long silver hair that came down on her small shoulders tickled Lucia over and over again.

Like a habit, Lucia put Lanore’s hair in her mouth and spit it out.

A month has already passed since Lucia was reborn as a god.

At first, she denied reality as much as possible, saying that it was clearer to be having a dream.

But Lucia was eventually forced to accept her new fate.

‘I’m a new god!’

Long ago, there was once a god on the continent.

But God was broken to pieces as he fell in love with a human, and it was the Shin Su who were born from the sculpture of the broken pieces. (TLN: ShinSu is the term the new gods are called)

The new gods, who inherited the power of God, were able to communicate with each other.

They dealt with spirits and took care of the sky and the earth, the sea and the river. Then one day, a catastrophe came.

The gods gathered their strength and succeeded in protecting the continent, but after that they had disappeared.

The humans left behind recorded the story of the Shinsu as a myth and received it sacredly.

According to the myth, the gods were divided into six species.

The lion of gold and the fox of silver.

Blue whale and red wolf. (TLN: the wolf wasn’t given a ‘color’ {well that I could TL} in this sentence like the others but it might be red if the wolves are given the term ‘enemy’? Maybe idk see note at bottom)

White Hawk and Green Snake.

The great powers of the continent enshrined the different gods and made them a symbol of their country.

The guardian of the Roahim Empire was the silver fox.

All the Empire’s people worshiped and sanctified the silver fox.

Lucia recalled the pictures and explanations she had seen in the book.

A silvery fur that looks like it contains moonlight.

Eyes with elongated torn pupils that sparkle in strange colors.

On the path where the silver fox runs, stardust remains to form the Milky Way. Stardust, no matter how mythical it was, was too exaggerated.

‘There was a day when I thought…’

When she first saw him, she thought he had something on his face and shook it off.

But now, she’s gotten used to the stardust that scatters every time she would hit her own feet.

Fortunately, it did not flash every time, but only on the night of the full moon.

“Isn’t our little girl going to conquer the north today?”

Lanore moved slowly, stroking Lucia’s head.

Obviously he was walking, and the landscape in front of him quickly swept past.

Lucia exhaled in Lanore’s arms.

‘What conquest?’

The vast forest of the gods seemed to be imbued with magic everywhere.

Even after running all day, she couldn’t see the end.

There were many times when she ran hard and got lost on her way home.

But no matter where in the woods, Lanore and Seria could easily find Lucia. While she seemed to be free, they never let Lucia go out of the forest boundary.

It was because it was dangerous outside.

Lucia has been very small since she was an egg.

She was not even half the size of an ordinary Shinsu egg.

Lanore and Seria had been worried, fearing that none of their eggs would ever hatch for eternity.

And then after a long wait of ten years.

Finally, Lucia was miraculously born.

Even after her birth, Lucia made the hearts of the two gods agitated.

According to Lanore, the gods were unable to deal with the spirits after the catastrophe.

Instead, the divine power remained as it was, so as soon as she was born, she used it freely.

Of course, it can turn one into a human form, and if one has a talent for magic or a sword, they could use divine power there.

But for Lucia it was different.

She couldn’t speak or change her appearance into a human form yet.

It seemed that it was because of the previous life that was human.

She was reincarnated as a god, but Lucia remembered her previous life.

Ianel, the princess of the Roachim Empire, was murdered by her brother, Agris.

His father’s body, which was cooling under the bright moonlight…….

The bloody smell that vibrated on the grass still seemed to remain on the tip of her nose.

She didn’t know why Agris killed their father and herself.

No matter how much her father cared for Ianel, she could not be the emperor.

Even if she was still there, in a few years, the crown prince, Agris, would have inherited the throne.

‘But why………!’

The face that was calm even after putting a sword in his father’s heart.

Every time she remembers that day, her anger soared in her heart.

She wanted to find Agris and ask him why he did it.

But there was nothing Lucia could do now. ‘I’m not even sure what to say.’

It was time for Lucia to droop her ears sullenly.


Arriving in front of a huge cave, Lanoer shouted.

Then, a red magic circle appeared at the entrance and disappeared.

When the magic circle disappeared, the ordinary cave turned into a cave made of precious crystals.

Lucia and Lanore walked into the softly shining cave.

Seria, who was drawing a magic circle on the floor, arose.

The rose-colored hair, tied up together, fluttered down.

She silently opened her arms to Lanore.

She was asking him to hand over her.

But Lanore smiled and leaned into Seria’s arms, holding fast onto Lucia.

“Dad needs a hug, too.” (TLN: this the papa saying he needs one himself from the wify.)


Seria gave Lanore a hug with Lucia even as she glanced at him.

Lucia’s mother, Seria, was a red wolf.

Her appearance as she turned into a god was full of dignity.

The glossy red fur seemed to hold flames, and when she exhaled through her mouth, a hot flame rose.

She looked as if she would melt her bones if she touched it mistakenly.

But in front of Lucia, she was always an affectionate mother.

Seria took Lucia from Lanoer.

She said and she gently stroking the top of Lucia’s head.

“Check the letter.”

While Lucia was distracted, Lanore grumbled to Seria.

“How long are you going to talk so formally?”

He rubbed his face on Seria’s cheek, saying, “Isn’t it time to speak comfortably now that we have Lucia now?”

Seria blinked a little fast and muttered.

“……not very well.”

“Someone still thinks I’m the boss.”

Lanoer, who raised his eyebrows dissatisfiedly, unfolded the letter on the desk.

He frowned as he read.

“Oh, my. Something has come up.”

Lanoer lightly flicked his fingers to burn the letter.

He narrowed his long eyes and told Seria.

“The owner of Roachim will change. The Emperor was murdered.”

Lucia’s body has hardened.

Lucia looked at Lanoer with her eyes wide open.

“The culprit is…”

And the words that followed were unthinkable.

“The Princess, Ianel de Roahim.”

As if she was pouring ice water on top of her head, her mind went cold.

“The princess killed the emperor and then committed suicide.”


Well poor Lucia has a new life but finds out that her damnable brother has pinned the crime on her head -.- hmm wonder when our adorable little Lucia gets a human form and what magic she’ll be capable of!


Changes made are the papa’s name formally Reno to Lenore my bad… I working on my naming skills they not that good 


Footnote: The enemy is the Korean era, and Ming Queen is the term for the daeryebok is worn. Enmity was one of the highest ceremonies, so embroidery and gold leaf were also formal. It was usually made of scarlet silk, and was a symbol of a woman in the highest rank of the Joseon Dynasty by attaching a five-joryongbo embroidered with gold thread as a breastplate, and embroidered phoenix or pheasant on the enemy ~Courtesy of Laiju

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