I Can Infiltrate the Dreams of Others! - Chapter 19

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Weiss knocked on the door of Wayne’s study room and a deep voice came from inside.

“Please come in.”

Weiss pushed open the door. Wayne was in his room, looking at something.

Weiss had no choice but to take the seat in front of him. The study was filled with books and expensive calligraphy.

Weiss even saw a Van Gogh masterpiece.

Elena’s family was indeed rich. Weiss could not help but click his tongue. He even saw a few rare books.

Wayne looked up at Weiss and asked coldly.

“Do you know which organization is behind Acute Australian Pharmaceuticals?”

Weiss shook his head. He really didn’t know the name of that organization. He just knew about them.

Wayne sighed and went on.

“If you’re willing to give up on the Changhong Group, I’m willing to compensate you with some money. You don’t understand how terrifying your opponent is.”

Weiss was surprised. Was even Wayne afraid of that organization? Then he replied.

“I won’t give up on the Changhong Group. No matter how powerful that organization is, there’s a reason why I can’t give up.”

Wayne was surprised. He thought if he warned Weiss like that, Weiss would give up. ?Check

Wayne could only shake his head. He stood up and pulled a book from the shelf. The Bible.

Then, he touched inside and the two walls of books opened.

Inside was a dark room. Wayne rummaged through the information shelves inside and handed a large folder to Weiss.

Weiss was surprised. He looked at the folder, then flipped open the file inside.

The documents inside made him feel cold.

Inside was information about the Black Deity. Wayne sighed deeply and said.

“Return it to me after you’ve finished reading the information. You can’t bring this information out of this room. I’ve already paid a huge price for this information. There are many things that you don’t know yet. You’ll understand once you know.”

Then he looked at Weiss with anticipation and thought, ‘I hope Elena made the right choice.’

He walked to the side, thinking about something.

The more Weiss looked at it, the more he felt that it was unreal. This organization had begun to take shape since the era of the witch hunt in Europe.

There were traces of activity in every era. There were many names but the original names were preserved.

But at some point, they began to turn evil from the neutral organization they had started out as.

The founders of the organization had seen the light of the world and believed that evil human nature was fermenting and growing. Thus, they began to lose hope in humans and turned to God for help.

Some of them did not approve of summoning evil gods to destroy the world. Instead, they began to study human brains and use their own methods to complete the evolution of humans.

After that, they began to study the human body for hundreds of years. They believed that the human body had a perfect state. By modifying the human body to that state, they could obtain the authority of God.

At the same time, they want to preserve a small number of outstanding humans to complete the process.

They, who believed in the rules of the Great Old Ones, were also wantonly searching various ruins, looking for traces left behind by the Great Old Ones. They possessed various “Holy Relics” with special abilities.

Until now, no one knew how far this organization had progressed.

Weiss noticed similarities between the human body transformation experiment in the memories of the priest he saw in the first dream and the few bloody pictures in front of him.

Some were angry but there was nothing they could do.

He was still too weak. He could not fight them with his own strength.

After returning the information to Wayne, he pondered about his situation along the way.

Now, his situation was very clear. The Black Deity wanted his company and he had no way of resisting. He could only take things slowly.

On the way back to the mansion, the Black Cadillac was still following. Weiss was afraid. What if they found his location and kidnapped his sister?

Even if he didn’t want to go against them, there was nothing he could do. They had already targeted him.

Weiss turned the car into a dark alley, pulled out the signal jammer he’d prepared earlier and tossed it into a corner.

He pressed the accelerator down with an umbrella and jumped to the Cadillac in the back. The dark alley was empty.

When the people in the car saw that Weiss’s Lamborghini suddenly sped up, they immediately started to speed up too.

They did not realize that something was wrong.

Weiss drove the title “Novice Dreamer” to its maximum. At first, the four people in the car didn’t feel anything but later, they all fell asleep. Weiss entered the dream on his horse and killed the four people in the car.

After taking a few steps, he transformed into a group of bats and flew back to the car. The entire process did not take more than four seconds. He took out the umbrella while the car behind him continued to roll and finally exploded violently.

Weiss did not stop. He quickly drove to the entrance of the alley and used his psychic power to retrieve the signal jammer.

He quickly drove home.

As soon as he got home, he glanced at his sister. She was waiting for him in the living room and had fallen asleep.

So Weiss crept and carried his sister back to the room and his sister said softly in her dream.

“Don’t come near.”

Weiss frowned. He put his sister to bed and tucked her in.

He returned to his room.

[B-grade dream detected: Fear]

[Dreams formed by things that invoke fear. It seems to be a tool used by humans to collect emotions.]

Indeed, something had happened to his sister.

Weiss was relieved. He laid down on the bed and went in quickly.

Weiss opened his eyes. He was still in his original room but his surroundings had started to become very strange.

Weiss opened the curtains. There was nothing to see outside but a white mist.

Weiss pushed open the door and stepped out into the hallway. He heard something heavy hit the floor and immediately ran to his sister’s room.

He saw his sister curled up in a corner of the room, looking at Weiss with fear.

Weiss examined the fragments of his sister’s dream and learned what had happened.

It turned out that there were two monsters in this dream that would fight each other every day at midnight.

Then the victorious monster would come up and eat Alice. This was not the first time Alice had experienced this.

Alice only looked at Weiss and shouted.

“Don’t come near.”

Her face was filled with fear and tears flowed down her small face. Seeing this, Weiss’s heart ached so much that he couldn’t breathe.

I must save my sister, he thought as he spoke.

“Alice, I’m your brother.”

As he spoke, he extended his hand to his sister.

His sister still did not believe him. She continued shouting.

“You’re not my brother. You’re a monster. You’ve become like this and you want to eat me.”

Weiss had no choice. His sister was in a state of terror and there was no way to communicate.

He left his sister in her room and imposed an unbreakable restriction on her room. Then, he turned around and went downstairs.

He wanted to see what it was that dared to attack his sister.

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