Holy Great Dragon, Starting from Gene Evolution - Chapter 32

In the Dark Shadow Forest, the human scouts had already started fighting with the Elf race’s battle team.

The human scouts were all Wind Knights.

These people’s speed in the forest was not much slower than ordinary Elves.

In the beginning, the Elf race’s battle team was indeed caught off guard.

However, they soon realized the benefits of Ye Chen’s battle team.

Facing the extremely fast Wind Knight, the Guardians in the team directly went up and tied him up.

The remaining two archers kept shooting at the weak spots of the Knights.

The Druid gave the Guardian with the half-moon shield all sorts of buffs, such as the bark spell.

After that, he lay on the ground and turned into a brown bear, stopping the reinforcements temporarily.

As for the whisperer, he quickly left the battlefield and began to gather the scattered teams.

Soon, the small-scale conflict gradually became larger as the reinforcements from both sides arrived.

After a round of battle, the large wave of reinforcements from the Elf tribe arrived at the battlefield even faster.

Only a dozen or so human Knights left the battlefield.

The captain of the archer team, Finn, felt very uncomfortable as he looked at the corpses on the ground.

The Elf tribe did not have as many people as the human tribe.

The entire Shadow Elf tribe only had less than 1,000 people.

Moreover, most of them had been together for hundreds or thousands of years. Their relationship with each other was already very deep.

Usually, losing a Whisperer would cause the entire Holy Land to stop mourning.

Not to mention that in just half a day, seven Elves had already died!

“The Queen has ordered that all of you retreat and defend! Since the humans have already attacked, there’s no need to investigate anymore.”

“Whisperer immediately spread out around the Holy Land and find Lord Saint Beast as soon as possible. Ask him to come back and help command the defense!”

After giving the order.

Finn led the remaining elves and retreated toward the Holy Land.

In the temporary human command center.

More than ten silver-tier Warriors were gathered together and discussing something.

Following that, they received the battle report from the front-line search team.

Knight Hope suppressed the clamor of the crowd and reported with the battle report. “In our first contact with the elves, we lost 16 Wind Knights, while only seven Elves died.”


“How could this be? Bronze Knights, can’t even change one to one?”

“Aren’t the Knights this year trash?”

“What did you say! You lowly Warrior!”

“Who did you say was lowly? Let’s try it out?”

Looking at the chaotic tent, Knight Hope snorted heavily.

The tent quickly quieted down.

As the strongest Knight in the Lord’s mansion, Knight Hope could be said to be the strongest Knight in the entire Eagle Nest territory.

In addition to his official status, the others did not dare to disobey him.

Hope did not have any intention of mediating the fight between the two.

Instead, he waved the battle report in his hand and said with a chuckle, “The Elves who never had any rules actually formed battle teams, allowing the individual Elves to display their strength greatly.”

“Huh? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.”


“Then what should we do?”

Hope rubbed his chin.

He instructed. “How about this, Rodney, you personally lead the Wind Knights to guard the outer perimeter in case the main force falls into a trap.”

“Don’t split up the others. We have so many people. Just crush them directly.”

“Once the real chaotic battle begins, the opponent’s battle team will only be a joke.”

Everyone did not have a better idea.

Thus, they all nodded in agreement…

As the Elf race retreated to the surroundings of the Holy Land…

The human troops also changed their strategy and began to move on a large scale, heading toward the direction of the Holy Land.

As for Ye Chen, he continued to devour the demonic beasts while rushing toward the Holy Land.

However, when he came here, he had already devoured all the demonic beasts on this road.

There were only a few left. They were powerful enemies that he could not afford to offend when he came here.

This time, when he went back along this road, Ye Chen had also taken care of them one by one.

Of course, none of these demonic beasts would be easy to deal with.

No matter which one it was, they would all be powerful enemies that Ye Chen would lose his life if he was not careful.

It was also because of this that Ye Chen was able to stay on the edge of death.

Every time he won a battle to the death, his power and battle experience would increase by quite a bit.

However, what he did not expect was that the human’s speed had also greatly exceeded his expectations.

Until the human army reached the Holy Land Valley, Ye Chen still had not returned.

The Elven Queen was wearing the Queen’s battle armor and holding the shadow longbow in her hands. She stood at the highest point of the valley entrance.

The white cloak behind her swayed gently in the wind, making her look like a goddess, holy and unblasphemable.

At the entrance below her, including reinforcements, there were more than 600 Elven Warriors standing in formation.

At the front were more than 200 Guardians led by Tess.

The Guardians were wearing golden armor, holding half-moon scimitars and half-moon shields. They stood firmly at the front of the valley.

Behind them were more than 50 Druids. Under the leadership of Eudora, they chanted elven incantations to protect the guardians.

At the back, on both sides of the valley entrance, there were more than 400 archers.

The ones wearing green leather armor were the archers of the Shadow Forest.

The archers of the Dragon Roar tribe were wearing bright silver armor.

At a glance, they were much more powerful than the Shadow Forest.

The human army is on the opposite side.

Was not as organized as the Elves.

After all, most of them were temporarily put together. They could not be compared to the real army of the empire.

Nearly a hundred warriors were scattered around, basically fighting on their own.

At first, they wanted to become Knights, but they could not gather their combat aura.

In the end, they could only become Warriors who relied solely on physical strength. Most of them were also doing mercenary work.

In the Oracle Empire, which claimed to be the only descendant of God, it was a rare thing that they could not gather combat aura.

The four hundred or so Knights who had the largest number of people gathered together on their own initiative. They chatted and laughed with each other while looking down on the Warriors who could not become Knights.

As for the Mages, they surrounded the three silver-level Mages in the middle and raised their staffs as if they were preparing for something.

However, without exception, they would occasionally sneak a glance at the Elven Queen at the top of the valley.

Their eyes were filled with astonishment and pity.

At the front of the human team.

Knight Hope took a few steps forward and raised his head to look at the Elven Queen.

Looking at the peerlessly elegant Elven Queen, Knight Hope said in a solemn voice, “Elven Queen, you’d better give up on your futile resistance. Otherwise, you don’t know how many of your own kind will die today!”

The Elven Queen did not answer, but directly drew her bow and drew her arrow.

Knight Hope’s hair stood on end, and all his attention was focused on that arrow.

A soft hum.

The emerald arrow directly hit the ground between Hope’s feet.

“If humans dare to take a step over the arrow, the Shadow Clan will fight to the death!”

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