Holy Great Dragon, Starting from Gene Evolution - Chapter 25

Regarding Ye Chen’s ‘invitation’…

Candace naturally waved her hand and refused.

Seeing this, Ye Chen gulped down his food.

The three to four-meter-long golden leopard quickly entered Ye Chen’s stomach and started to digest.

Soon, Ye Chen noticed the difference between the golden leopard and the other demonic beasts.

The gold leopard gene, in addition to giving Ye Chen a particular speed gene.

Also, let Ye Chen to the light attribute sensitivity suddenly increased a lot.

The original dim forest ruins, in Ye Chen’s eyes, also lit up a bit.

After digesting and fusing, Ye Chen took Candace to the temple in the depths of the ruins.

As for the other beasts in the ruins, Ye Chen planned to find them all after exploring the temple.

If he could beat them, then he would devour them all. If he could not afford to offend them, then he would have to wait until then.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived outside the temple ruins.

Candace touched the stone pillar of the temple and said with certainty, “This is indeed a part of the ruins of the miracle city that I am looking for! This should be the temple area.”

Ye Chen nodded calmly and asked, “Then how are you going to go back and prove it? Your Guardian Knight is already dead. So he will not be able to testify for you.”

Candace hesitated for a moment.

Pointing into the darkness of the temple, she said, “Lord Saint Beast, why don’t we go in and explore? See if there’s anything special left behind.”

Before Ye Chen could say yes.

A mighty roar came from the depths of the temple.


Accompanied by a roar, considerable pressure suddenly covered Ye Chen and Candace.

This pressure immediately hit Candace, and she fell to the ground.

Even her little finger could not move at all.

Naturally, Ye Chen did not feel good either.

His ears were ringing, and the surroundings started to shake.

Seeing this, Ye Chen was utterly dumbfounded.

The most potent pressure he had ever encountered was when the Elven Queen pointed her bow at him.

But now, this pressure was only more substantial than the Elven Queen at that time!

How powerful was that thing in the temple?

Just as Ye Chen was wondering…

The existence in the temple had finally revealed itself.

A five-meter-long golden-haired lion slowly walked out of the temple.

Its every step seemed to be stepping on the hearts of Ye Chen and Candace.

Its magnificent mane made it look even more extraordinary as if it was born to be the king of this world.

Its bright golden eyes slowly swept over cadence, who was still motionless on the ground.

Then, they gathered on Ye Chen, who had not lowered his head yet.

That gaze seemed to be asking Ye Chen.

“Why aren’t you kneeling yet?”

The corner of Ye Chen’s eyes slightly twitched.

Forcefully resisting the pressure, he directly spat out a mouthful of seven-colored poisonous liquid.

He knew that he was basically dead today.

The only difference was whether he would be bitten to death by someone obediently, or if he would be bitten to death by someone else after resisting for a while.

The giant golden lion clearly did not expect that the little lizard in front of him would actually dare to attack it.

A look of panic flashed in its eyes as it quickly jumped back and dodged the incoming venom.

Ye Chen’s whole attention was focused on the giant golden lion. The look of panic in its eyes was naturally noticed by Ye Chen as well.

Ye Chen was a little curious about its reaction.

Therefore, he threw out another mouthful of venom.

The giant golden lion let out an angry roar and jumped away again.

Seeing that, Ye Chen activated the speed gene that he had just gotten from his body and threw himself at the lion.

His neck also stretched out in an instant as he opened his mouth and ran toward the neck under the lion’s mane.

This time, the lion could no longer maintain its composure. It rolled on the ground and dodged Ye Chen’s attack.

That horrifying pressure also disappeared in an instant.

Ye Chen stopped his attack with a bit of surprise. He looked at the giant golden lion that was covered in dust as it got up from the ground.

He mumbled in a low voice, “F*ck, so it is just a weak-looking beast…”

After he finished his mumbling…

Ye Chen launched a storm-like attack.

Although that giant golden lion did not have that horrifying pressure anymore, it was still quite powerful.

Compared to the golden leopard beast, it was a bit stronger.

However, what it was facing was Ye Chen’s endless attacking methods, as well as his overwhelming intelligence.

By the time Candace panted and slowly got up from the ground…

The entire temple had been completely covered by the smoke and dust, and nothing could be seen anymore.

Only the roars of the giant golden lion could be heard, as well as Ye Chen’s cursing from time to time.

After a while…

The dust slowly settled down. Candace also looked over carefully with worry.

“Master Saint Beast!”

Ye Chen opened his mouth and let go of the giant golden lion’s throat that had been bitten by him.

He raised his head and asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

At the same time, he also licked the lion’s blood that had fallen from his mouth into his stomach.

Candace looked at Ye Chen with a hint of respect. She put her palms together and said, “Master Saint Beast, do you need me to treat you?”

After saying that, she pointed at the wound on Ye Chen’s back.

It turned out that Ye Chen was not completely unscathed after battling with the giant golden lion.

He was also caught by the giant lion’s last-minute counterattack. One of its claws had scratched his back, leaving three deep bloody wounds.

However, for Ye Chen, who had experienced life and death multiple times…

This little wound was nothing to him.

Therefore, he lowered his head and ate as much as he could while saying, “Suit yourself.”

Candace hurried to Ye Chen’s side. She put her palms together and sprinkled some holy white light onto the hideous wound on Ye Chen’s back.

It only took a moment.

With her healing arts and Ye Chen’s recovery speed, the wound on his back had completely healed.

Right then, Ye Chen had also swallowed that huge lion beast completely.

He started to analyze its genes and the changes they had brought to him.

Soon, he found out that there was indeed another special genome in his body.

However, it was different from other genomes, which could obviously increase Ye Chen’s power.

It was a useless ability, the pressure gene.

Ye Chen tried to activate it without much effort.

In the next second, a huge pressure similar to that of the golden lion was released from Ye Chen’s body.

He pushed Candace, who was next to him, onto the ground once again…

Ye Chen withdrew his pressure embarrassedly and pushed Candace up with his head.

“Sorry, I was not careful..”

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