Holy Great Dragon, Starting from Gene Evolution - Chapter 17

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The next morning.

The Priest Eudora awakened the Queen and Ye Chen at the same time.

“My Queen, please wake up!”

Looking at the dazed, rubbing-eyes Queen Aria getting up.

Priest Eudora felt a sudden pang in her heart.

If it was in the past, elves would be running around chasing birds and singing.

However, Queen Aria had encountered a matter that concerned the life and death of her entire race.

How could Eudora, who had watched her grow up, not feel heartache?

However, now was obviously not the time to think so much.

Seeing that the Queen was awake.

Eudora hurriedly reported, “My queen, The whisperers who have been hiding around the valley have also discovered traces of humans.”

“And from the looks of it, they are heading toward the valley!”

The dazed Aria instantly woke up.

With a push of her wrist, her entire body landed on the ground.

A faint light flashed on her body, and a gorgeous armor with exquisite runes wrapped around her delicate body.

Holding a dark green longbow in her hand, she said as she walked out, “Immediately gather all the archers to be on guard! Tell all the whisperers to return to the Holy Land!”

The strong male elf who was waiting under the tree immediately turned around and started to gather.

Ye Chen also followed behind the queen with an expressionless face.

It seemed like he would have to put off his departure for a while.

At this time, no matter what, Ye Chen could not turn around and walk away.

When he arrived at the altar from yesterday…

Two hundred archers with bows and arrows had already formed up.

When they saw the Queen coming over.

An elf girl with a pretty face quickly stepped forward and reported, “Your Majesty, just now I found the traces of more than ten humans in the southwest of the Holy Land. They were led by three Bronze Knights.”

The Queen raised her eyebrows slightly.

She asked, “Only Bronze Knights?”

The elf girl nodded and replied, “Yes, only bronze knights were found for the time being.”

At this moment, another elven girl rushed over from the entrance of the valley.

“In the south of the Holy Land, a slave-hunting team led by four Bronze Knights has been discovered. They are currently searching in the direction of the Holy Land.”

Following that.

All the whisperers retreated into the valley.

The elves also knew that most of the humans who came this time were only Bronze Knights.

They had yet to see any powerful Silver Knights.

The Queen finally sighed.

She said to the strong male elf next to her, “If that’s the case, then please take a few groups of archers and kill them all. Remember, don’t leave any traces behind.”

“If you find any Silver Knights, send someone back to inform me immediately!”

The strong male elf named Finn had an excited look on his face as he said loudly, “Alright, Queen, just wait for my good news!”

Right then…

Ye Chen, who was listening from the side, suddenly crawled in front of the Queen.

He raised his head and said, “Aria, I will go with you.”

Queen Aria was slightly startled.

Then, she remembered the conversation they had last night.

Ye Chen had said that he could only increase his power by devouring other creatures.

Then, she nodded lightly.

“Alright, I will leave the cleaning up of the battlefield to you. If you run into any danger, come back immediately. Do you understand?”

Ye Chen looked at the worried look in the Queen’s eyes.

As his heart warmed up, he opened his mouth and smiled.

“It will be fine. Don’t worry.”

Then, Ye Chen jumped onto Finn’s shoulder and said, “Then, let’s go.”

Finn, who had already arranged the team, nodded perfunctorily.

Then, he led a few groups of archers and quickly walked out of the valley.

After they left the valley…

Eudora asked Queen Aria worriedly, “Is it really okay to let the Saint Beast follow them? He is still so weak right now. What if there is an accident…”

The Elven Queen sighed slightly.

“So what if we don’t go? I’m afraid that it won’t be long before the human armies will come and attack us endlessly.”

“At that time, if he’s still so weak, what use can he be?”

“As this generation’s Guardian Saint Beast, if he’s just a pet, what use is that?”

Although her words were very firm.

However, the worry on her face could still be seen clearly by Eudora.

However, the Queen was right. The disaster of the Dark Shadow clan was right in front of them.

As this generation’s Guardian Saint Beast, if it did not have enough power, then the final result would be that it would be killed by someone.

Ye Chen followed Finn and the elves out of the valley.

Then, Ye Chen jumped onto the ground and went into the dense forest.

Finn only took a glance before leading the archer towards the nearest human team.

Ye Chen, of course, was not trying to take the opportunity to escape.

He was only hiding at the side of the team for the time being. When the battle started, he would launch a sneak attack to help.

Ye Chen was very clear about his own power.

By relying on sneak attacks, he could be quite useful.

However, if he were to face them head-on, then his power would be greatly reduced.

A few minutes later.

A group of elves were hiding on top of a few big trees under Finn’s lead.

Two or three hundred meters in the distance, one could vaguely see more than ten human figures walking towards them.

Finn and the elves all drew their bows and waited patiently.

As the figure entered the shooting range.

The bow in Finn’s hand shot towards the leader of the group with a soft hum.

As he shot, the other twenty or so elves seemed to have received the signal.

They all shot towards their targets, completely covering the human team in the distance.

After a wave of arrow rain, only three Bronze Knights managed to block the arrows that came from the sneak attack.

After that, they did not charge toward the elves who had revealed themselves. Instead, they ran towards the forest behind them.

Finn did not expect that the other party did not have any intention of fighting them.

While he was in a daze, the three Bronze Knights had already escaped the shooting range!

Seeing this, Finn quickly chased after them with his archers.

Seeing the 3 Bronze Knights running further and further away.

Finn understood what they meant.

These humans were not here to attack the village, but to determine the location of their Holy Land!

If they were allowed to escape, then the location of the Holy Land would be locked within a very small area.

Finn cursed in panic, bringing his archers and chasing after the 3 knights.

Although they were in the dense forest, they were even faster than the Bronze Knights.

However, they would not be able to catch up to them in a short period of time.

If the three knights were to join up with the other human teams, it would be disastrous!

At this critical moment.

A purple figure suddenly appeared in front of the three escaping knights.

At the same time, a strong seven-colored poisonous fog spurted out of the purple figure’s mouth, blocking their escape route.

When the three Bronze Knights saw the seven-colored poisonous fog, they immediately thought of Jacob’s warning.

They must be careful of magical beasts that could spurt out seven-colored poisonous fog!

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