Holy Great Dragon, Starting from Gene Evolution - Chapter 11

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Chen rested for two whole days.

Only then did he set out again, starting to search for the next group of prey.

Although he was eager to learn more, he was also very careful.

If he killed too many people, the other party would probably turn around and attack him first.

Therefore, he had been controlling the interval between the hunting teams.

After seven or eight days, Ye Chen had only killed two more teams.

Plus, as he went deeper and deeper into the Shadow Forest, the location of the teams became harder and harder to find.

Even if he was lucky enough to run into a team, and because a real Bronze Knight usually led it, Ye Chen could not afford to mess with it right now.

However, Ye Chen did not spend all his time looking for human teams.

Most of the time, he was still hunting beasts and animals to increase his power.

The hunting these days had made Ye Chen’s power increase significantly.

If he was facing a trainee Knight, even if he did not launch a sneak attack, he was confident that he could win.

After searching for another five or six days, Ye Chen finally found a suitable team.

This team was made up of three apprentice knights and eight slave catchers.

Obviously, as they went deeper into the forest, the human search teams gradually gathered together.

Although there were three apprentice Knights on the other side.

However, Ye Chen did not have a better target. He could only follow far behind, trying to see if there was a chance for a sneak attack.

As long as his seven-colored poisonous fog succeeded, it would be much easier.

After following for another two days, Ye Chen finally found a suitable opportunity.

Looking at the battlefield by the stream in the distance, Ye Chen quietly sneaked over.

It turned out that…

While the three apprentice knights were collecting clean water to drink, they encountered a giant crocodile demonic beast, which was currently engaged in an intense battle.

Since they had already reached the depths of the forest, the demonic beast’s power naturally increased.

Just like this giant crocodile magical beast with rhino horns on its nose, it was much stronger than the tiger beast that he had encountered before.

At this moment, the giant crocodile was still holding half of the slave catcher’s corpse in its mouth.

After raising its head and swallowing the corpse, the giant crocodile once again attacked the team as it glared at them with red eyes.

The first to take the giant crocodile’s attack head-on among the three knights was a burly sword-shield Knight.

At this moment, a layer of earthy yellow-shadow had appeared on his shield, greatly increasing the defensive power of the shield.

Even if he was facing the crazy attacks of the giant crocodile, he could barely withstand it.

Another one-handed sword warrior, whose entire body was covered in a breeze, was rapidly attacking the surroundings of the giant crocodile.

Even with the support of the wind element, his sword could barely break through the defense of the giant crocodile, leaving behind many blood grooves.

This little injury was nothing to its huge body.

The main attacker of the three was the last fire knight who held the giant sword in both hands.

Although he could not release his combat aura and slash out with the fire blade, the attack power of the two-handed giant sword wrapped in flames was still not low.

The heavy sword slashed onto the back of the giant crocodile, causing it to scream in pain and attack crazily.

Although the crocodile was powerful, it was still not a match for the three well-coordinated trainee knights.

Seeing that the crocodile’s attacks were getting more and more violent, Ye Chen, who was hiding at the side, knew that it would not be able to hold on for long.

Seeing that, Ye Chen quickly jumped onto a tree near the battlefield.

His four claws grabbed onto the thick tree branches and started to gather power. The tiger and python genes in his body were activated at the same time.

At the same time, his body turned purple-gold.

His whole body shot out like a bow and arrow, leaving behind a string of afterimages.

The triangular head and the one-meter-long neck were also instantly drained of water, turning into solid ‘arrowheads’.

Just as that shield-wielding Knight was trying his best to block the giant crocodile’s big mouth, the arrow directly pierced through his chest from the back!


Ye Chen, who were still standing, lightly pushed off their backs, dodging the attack of the Wind Knight.

When Ye Chen stared at them, there was already a bloody heart in their mouths!

The situation on the battlefield had completely changed because of the death of the shield-wielding Knight.

The Wind Knight let out a mournful roar.

Leaving the huge crocodile behind, he ran after Ye Chen, who had just landed on the ground.

The two swords in his hands, one in front of the other, stabbed towards Ye Chen’s long neck and his head that was covered in blood.

Ye Chen instantly took back the giant python’s genes, and the long neck and head shrunk back like a belt.

The pupils of the wind warrior contracted. It was obvious that he had not expected Ye Chen to have such a move.

In a hurry, he wanted to take back the two swords that he had stabbed out.

But just now, he had attacked with anger and did not think of holding back at all.

If he wanted to retract it now, it would be too late!

The moment he stopped retracting his strength, the seven-colored poisonous arrow shot out from Ye Chen’s mouth had already headed straight for the Wind Knight’s face.

Seeing that he could not dodge, the Wind Knight could only subconsciously close his eyes and mouth.

But, he had underestimated the power of Ye Chen’s poisonous liquid.

You know, when Ye Chen first got the rainbow lizard gene, his venom could melt a solid tree trunk…

Watching the knight wail and reach out to wipe away the poison that was eating away at his face.

Ye Chen stopped paying attention to him.

He looked at the crocodiles and the humans.

Since Ye Chen’s sneak attack killed the shield-wielding Knight, the Wind Knight was also focused on Ye Chen.

The Fire Knight had already lost the ability to attack.

He could only hold his sword with both of his hands, trying his best to defend against the crocodile’s attack.

As the Wind Knight was killed, he was surrounded by despair.

After barely defending for two seconds, his legs were bitten by the crocodile.

With the crocodile’s real ‘death roll’, the two-handed sword warrior’s body was torn into pieces.

The few surviving slaves turned around and ran in terror.

Ye Chen could not chase after them for the time being. Instead, he looked at the heavily injured crocodile.

The crocodile also turned its head and looked at the lizard Ye Chen warily while slowly retreating into the water.

Ye Chen grinned like a human.

He immediately waved his four small claws and attacked the crocodile, which was seven or eight times bigger than him!

“Trying to run? No way! I want all of your powers!”

Ye Chen, who was extremely agile, did not want to fight head-on with the heavily wounded giant crocodile at all.

Instead, he circled around him while spraying poisonous arrows at his wounds.

From time to time, his long tail would also harden, poking at the wounds on his body.

Ye Chen had killed the heavily wounded giant crocodile in just a few seconds.

Looking at the corpses on the ground…

Ye Chen did not have the time to be proud of himself. Instead, he quickly started to devour them.

Those slave catchers who had just escaped would probably come back with their people soon.

Ye Chen did not want to be chased again.

However, he was not as lucky as he thought.

Right after Ye Chen had swallowed the Knight and the giant crocodile into his stomach…

Before he could escape from the ‘crime scene’, an angry roar came from afar.

“Evil beast! I will skin you alive!”

Ye Chen was shocked.

He turned his head to take a look, then quickly ran in the opposite direction.

There were four Bronze Knights approaching Ye Chen at a high speed in the forest not far away.

The middle-aged man in the lead was covered in a strong wind, his speed was extremely fast….

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