His Peasant Wife : Yao Ling - Chapter 129

Please note: This chapter contains the mature part. If you want to skip it, you can directly read after these symbols ***. If you continue reading the mature part, please enjoy! >.< ———="" !mature="" part!="" yao="" ying="" watched="" her="" perky="" breasts="" intensely.="" they="" were="" very="" beautiful="" and="" her="" alluring="" flower="" buds="" proudly="" stood="" out="" —="" probably="" due="" to="" the="" slightly="" cold="" temperature.="" for="" him,="" they="" were="" the="" most="" beautiful="" things="" that="" he="" had="" ever="" seen="" and="" they="" were="" begging="" to="" be="" touched.="" "ling-er…="" so="" beautiful,"="" yao="" ying="" said="" truthfully.="" he="" truly="" admired="" them,="" besides…="" it="" was="" also="" the="" first="" time="" he="" saw="" woman's="" breasts.="" "don't…="" don't="" tease="" me!"="" yao="" ling="" stuttered="" due="" to="" her="" embarrassment.="" she="" felt="" vulnerable="" because="" she="" was="" practically="" naked="" in="" front="" of="" him.="" yao="" ying="" knew="" how="" nervous="" yao="" ling="" was,="" so="" he="" decided="" to="" ask="" one="" last="" time="" before="" he="" succumbed="" himself="" to="" his="" own="" lust,="" "can="" i="" touch="" them?"="" yao="" ying="" asked="" with="" eyes="" full="" of="" anticipation.="" he="" knew="" that="" she="" had="" probably="" already="" agreed="" to="" his="" advance,="" but="" he="" just="" needed="" to="" make="" sure="" that="" she="" also="" wanted="" this.="" yao="" ling="" berated="" him="" inwardly,="" 'you="" already="" touched="" them!!="" is="" there="" a="" need="" to="" keep="" asking="" my="" permission?!="" i="" already="" feel="" like="" dying="" due="" to="" embarrassment,="" so="" how="" does="" he="" want="" me="" to="" answer="" his="" question?!'="" yao="" ling="" made="" a="" firm="" decision="" and="" with="" a="" sudden="" burst="" of="" power,="" she="" released="" herself="" from="" his="" grasp="" and="" she="" gripped="" both="" of="" her="" hands="" tightly.="" without="" another="" word,="" she="" guided="" both="" of="" his="" hands="" to="" her="" plump="" twin="" peaks.="" while="" doing="" that,="" she="" actually="" shut="" both="" of="" her="" eyes="" tightly="" and="" her="" whole="" body="" was="" stiff.="" she="" was="" awkwardly="" giving="" him="" her="" permission="" while="" her="" whole="" body="" was="" trembling="" because="" of="" slight="" fear.="" she="" thought="" to="" herself,="" 'is="" this="" good="" enough?="" actions="" speak="" louder="" than="" words…'="" when="" yao="" ying="" felt="" her="" breasts="" through="" his="" hands,="" his="" whole="" body="" was="" frozen="" due="" to="" the="" shock="" of="" her="" sudden="" brave="" movement.="" soon…="" he="" came="" to="" his="" senses="" and="" crashed="" his="" mouth="" on="" hers="" —="" hard.="" yao="" ying="" started="" to="" knead="" her="" breasts="" softly.="" yao="" ling="" gasped="" as="" his="" palm="" grazed="" her="" bare="" breast="" and="" the="" sensation="" awoke="" her="" flower="" buds,="" making="" them="" harder="" than="" before.="" yao="" ying="" could="" feel="" how="" soft="" and="" warm="" her="" breasts="" were="" and="" they="" were="" in="" contrast="" with="" how="" hard="" her="" flower="" buds="" were.="" he="" gulped="" because="" of="" how="" responsive="" they="" were="" to="" his="" touch.="" their="" hot="" breath="" mingled="" with="" each="" other="" along="" with="" their="" tangling="" tongues.="" his="" hands="" made="" her="" lost="" his="" mind="" as="" he="" kept="" kneading="" –="" sometimes="" hard,="" sometimes="" soft.="" when="" his="" fingers="" started="" to="" caress="" the="" budding="" flower="" buds="" and="" twirling="" them,="" yao="" ling="" could="" feel="" the="" electricity="" and="" it="" made="" her="" moan="" in="" pleasure.="" "hmmm…."="" yao="" ling="" was="" feeling="" bewildered="" because="" of="" the="" foreign="" feeling.="" "ying…"="" yao="" ling="" moaned="" her="" husband's="" name="" desperately.="" desperate="" of="" what?="" she="" didn't="" really="" understand,="" but="" she="" just="" wanted="" to="" get="" closer="" to="" him.="" she="" somehow="" needed="" him="" for="" something.="" she="" clenched="" her="" tights,="" trying="" to="" relieve="" the="" burning="" sensation="" down="" there.="" the="" electricity="" that="" she="" felt="" due="" to="" his="" hands'="" movement="" flowed="" through="" her="" whole="" body="" and="" down="" to="" her="" sweetness="" down="" there.="" she="" moaned="" once="" again.="" what="" did="" he="" do="" to="" her?="" the="" electricity="" made="" her="" feel="" intense="" pleasure.="" yao="" ling="" rested="" her="" head="" on="" the="" crook="" of="" yao="" ying's="" neck,="" trying="" to="" hold="" back="" her="" desire.="" both="" of="" yao="" ying's="" hands="" didn't="" stop="" kneading,="" but="" once="" in="" a="" while,="" he="" brushed="" his="" fingers="" on="" the="" flower="" buds.="" yao="" ying="" could="" see="" the="" lust="" in="" her="" eyes="" and="" he="" couldn't="" help="" but="" praise="" the="" 'yellow="" book'="" in="" his="" mind.="" without="" the="" knowledge="" from="" the="" 'yellow="" book',="" he="" wouldn't="" know="" what="" to="" do="" to="" pleasure="" her.="" 'grandmother…="" i="" have="" to="" thank="" you!'="" yao="" ying="" thought="" excitedly.="" he="" didn't="" forget="" about="" the="" matriarch's="" merit.="" yao="" ling="" gripped="" both="" of="" yao="" ying's="" upper="" arms="" tightly="" and="" her="" nails="" dug="" into="" his="" skin,="" but="" yao="" ying="" just="" ignored="" the="" pain.="" his="" focus="" was="" trying="" to="" give="" yao="" ling="" a="" pleasurable="" night.="" yao="" ying="" saw="" how="" her="" pinkish="" flower="" buds="" started="" to="" get="" more="" sensitive="" and="" look="" oh-so-delicious.="" he="" pushed="" her="" back="" a="" little="" bit="" because="" he="" wanted="" to="" taste="" her.="" yao="" ying="" wanted="" to="" know="" how="" sweet="" her="" taut="" twin="" peaks="" were.="" he="" dipped="" his="" head="" down="" and="" took="" the="" sweet="" temptation="" into="" his="" mouth.="" yao="" ling="" shuddered="" when="" she="" felt="" yao="" ying's="" wet="" tongue="" slowly="" licked="" her="" flower="" buds.="" "hmmm…"="" yao="" ling="" moaned="" a="" bit="" louder.="" "ying…"="" she="" breathlessly="" called="" his="" name.="" the="" electrifying="" movement="" made="" yao="" ling="" lose="" her="" mind.="" everything="" seemed="" so="" hazy="" —="" only="" the="" pleasure="" was="" real.="" the="" more="" he="" twirled="" his="" tongue="" on="" her="" flower="" buds="" and="" made="" her="" whole="" body="" tingling,="" the="" wetter="" her="" sweetness="" down="" there.="" something="" was="" aching="" down="" there="" and="" she="" could="" only="" tighten="" her="" thighs,="" trying="" to="" ease="" her="" pain.="" yao="" ling="" could="" feel="" that="" her="" sweetness="" down="" there="" was="" truly="" soaked.="" she="" groaned="" when="" she="" felt="" the="" way="" yao="" ying="" tortured="" her="" with="" pleasure.="" yao="" ying="" really="" enjoyed="" his="" feast…="" one="" moment="" he="" was="" sucking="" her="" left="" flower="" bud="" and="" his="" other="" hand="" worked="" wonder="" by="" twisting="" and="" sometimes="" pinching="" the="" other="" flower="" bud="" softly.="" yao="" ling="" could="" only="" grip="" his="" arms="" and="" in="" the="" midst="" of="" the="" passion="" and="" pleasure…="" she="" bit="" his="" right="" shoulder="" while="" holding="" back="" her="" moan.="" she="" did="" it="" out="" of="" instinct="" and="" yao="" ling="" didn't="" even="" realize="" she="" had="" bitten="" yao="" ying.="" she="" just="" needed="" to="" vent="" on="" something="" and="" his="" shoulder="" was="" the="" only="" thing="" available="" in="" front="" of="" her.="" yao="" ying="" didn't="" dodge="" her="" bite,="" but="" instead…="" he="" kept="" attacking="" her="" flower="" buds="" more="" ruthlessly.="" "ling-er…="" you="" taste="" so="" sweet…"="" yao="" ying="" praised.="" "look="" at="" how="" rosy="" and="" swollen="" they="" are."="" although="" he="" was="" talking,="" he="" didn't="" stop="" doing="" what="" he="" had="" been="" doing="" all="" along.="" listening="" to="" his="" sweet="" nothing,="" she="" could="" only="" blush="" and="" she="" stopped="" biting="" him.="" she="" turned="" away,="" feeling="" shy.="" yao="" ying="" didn't="" allow="" her="" to="" be="" embarrassed="" and="" said,="" "don't="" be="" shy…"="" yao="" ling="" didn't="" know="" whether="" to="" laugh="" or="" cry.="" how="" could="" she="" not="" shy?="" he…="" he="" touched="" and="" even="" licked="" her="" breasts.="" it="" was="" an="" amazing="" experience="" but="" she="" still="" couldn't="" get="" past="" the="" embarrassment.="" she="" hid="" her="" face="" on="" the="" crook="" of="" his="" shoulder,="" but="" she="" yelped="" when="" yao="" ling="" pushed="" her="" so="" she="" could="" lie="" down="" on="" the="" bed.="" she="" landed="" in="" a="" thud="" and="" yao="" ling="" saw="" how="" yao="" ying="" looked="" at="" her="" body="" with="" intense="" lust.="" yao="" ling="" blushed="" and="" it="" made="" her="" snowy="" white="" cheeks="" tinted="" with="" a="" hint="" of="" red,="" so="" alluring="" to="" yao="" ying="" who="" saw="" it.="" she="" once="" again="" tried="" to="" cover="" herself,="" but="" yao="" ying="" stubbornly="" didn't="" allow="" her="" to.="" "we="" are="" already="" husband="" and="" wife.="" you="" should="" learn="" to="" get="" over="" your="" embarrassment…"="" yao="" ying="" still="" had="" the="" mood="" to="" joke,="" making="" yao="" ling="" pouted.="" yao="" ying="" grinned="" at="" her="" pouty="" face="" and="" quickly="" kissed="" her="" lips="" once="" again.="" he="" knew="" she="" was="" going="" to="" retort="" him="" back,="" so="" before="" she="" made="" out="" any="" sounds…="" he="" decided="" to="" shut="" her="" mouth="" and="" enjoyed="" her="" lips.="" yao="" ling="" huffed="" inside="" her="" mind="" because="" he="" kept="" shutting="" her="" mouth="" this="" way.="" however,="" she="" knew="" that="" this="" method="" was="" quite="" effective.="" 'well…="" she="" might="" as="" well="" enjoying="" this="" then…'="" yao="" ling="" thought="" inwardly.="" while="" kissing="" her,="" yao="" ying="" kept="" thinking="" whether="" he="" could="" go="" further="" and="" roam="" his="" hand="" to="" her="" sweetness="" down="" there.="" some="" of="" the="" 'yellow="" book'="" pictures="" came="" into="" his="" mind,="" but="" he="" didn't="" think="" that="" it="" was="" suitable="" for="" this="" time.="" he="" should="" just="" make="" her="" satisfied="" with="" playing="" with="" her="" upper="" part="" of="" her="" body.="" he="" recalled="" that="" they="" still="" had="" around="" seventy="" days="" left="" to="" their="" promised="" day.="" so,="" it="" would="" be="" wise="" of="" him="" if="" he="" enjoyed="" her="" bits="" by="" bits.="" a="" bit="" painful="" for="" him,="" but="" he="" was="" enjoying="" it.="" after="" finally="" deciding="" that="" he="" would="" restraint="" himself,="" he="" started="" to="" concentrate="" on="" the="" task="" at="" hand.="" he="" started="" to="" find="" her="" neck="" and="" bit="" her="" soft="" spot,="" but="" he="" still="" had="" the="" decency="" to="" not="" leave="" any="" marks="" on="" her="" neck.="" yao="" ying="" knew="" that="" she="" would="" be="" embarrassed="" to="" death="" and="" probably="" wouldn't="" allow="" him="" to="" go="" near="" her="" once="" again.="" he="" shuddered="" at="" the="" thought="" of="" not="" touching="" her.="" she="" was="" simply="" his="" sweet="" addiction.="" once="" he="" tasted="" her,="" he="" could="" never="" get="" enough="" of="" her.="" his="" one="" hand="" was="" used="" to="" support="" his="" body,="" so="" he="" wouldn't="" crush="" her.="" his="" other="" hand?="" it="" was="" back="" to="" his="" conquest="" of="" touching="" her.="" his="" hand="" traced="" her="" neck,="" her="" collarbone,="" her="" upper="" breast="" in="" a="" circular="" motion="" and="" it="" all="" heightened="" yao="" ling's="" sense="" to="" his="" touch.="" he="" decided="" to="" use="" only="" one="" finger="" and="" with="" that="" chosen="" finger…="" he="" traced="" the="" outline="" of="" her="" flower="" bud="" with="" a="" circular="" motion="" and="" the="" pleasure="" was="" unbearable="" to="" yao="" ling.="" it="" made="" the="" tingling="" heightened="" and="" her="" sweetness="" down="" there="" became="" wetter="" –="" she="" probably="" already="" soaked="" down="" there,="" but="" yao="" ling="" didn't="" even="" realize="" that="" herself.="" her="" focus="" was="" solely="" on="" his="" finger="" and="" her="" own="" sensitive="" flower="" bud.="" yao="" ying="" smiled="" when="" he="" saw="" her="" tortured="" expression.="" yao="" ying="" saw="" the="" other="" free="" flower="" bud="" and="" his="" throat="" was="" parched.="" he="" couldn't="" help="" but="" bit="" it="" once="" and="" sucked="" it="" deep="" into="" his="" mouth.="" "aaaahhhh~"="" yao="" ling="" moan="" louder="" than="" before="" after="" she="" felt="" his="" mouth="" on="" her="" peak.="" yao="" ling="" wriggled="" under="" his="" torture,="" trying="" to="" free="" herself="" from="" his="" mouth.="" "ying…="" ying…="" stopppp="" please…"="" she="" could="" feel="" the="" cold="" sensation="" when="" he="" sucked="" and="" also="" the="" ticklish="" feeling,="" she="" couldn't="" help="" but="" moan="" and="" giggle="" at="" the="" same="" time.="" out="" of="" nowhere,="" yao="" ying="" suddenly="" hit="" her="" weak="" spot="" on="" both="" flower="" buds="" and="" the="" pleasure="" was="" unimaginable.="" she="" shuddered="" and="" felt="" something="" burst="" out="" down="" there.="" she="" couldn't="" stop="" herself="" from="" moaning="" loudly,="" "aaaahhh~"="" yao="" ling="" bit="" yao="" ying's="" shoulder="" once="" again="" and="" this="" bite="" was="" more="" intense="" than="" before.="" yao="" ying="" groaned,="" "ouch…"="" yao="" ying="" didn't="" do="" anything="" to="" yao="" ling="" and="" just="" let="" her="" be,="" but="" he="" was="" a="" bit="" surprised="" by="" her="" overboard="" reaction.="" 'what="" happened?'="" he="" thought="" to="" himself.="" he="" let="" go="" of="" her="" flowers="" bud,="" because="" of="" the="" surprise.="" ********="" !the="" end="" of="" the="" mature="" part!="" yao="" ying="" and="" yao="" ling="" didn't="" know="" that="" it="" actually="" meant="" that="" yao="" ling="" finally="" found="" her="" release.="" yao="" ling,="" who="" had="" just="" gotten="" her="" first="" mind-blown="" orgasm,="" didn't="" know="" how="" to="" describe="" her="" experience.="" she="" just="" laid="" there,="" staring="" blankly="" at="" yao="" ying.="" she="" never="" knew="" that="" such="" a="" pleasurable="" could="" exist.="" she="" could="" feel="" that="" something="" came="" out="" of="" her="" sweetness="" down="" there="" and="" the="" tingling="" was="" still="" there.="" she="" curiously="" touched="" her="" sweetness="" and="" shuddered="" when="" she="" accidentally="" touched="" the="" sensitive="" part.="" yao="" ling="" found="" the="" sticky="" transparent="" wetness.="" yao="" ling="" looked="" at="" the="" foreign="" substance="" and="" blinked="" her="" eyes="" innocently.="" 'what="" happened?'="" she="" thought="" to="" herself.="" she="" looked="" at="" her="" hand="" and="" asked="" herself="" softly,="" "what="" is="" this?"="" she="" questioned="" herself="" about="" that="" sticky="" wetness="" and="" the="" experience="" that="" she="" had="" just="" gotten.="" yao="" ying="" was="" afraid="" of="" her="" abnormal="" behavior.="" "ling-er…="" are="" you="" okay?"="" he="" could="" see="" the="" confusion="" in="" her="" eyes="" and="" it="" mirrored="" his.="" yao="" ling="" just="" answered="" her="" by="" nodding="" numbly.="" she="" turned="" her="" gaze="" from="" her="" hand="" to="" yao="" ling,="" "do="" you="" know="" what="" is="" it?"="" yao="" ying="" glanced="" at="" her="" wetness="" and="" nodded.="" "umph…="" it="" came="" out="" from="" your="" sweet="" little="" thing,="" right?"="" yao="" ying="" had="" a="" bit="" understanding="" but="" also="" didn't="" know="" what="" he="" should="" call="" that="" wetness.="" yao="" ling="" nodded.="" "er…="" how="" do="" you="" feel="" when="" your="" sticky="" white="" thing="" came="" out="" from="" your="" little="" yao="" ying?"="" she="" asked="" curiously.="" maybe="" they="" felt="" the="" same="" way="" when="" the="" white="" thing="" came="" out?="" yao="" ying="" furrowed="" his="" eyebrows.="" "it's="" an="" unimaginable="" pleasure.="" why?"="" he="" didn't="" how="" to="" explain="" what="" he="" felt="" –="" but="" it="" was="" true,="" he="" felt="" intense="" pleasure="" when="" the="" white="" thing="" shot="" out="" of="" little="" yao="" ying.="" yao="" ling="" blinked="" at="" him.="" "i="" think="" i="" just="" got="" that="" experience="" too?"="" yao="" ling="" felt="" a="" bit="" unsure.="" "er…="" orgasm?"="" yao="" ying="" asked="" softly.="" 'did="" she="" just="" find="" a="" release?="" only="" by="" playing="" with="" her="" flower="" buds?'="" yao="" ying="" thought="" to="" himself="" and="" he="" was="" in="" awe="" because="" of="" her="" sensitivity.="" the="" 'yellow="" book'="" mentioned="" that="" it="" wasn't="" easy="" for="" a="" woman="" to="" find="" a="" release…="" it="" seemed="" like="" his="" wifey="" was="" extraordinary!="" her="" body="" was="" very="" sensitive="" and="" responsive="" to="" his="" touch.="" "yes…="" i="" think="" i="" just="" felt="" my="" first="" orgasm!"="" yao="" ling="" boldly="" declared.="" yao="" ying="" started="" to="" realized="" that="" she="" was="" shuddering="" and="" moaning="" with="" such="" a="" loud="" voice="" because="" of="" her="" first="" orgasm.="" he="" grinned="" at="" yao="" ling="" and="" asked,="" "what="" do="" you="" think="" about="" it?"="" he="" felt="" curious="" and="" proud="" of="" himself="" that="" she="" experienced="" her="" first="" orgasm="" because="" of="" him.="" yao="" ling="" looked="" at="" him="" with="" twinkling="" eyes.="" "i="" love="" it!"="" she="" honestly="" answered="" him.="" yao="" ling="" never="" knew="" that="" making="" love="" could="" have="" such="" an="" effect="" on="" women.="" ahh…="" no="" wonder…="" she="" thought="" to="" herself.="" she="" remembered="" one="" of="" the="" villagers="" that="" loved="" seducing="" the="" handsome="" woodcutter="" by="" acting="" coquettishly="" and="" that="" time,="" she="" was="" feeling="" a="" bit="" irked="" with="" the="" way="" that="" woman="" behavior.="" yao="" ling="" now="" understood="" that="" she="" probably="" also="" experienced="" the="" same="" earth-shattering="" orgasm="" just="" like="" her="" —="" that's="" why="" that="" village="" girl="" loved="" making="" love.="" [if="" you="" remember="" back="" at="" their="" wedding="" day,="" yao="" ling="" copied="" this="" village="" girl's="" movement="" to="" make="" herself="" look="" seductive="" on="" their="" wedding="" night].="" yao="" ling="" tried="" to="" clear="" her="" mind.="" why="" did="" she="" suddenly="" think="" about="" that="" village="" girl?="" did="" she="" think="" that="" she="" would="" act="" coquettishly="" to="" her="" husband="" just="" to="" feel="" that="" unimaginable="" pleasure="" once="" again?="" yao="" ling="" shook="" her="" head="" and="" knew="" that="" she="" wouldn't="" have="" the="" gut="" to="" imitate="" that="" village="" girl.="" even="" though="" she="" could="" probably="" seduce="" him="" or="" act="" coquettishly="" around="" him="" it="" in="" private,="" however,="" she="" was="" actually="" too="" shy="" to="" execute="" the="" plan!="" yao="" ying="" grinned="" at="" her="" when="" he="" knew="" that="" yao="" ling="" was="" honestly="" loving="" it.="" he="" felt="" that="" he="" had="" won="" and="" it="" meant…="" she="" would="" do="" intimate="" things="" with="" him="" willingly,="" right?="" when="" he="" thought="" about="" that="" conclusion,="" he="" felt="" proud="" of="" himself.="" "i'm="" glad="" that="" you="" love="" it!"="" yao="" ying="" grinned="" widely.="" her="" pleasure="" was="" also="" his.="" in="" the="" midst="" of="" his="" happiness,="" he="" even="" forgot="" about="" his="" little="" yao="" ying="" who="" also="" needed="" his="" attention.="" his="" little="" yao="" ying="" hardness="" became="" soft="" and="" what="" once="" was="" a="" tent="" on="" his="" pants…="" now="" became="" flat…="" he="" didn't="" need="" to="" take="" a="" cold="" shower="" that="" night="" and="" he="" sighed="" in="" relief.="" yao="" ying="" started="" to="" think="" to="" himself…="" since="" when="" that="" yao="" ling="" kept="" occupying="" his="" mind?="" he="" found="" himself="" love="" indulging="" and="" pampering="" her.="" yao="" ying="" even="" went="" to="" the="" length="" to="" keep="" wanting="" to="" satisfy="" her="" first.="" the="" emptiness="" that="" he="" felt="" because="" of="" his="" unknown="" past…="" was="" fully="" occupied="" by="" her.="" his="" heart="" is="" full="" of="" her.="" her="" smile,="" her="" cry,="" her="" pout,="" her="" expression="" —="" everything="" is="" etched="" deep="" within="" his="" heart.="" when="" he="" looked="" at="" her="" twinkling="" eyes,="" he="" almost="" blurted="" the="" word="" love="" to="" her!="" he="" started="" to="" understand="" that="" he="" loves="" her="" as="" a="" man="" loves="" a="" woman.="" he="" gulped="" back="" down="" the="" word,="" thinking="" that="" it="" wasn't="" a="" good="" time="" to="" tell="" her="" the="" love="" word.="" she="" probably="" would="" think="" he="" only="" said="" sweet-nothing="" just="" to="" get="" into="" her="" pants="" more="" often="" and="" he="" didn't="" want="" that="" to="" happen.="" he="" wanted="" it="" to="" be="" special.="" yao="" ling="" is="" special="" to="" him="" and="" she="" deserves="" to="" be="" treated="" like="" his="" queen.="" yao="" ying="" didn't="" even="" realize="" that="" he="" looked="" at="" yao="" ling="" with="" eyes="" full="" of="" love="" and="" warmth.="" yao="" ling="" saw="" the="" different="" expression="" on="" his="" face="" and="" curiously="" asked,="" "what="" are="" you="" thinking="" about?"="" she="" saw="" his="" eyes="" turned="" from="" a="" predatory="" look="" into="" a="" warm="" gaze="" in="" a="" flash.="" his="" new="" gaze="" made="" her="" heart="" skip="" a="" beat.="" yao="" ying="" just="" smiled="" secretly="" at="" her,="" planning="" something="" in="" his="" mind.="" "nothing…"="" he="" patted="" her="" head="" softly="" and="" said="" sweetly,="" "i'm="" happy="" when="" you="" are="" happy."="" he="" wouldn't="" let="" her="" know="" about="" his="" plan="" —="" it="" was="" supposed="" to="" be="" a="" surprise.="" yao="" ling's="" cheeks="" turned="" crimson="" once="" again.="" then="" she="" remembered="" that="" she="" was="" practically="" still="" naked="" and="" quickly="" buried="" herself="" inside="" the="" quilt.="" she="" tilted="" her="" head="" to="" the="" left="" and="" asked,="" "are="" we="" done?"="" because="" of="" the="" orgasm,="" she="" felt="" a="" little="" bit="" tired.="" yao="" ying="" laughed.="" "yes…="" yes…="" we="" are="" done="" for="" the="">

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