Hail the King - Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246: Before the War

“Is this the legendary battleground in space?” Fei was shocked when he came here according to the spatial coordinates.

It was surprising to see such a continent floating in space. Looking from afar, this continent covered a portion of the universe, and it was dozens of times larger than the sun. Even though the sun emitted radiant light, it was like a sesame seed before a watermelon when compared to this continent. Even though Fei was millions of kilometers away, he could sense the ancient age and the magnificence of this land.

“From its shape, it seems like this continent was torn off by a force. It feels like it was taken from somewhere. However, it somehow floated in space and created this star system. This is unimaginable!” Fei sighed. Then, with a thought in his head, he landed on this continent in the next second.

The continent was mostly flat, and it was full of hard rocks and craters left by meteorites. Also, layers of stardust that had been accumulated throughout the ages lay over top of everything.

With each step that Fei took, he covered several hundred kilometers. His spirit energy was spread out like waves, carefully sensing this mysterious continent.

This place was extremely desolate. As if it had been asleep for many eras, no signs of life could be sensed from it. There was no source of water, no greeneries, and not even a streak of wind. There were only rocks, sand grains, empty mountains, and many craters.

“This is like a land of the dead.” Fei was slightly startled.

“The laws of nature on this continent are similar to the Azeroth Continent, and it seems like a streak of power is engulfing the surface of this land. There is also oxygen that humans need to survive. Although it is thin, masters above Five-Star can manage to survive for a while in this environment. No wonder Emperor Yassin believed that this place can be the battleground in space where we can ambush the bugs.”

This discovery calmed Fei a little.

This was indeed a perfect battleground. It was desolate with no life, and it was vast and open. Masters could unleash their full power and didn’t have to worry about injuring the innocent.

“Huh? What is that?”

Fei’s spirit energy suddenly sensed something; it seemed like some buildings appeared before him.

Fei flashed forward and appeared in the location in the next second.

“This… could it be that lifeforms once existed at this place? There are deserted structures here?”

There was a large stretch of rocky surface, and stardust that was half a meter thick covered it. However, if someone paid close attention and observed the area, they could see that the rocky surface was a group of deserted stone structures. Although some structures collapsed due to the collision with meteorites and the passage of time, Fei could still imagine how this place looked in its prime.

Fei waved his hand, and a streak of power gushed out, pushing away the stardust on top of these structures.
Just as Fei expected, there were many tower-like structures and godly-palace-like buildings, and some giant godly statues could be vaguely spotted. There were many dents on the statues, and they were discolored. It was hard to tell what they were from their appearances; they looked like stone pillars that collapsed onto the buildings around them.

It was evident that this was once a fancy and prosperous city, but its glory was long gone. It was buried in the river of time.

“What destroyed this city? War? Natural disaster? Or the bugs?” Fei searched around carefully, but he didn’t find any clues that the bugs would leave behind.

Inside these buildings, Fei didn’t find any skeletons, and the gold, silver, and iron tools that he found were corroded; it was hard to spot the patterns on them.

It was impossible to tell what race lived here before, but Fei somehow felt like this city was a bit familiar.

“The appearances of these structures, their sizes, and their placements are similar to the ancient ruins on the Azeroth Continent. Could it be that there is a connection between the two?”

“How did Emperor Yassin and the ancient God Clan and Demon Clan come to know about the existence of this continent?” Fei had many questions on his mind.

With those questions in mind, Fei spent half a day to travel around the continent and measured this battleground in space that was almost as large as the Azeroth Continent. He memorized those important terrains as well.

After doing that, Fei didn’t spend more time on exploring the ancient ruins on this continent and returned to the Azeroth Continent.

The last preparation started.

The thing that Fei needed to do next was to transport the strongest forces on Earth and the Azeroth Continent to the battleground in space. Then, they would battle with the bugs to the death when the latter got close to this place.

[TL Note: I would assume that the humans on Earth would rely on technology to survive on the battleground in space since the strongest humans there were only equivalent to Five-Star Warriors.]

It wasn’t tough to transport the troops.

Fei had mastered the laws of space, and he had saint items such as the Throne of Creation and Sky City. Also, there were many powerful masters on the Azeroth Continent, and various godly teleportation arrays were created by the Mad Scientists’ Laboratory.

It wouldn’t be a problem to move many troops onto the battleground in space in the next day.

In terms of energy, the 21 Worldstones that Fei obtained in Diablo World were more than enough to complete this mission.

From Dicanio’s mind, Fei already learned about the path that the bug troops were taking to get to the Azeroth Continent, and it was extremely close to the star system that the battleground in space was at. In terms of location, it was highly possible to ambush the bugs.

Of course, Fei had to come up with a way to lure the bugs to the battleground in space!

This was going to be a tough war.

In the vast universe, there were many dimensions and races.
Perhaps there were categories of dark and evil races and kind and orderly races.

There had never been a race that could dominate the entire universe, but this didn’t stop some dark and evil races to have the ambition of conquering the universe.

The bugs were an example.

This race was crazy at plundering others. They would take all energy, kill all lifeforms, and raid all civilizations. The race was built on the destruction of other races. Using their unique ability, they could conquer and absorb the advantages of other races by rapidly evolving. Like viruses, they could continuously evolve and improve. Like locust, they brought destruction and decay everywhere they went.

No one knew how the bugs were created.

Even the bugs forgot their history and how they used to look like due to the giant leaps that they took on their path of evolution.

They had encountered numerous wars on their way, and the bugs were the victors almost every single time.

However, in the last war, they encountered terrifying enemies, and they were almost wiped out. They had to scramble and rush back to their ancestral place where their journey of rising began, resting for 1,000 years.

Now, they were on the move again! They were going to bring death and destruction to their enemies.

It wasn’t just because of hatred; they were greedy over the energy on this continent that would allow them to evolve to their peak!

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