Hail the King - Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165: Killing A Godly King (Part One)

Under the protection of Fei, close to 200,000 soldiers in the alliance who were from empires such as Everton and had survived the recent tragedy went on a smooth journey. Without running into a single battle, this expeditionary troop arrived at the Southern Ruhr Mountain Range, only less than 5,000 kilometers away from the City of Allianz, the Capital of Munich.

In the eyes of the goblins and the Holy Church, this troop was already eliminated and wiped out.

On the second day, people like Fellaini thought that the Human Emperor of the North would lead the troop into the City of Allianz and join the other humans.

However, under Fei’s plan, the troop stayed in the Southern Ruhr Mountain Range and stopped moving toward the City of Allianz.

Although they were surprised, people like Fellaini and Johnson already greatly admired Fei, so they didn’t object to his plan. They listened to Fei’s words without a fuss.

The troop camped in the forest and was engulfed in Fei’s godly power. There was no way that it would be exposed.

Since food supply wasn’t an issue, these people started to enjoy the scenery in the Southern Region as if they were on a trip, and they performed military exercises daily, thinking of ways to deal with the goblin military. While training and practicing the strategies that could be used to save the City of Allianz, these people seemed more relaxed than before.

At the same time, the other expeditionary troop under the leadership of Valkyrie Elena advanced forward.

This expeditionary troop moved toward the City of Iduna without stopping! In these two days, they killed many goblin masters and defeated many goblin troops. With a dominating momentum, they dashed toward the last line of defense of the Empires Alliance led by Ormond.

During this time, Valkyrie Elena’s name shined brightly and shocked the entire continent like a giant shooting star in the dark sky. She killed more than 30 goblin gods, and her track record was stunning.

This queen who wasn’t that famous before made many people fearful and concerned, and even more people were excited and worshipped her. People tried to get as much information on the background of the Valkyrie as possible, but everything about her seemed like a mystery.

All information showed that the Valkyrie accompanied Human Emperor Alexander of the North since he started to show signs of power. Although this woman demonstrated her strength a few times, she was low-profile in most cases.

The power and dominance of the Human Emperor of the North covered the light of his queens.

Now that the Human Emperor of the North disappeared from the public eye for a while, the Valkyrie who was now battling the goblins finally garnished the level of fame that was proportionate to her strength.

Beauty! Nobility! Power! Mystery!

These were all the words that represented the Valkyrie.

This unparalleled and gorgeous queen piqued the interest of everyone on the continent.

At the same time, people started to ask questions.

“Similar to this Valkyrie, how many powerful and mysterious masters of the Northern Region Empire are there? The Human Emperor of the North’s brilliance was so bright that no one else was in the spotlight!”

“If there is only one such figure, Valkyrie Elena, then everything is still acceptable. However, if there are multiple figures like this woman, the enemies of the Northern Region Empire will have nightmares!”

“In fact, just this Valkyrie alone is enough to make many enemies of the Northern Region Empire have nightmares!”

Under the watch of the entire continent, this expeditionary troop quickly advanced forward with an unstoppable momentum! It was crazy!

Finally, on the Westphalia Grassland which was less than 10,000 kilometers from the City of Iduna, the expeditionary troop faced the craziest attack from the Goblin Empire.

Chapter 1165: Killing A Godly King (Part Two)

In this battle, more than five million goblins joined the fight.

Goblins completely filled the grassland, and they were rushing toward the expeditionary troop. There were cannon fodder goblins, ordinary goblins, goblin warriors, king-level goblins, and emperor-level goblins. There weren’t any formations, and no tactics were used. The roars and shouts of goblins resonated in the sky and overpowered all other sounds, and it seemed like goblins were endless. This was the goblin sea attack! The most primitive and the most vicious attack!

The expeditionary troop was forced into a defensive position in the center of the grassland. With the help of the mage legion of the Northern Region Empire, the troop set up defense mechanisms around the campsite, creating many firm and stable magic defense arrays.

Under Valkyrie Elena’s lead, human supreme masters such as Gerard, Kompany, and Ramos as well as the elf, gnome, and dwarf masters such as White-Tiger Priestess Susanna all battled on the frontline, facing off against the top-tier masters of the Goblin Empire.

This battle was the most dangerous one that the expeditionary troop had encountered since it entered the Southern Region! That was because a goblin godly king appeared!

If it weren’t for Valkyrie Elena who instantly noticed the sneak-attack of this goblin godly king named Bordiga and blocked it with all her power, this goblin godly king would have successfully destroyed the defensive setup of the expeditionary troop and completely changed the fate of this troop.

Although Elena discovered Bordiga’s existence, she was still pulled into a tough battle.

The appearance of this goblin godly king forced the Valkyrie to focus all her attention on the battle, and she didn’t have the energy to look after supreme masters such as Gerard and protect the campsite of the troop.

Since the goblins had more soldiers and supreme masters, the battle was tilting toward their favor as they obtained all the advantages for the first time!

Everything was moving in the direction that the goblins anticipated.

The scale of victory was tilting toward these evil, green, and ugly little creatures!

At this critical moment, something unexpected occurred.

A giant sword energy of order that was in both the silver and golden color tore open space and appeared on the battlefield.

Goblin Godly King Bordiga reacted quickly, and he completely unleashed his full strength. He turned into a mass of green light, looking like a green sun and stealing all the glories from the world. However, none of that was useful.

This godly king screamed, and he was instantly killed by the golden and silver giant sword energy of order. Such an existence died, and all his essence was absorbed.

At the same time, the more than 50 goblin gods who were on the battleground also couldn’t escape their demise. They were only slightly touched by this sword energy of order, yet they lost all ability to fight back. They all turned into dust, and their godly essences and understandings of the laws of nature were taken by force.
Like a godly dragon, the golden and silver sword energy of order flashed by and disappeared.

“It is the Human Emperor of the North!”

“It is the golden and silver giant sword energy of order that only the Human Emperor of the North can use!”

“Terrifying! Is this sword energy cast from the Northern Region? It moved across an entire region and killed a godly king?”

The war was completely changed due to the appearance of the golden and silver giant sword energy of order.

Before this powerful sword energy, people like Gerard felt like they were ants in front of a god. If this sword energy were from their enemy, they would have been turned into dust!

“Is this the power of the Human Emperor of the North?”


“Killing a godly king from tens of millions of kilometers away. How powerful is the Human Emperor of the North?”

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