Hail the King - Chapter 1106

Chapter 1106: Punishment from Fei (Part One)

“Self-Detonation?” The smile on Fei’s face turned colder, and his presence continued to increase. In fact, the speed of his strength increase got even faster!

Under the effect of such power, even the air in the Royal Palace of Zenit got thick and viscous as if it turned into liquid. Even the supreme masters such as those orc masters of the Dog Clan who had acute senses felt like the space before them became distorted, and everything around them moved as if they were seeing things through ripples.

The natural elements had become violent and unstable around Busquets and Pedro, but they were pressed down by the insane pressure. After being unstable for a while, they gradually calmed down like playful kids who were shocked.

Under Fei’s supreme godly power, these demi-gods couldn’t even self-detonate and commit suicide as they wanted.

“You… so vicious!” Busquets’ voice directly shot out of his vibrating throat, and his stare was filled with resentment as if he was casting a vicious curse on Fei.

“What? You finally got to experience what it feels like to have your life controlled by others? You finally feel the anger and frustration of being powerless?”

Fei directly stared at Busquets and Pedro. These two’s resentful and vicious stares couldn’t even cause the slightest disturbance in the king’s mind.

The king was still smiling calmly like always.

“I will make Barcelona pay back the amount of pain and suffering that it put on Zenit. Don’t worry, I won’t let you guys die like this. I still need to send you back to Barcelona!”

After saying that, Fei slowly reached out his right hand, and streaks of golden flames rushed out.

Pedro and Busquets couldn’t control anything, and they were pulled into mid-air.

The golden energy flames completely engulfed the two, and streaks of red energy was slowly pulled out of these two demi-gods’ bodies.

“You… you are taking away our strength! You…”

Feeling his demi-godly power flowing out of his body like a flood that broke the dam which was blocking its way, Pedro started to shout like a madman.

Busquets also struggled and tried to fight back, wanting to stop this horrifying thing from happening.

To supreme masters who had been through numerous battles and had strong wills, death wasn’t scary for them.

The only thing that would easily destroy these supreme masters was taking away the strength that they were so proud of.

This punishment was able to make Busquets and Pedro collapse much more easily than any other form of vicious torture.

These two supreme masters of Barcelona who could dominate in the Northern Region of Azeroth were controlled. Like chicklings that were held up by invisible hands which clutched their necks, Busquets and Pedro couldn’t do anything to break free, so they roared and cursed like insane people in mental hospitals.

Regardless of what these two did, their ending was irreversible.

As their strength flowed out of their bodies faster and faster, an unprecedented sense of weakness struck Busquets and Pedro. Their bodies curled up, and wrinkles appeared all over their skin. Their eyes turned cloudy, their voices turned hoarse, their teeth began to fall off, their hair turned white, and age spots appeared on their bodies.

In just about 20 seconds which was short, it seemed like thousands of years passed by these two.

This was one of the consequences of losing demi-godly strength.

Chapter 1106: Punishment from Fei (Part Two)

The great masters could sustain their life energy with their strength. Demi-gods could easily live for hundreds of years. Therefore, even if they were 100 years old already, they would appear just like young people.

However, once these supreme masters lost their powerful strength, their bodies would instantly turn into the state of ordinary people who were about 100 years old.

This was exactly what happened to Busquets and Pedro.

In a flash, these two demi-gods’ powers were sucked away. Their powers condensed into two spheres of light, and they slowly floated into Fei’s hands.

Then, a light flashed by, and those two spheres of light disappeared.

Bam! Bam! Without the support of their powerful strength, Busquets and Pedro’s ancient bodies fell onto the hard floor powerlessly, and they groaned in pain.

Without their demi-godly powers, these two were no different from ordinary seniors who were close to 100 years old. They were extremely weak, and they even had trouble speaking.

Fei’s eyes landed on the last supreme master of Barcelona.

“No…” Alves understood the meaning in the King of Chambord’s eyes, and he screamed in panic, “Forgive me! I’m willing to serve Zenit! I’m a demi-god, and I have powerful strength. I know everything about Barcelona! I can be the vanguard for Your Majesty when you attack Barcelona! I’m willing to battle to the death for you…”

“You are right.” Fei nodded and said, “You are indeed very useful. Also, I can place a seal inside you, making you into my loyal pet, and you won’t be able to betray me. A demi-godly pet might be interesting.”

Alves couldn’t think too much since he wanted to live. Hearing Fei’s words, he nodded in joy and said, “Yes, yes. Your Majesty, please have mercy on me. I will be your pet! Your loyal dog…”

“However, it isn’t fun to have a dog that might bite its master at any time, right?” Fei’s expression suddenly turned sharp, and he said, “Besides, many Zenitians died at your hands, and those Zenitian women who were assaulted by you no longer want to live. I’m now the ruler of Zenit; how can I let someone like you whose body is stained by the blood of Zenitians live on? I will use the strength of Zenit to conquer Barcelona!”

Before Fei finished speaking, he reached out his hand, and an invisible power grabbed onto the desperate Alves and took him to mid-air.

A similar process happened on Alves.

In less than a minute, this demi-god of Barcelona lost all his power.

Alves turned into a short and tough senior who looked to be 80 years old and had a hunched back. He couldn’t even stand still. He now lay on the ground and breathed heavily with a weak pulse.

“I will return you and those two to the Barcelona Empire. The fate of pets should be decided by their real owner!”

Fei’s words pushed Alves into deep desperation.

Busquets and Pedro had seen how Alves kneeled and surrendered. After these three were sent back to Barcelona, Busquets and Pedro would be able to live comfortably before dying in a few years even if they couldn’t recover their strength. After all, these two had the Catalonian Bloodline.

However, Alves was different. He was more like a foreigner, and he had been arrogant and offended many people in Barcelona. Once he returned to Barcelona, his ending would be 1,000 times more tragic than dying.

Unfortunately, these three seniors couldn’t make any decisions for themselves now.

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