Hail the King - Chapter 1033

[TL Note: This is a 2-in-1 chapter, so 4 parts.]

“If we want to know the truth, we have to venture deeper into the desert,” Pope Entus sighed and led the way forward.

The clan chiefs and masters of the Behemoth Beast Tribe got serious and followed behind. Everyone could tell that the [Banished Land], which had a poor environment and was usually calm, now finally got chaotic.

Fei switched back to his Druid character and used [Werewolf] to kill the fierce beasts that appeared. He even summoned a giant brown bear with the skill of the Druid to battle alongside him.

This scene shocked the orc masters even more.

This was almost identical to the legends. The orcs worshiped Beast God Rexxar, and he also had a giant brown bear named Misha.

“Could it be that this is only a coincidence?”

“Or is this the beginning of another cycle?”

After Fei instantly killed thousands of high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts, the number of fierce beasts in front of the group drastically decreased in number.

After moving forward for about ten kilometers, they discovered something strange.

An ancient red altar appeared before the group.

This altar was hexagonal and had a rough diameter of 50 meters, and it was only one layer tall, which was about half a meter. It was completely red and looked like a mass of clogged blood. Vaguely, people feel like they could see blood flowing inside. The surface of the altar was engraved with complicated runes that were as thick as human’s wrist. Unfortunately, most of the runes had been destroyed, and these people couldn’t see through it and tell what kind of a magic altar this was.

Fei observed it for a while and couldn’t draw any concrete conclusion; he only felt like it was familiar.

As to the orcs, they didn’t need to be mentioned.

Most of them only excelled in warrior energy and the power of totems; they knew nothing about magic energy. As a result, they couldn’t understand any magic runes or engravings.

“Although I don’t know when this blood-red altar is made of and what its uses are, I’m sure of one thing. From what we know, this altar wasn’t here a month ago, and there weren’t so many high-level fierce beasts here,” Entus said to Fei.

Fei was shocked, and he asked, “Your Holiness, you mean that this altar just appeared, and it is highly likely that this altar is linked to the ambush that we just faced?”

“I can’t think of another explanation,” Entus sighed and said, “I hope that we won’t run into any more trouble. We need to move forward. In about 2,000 kilometers, we will reach the Vicious Swamp. I hope that we can discover something there.”

-Three hours later-

The group was raided by countless high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts.

“Roar!” Blood was spilled as someone roared in anger.

During the chaotic battle, Bear O’Neal didn’t pay attention for a split second, and his arm was cut by the red sand saber of a high-level, human-shaped fierce beast. Blood flowed out instantly, revealing the white bone inside.

Something more terrifying happened. The saber made of red quicksand instantly collapsed, and the red sand grains flowed toward the wound on O’Neal’s arm and tried to dash into his body like bloodthirsty ants.

In an instant, this giant bear-man who was more than ten meters tall was negatively impacted. Half of his arm dried up like a dehydrated cucumber.

“Dumb Bear!” Bull Clan Chief Nowitzki was shocked, and he rushed over, trying to help O’Neal.

“Don’t come over!” O’Neal pushed Nowitzki away with his arm that was intact.

Magic energy was terrifying for orcs, especially this type of evil, bloodthirsty magic spells that the high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts mastered. Once the sand grains entered the body of an orc, it would spread like the plague, instantly turning a living being into a dry corpse. Even the top-tier masters had to dodge it.

This was why these fierce beasts were terrifying.

Otherwise, with so many masters in the Behemoth Orc Tribe, they could have already wiped out all the fierce beasts in the [Metal Desert].

For an orc master like O’Neal, he was pretty much destroyed after so many sand grains entered his body. He didn’t want to get others into this trouble, so he pushed away Nowitzki.

Pope Entus sang a battle song, trying to use the power of totems to suppress the injuries on O’Neal’s body. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that useful. Although the power of totems was another form of energy, it couldn’t suppress and heal the injuries caused by this type of evil blood magic.

“Let me do it.” Fei dashed to O’Neal.

Before O’Neal could resist, Fei switched to his Paladin character, and the vast amount of holy power dashed into this giant bear’s body. As golden flames flashed, the Bear Clan Chief’s withered arm quickly recovered like an inflated balloon, and other orc masters were stunned.

“This… it is healed?” O’Neal shook his arm out of amazement, and he circulated his warrior energy in his body without issue. He then laughed and patted Fei’s shoulder while saying, “Your Majesty, I owe my life to you!”

“Guys, let’s all be careful.” As Fei said that, rings of light spread out and engulfed the area. He used the skill of his Paladin character.

As the golden light flashed by, golden flames burned around every orc master. They all discovered in surprise that their injuries all healed, and their depleted warrior energy got replenished. They felt like they had an unlimited amount of stamina, and their agility, power, warrior energy, and speed all at least doubled.

“This is… the Blessings of the Beast God?” Great Priest Nash murmured to himself, and all the orc masters around him overheard him.

Now, most of the orc masters looked at Fei differently.

“Let’s continue moving forward! Speed up!” Pope Entus sang some battle songs, and streaks of golden light flowed out of his mouth and turned into giant totem symbols that hovered about ten meters above everyone’s head, releasing energy and empowering everyone.

The power of totems of the orc priests was similar to Fei’s Paladin character’s auras; they were only different in terms of abilities.

Everyone sped up.

Along the way, they discovered more than 20 mysterious blood-red altars.

The power that controlled the high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts continued to follow them. About every half an hour, the fierce beasts would be organized before attacking the group. Later, the situation became even more shocking. The fierce beast legions were formed, and they coordinated well and even separated into close-range combat formations and long-range combat formations. They were no different from a well-trained human military.

“It seems like a force has been awakened…” Entus closed his eyes and sensed for a while, and he suddenly opened his eyes and said, “I suddenly feel like something unimaginable is happening before us; right in front of us…”

Before he could finish, a streak of blood-red light beam suddenly shot down from the sky, imprinting onto the ground. Then, an altar that was half a meter tall, just like the ones that the group saw before, appeared in flames. Like a teleportation portal, herds after herds of high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts appeared like waves in a flood, rushing out of the altar without holding back.

Everyone looked at Pope Entus and admired this man for his bad-luck predictions. This ability of his was godlike.

“Battle! Guys, protect Entus His Holiness! I will rush onto the altar to see what it is and where it leads to!”

Chapter 1033: Altar and Danger (Part Three)

Fei reacted first, and he shouted as he switched to his Druid character. Then, he waved his hand repeatedly and summoned more than a dozen black ravens and white wolves to distract the giant, human-shaped fierce beasts, and he dashed toward the altar himself.

In the meantime, Fei used [Werewolf] and turned into a werewolf himself. Like a flash of lightning, he dashed toward the altar without stopping.

This time, the wolf-men in the group were stunned.

The orc masters thought, “This human king knows many secret techniques. He knows the technique of Bear Clan and Wolf Clan; he knows the Atavistic Transformation of two clans, and he can summon bears, wolves, and ravens. Isn’t he the same as the legendary Beast God Rexxar? Even if others want to mimic these abilities, they can’t!”

“Could it be that the great Beast God Rexxar reincarnated as a human?”

Soon, the roaring, high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts already got close, and the orc masters had to concentrate on the battle in front of them.

This battle lasted for an entire 30 minutes.

“This is all that I know.” Fei returned to the team and said slowly, “The magic array on the altar is a spatial-type, but it is only one-directional. There is no way that the teleportation can work backward and allow us to see what world is behind the portal. The good thing is that before the altar self-detonated, I copied down all the magic paths and engravings. With enough time, I’m sure that I can figure out a reverse teleportation array. Perhaps then, we can figure out the mystery of the origin of the fierce beasts and the secret behind the [Metal Desert]’s expansion.”

“It is fortunate that Your Majesty reacted fast. We will have to trouble you further,” Entus said politely. He and the orcs didn’t understand magic engravings, so the mission of decoding the magic arrays on the altar had to be completed by their ally from Chambord.

“Your Holiness, you are being too formal,” Fei replied modestly.

At least on the surface, no one could tell that these two travelers from Earth were on the same boat.

Entus thought for a moment and said, “Our goal of coming to the [Metal Desert] is somewhat reached. The only thing is that we couldn’t find the mysterious force that is controlling the fierce beasts. The good thing is that we now know the secret behind the creation of these red altars and the expansion of the desert. We can go back and figure out the strategies to deal with this. However, since we are already at the edge of the Vicious Swamp, we should go and take a look. I hope that nothing bad is happening there.”

Everyone was listening to Entus intently. But when they heard the last sentence, they all shivered and thought, “Damn, Entus His Holiness said this already. I guess the probability of nothing bad happening in the Vicious Swamp is zero, right?”

“Let’s rest for a bit. We are about 100 kilometers away from the Vicious Swamp. We will start moving again in ten minutes.”

Fei took out delicious food and drinks from his storage ring and distributed them to everyone.

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“No! We can’t hold it! Your Highness, please order the retreat!”

While shouts and battling noises resonated in the air, Old Aryang looked at the troops of Barcelona that swarmed up like a flood and sighed.

Second Prince Dominguez’s eyes were all red, and he tightly held onto the handle of his sword. In the end, he didn’t draw it out, and he roared at the sky, “This is unfortunate! We failed at the last moment. I’m surprised that Barcelonans even sent their Flying Beast Air Force to this location. Their advancement speed is too fast! Is this the true strength of a level 9 empire?”


Chapter 1033: Altar and Danger (Part Four)

“Your Highness, you don’t have to blame yourself. With less than 100,000 soldiers, you stalled more than 150,000 Barcelonan soldiers in the southern region of Zenit for four days, buying precious preparation time for the empire. You have done good enough.” Old Aryang tried to comfort this prince.

“Pass my order! Retreat! Please inform Mr. Hazel Bank that he doesn’t need to battle anymore. He can pull away from the battlefield.” Even though he was unwilling, Dominguez had to order the retreat.

The troops of Zenit in the southern region of the empire had no choice but to battle.

Although Strategist Old Aryang set up many traps and used many tactics, the strength difference between the two troops was huge. The two battle legions under Dominguez’s command lost half of their men, and the number of enemies was still increasing. If this continued, every Zenitian in this battle was going to be wiped out.

Blood had stained the land.

At every moment, thousands of warriors whined and died in battle.

Explosions sounded in the high sky. No.1 Master on the side of Zenit, the mysterious Hazel Bank of Chambord, was battling the top-tier master of Barcelona.

Even though the battle of these two masters happened thousands of meters in the air, the ordinary soldiers on the ground still sensed the unprecedented pressure. The two masters had battled for about three hours, and their figures sometimes appeared in the sky and sometimes disappeared. Their terrifying powers even cracked the dark nightly sky several times.

After the order was passed, the troops of Zenit started to pull away from the battlefield in an organized manner. At this moment, something unexpected happened.

“Hahaha! Found him! Over there!”

“Charge over! Kill the Zenitian head commander!”

Suddenly, waves of thunderous shouts sounded from the troops of Barcelona, and about five streaks of warrior energy flames dashed into the sky, charging toward Dominguez and others at insane speed.

These masters of Barcelona had powerful presences; they were at least peak Full Moon Elites. Any Zenitian warriors and soldiers who tried to block their way were turned into corpses like crops under a sickle.

“No! They discovered His Highness’ position!” Old Aryang was shocked. Since they were anxious, they got a little careless and exposed the location of the command center. They didn’t expect the enemies to still have master warriors who could make the discovery this fast.

Old Aryang shouted, “Quick! Organize elite warriors to block them! Don’t let them get near! Your Highness, you need to leave, now!”

About 40 Star-Level Warriors of Zenit around the command center leaped into the air and dashed toward the powerful enemies fearlessly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The dominating advantage that peak Full Moon Elites had toward ordinary Star-Level Warriors was completely shown. While explosions happened, the officers of Zenit dropped to the ground like raindrops in a storm. They were either killed or severely injured, and they couldn’t buy time at all.

In a flash, those five peak Full Moon Elites of Barcelona already got in front of Dominguez and others with murderous spirits and vicious smiles.

“Haha! It seems like he is a prince! Jeffrén, we are going to get a lot of credit!” A master of Barcelona laughed hysterically, and the giant energy hand made of warrior energy grasped toward Dominguez.

This master was dominating, and no one here could block him.

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