Hail the King - Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031: Discovery in the Desert (Part Three)

“I see…”

Fei sped up his pace and followed the orcs, and he didn’t show anything on the surface. However, he had already started to think out of surprise.

“What is going on?”

“Are there connections between these red fierce beasts and zombies? Is that why they can all provide me with this type of mystical energy? More strangely, only I can ‘see’ and sense this type of energy, and only I can absorb them and make them my own.”

“Why is this?”

“If it is because I’m a traveler from Earth, then Entus should be able to see them too since he is also from Earth.”

“Or… am I different from everyone else, and I haven’t discovered it yet?”

Fei couldn’t understand why, so he temporarily buried all his questions and followed the orcs into the depths of the desert.

Along the way, the group was attacked by many fierce beasts. However, the strength of these people was too great; it was a one-sided massacre. The group pushed forward without an issue, and Fei was able to absorb a lot of mythical energy.

During this process, Fei got to observe the appearance of the fierce beasts.

The king discovered that these red beasts had no intelligence, and they didn’t even have the fear of death. Like the inferior product of the God of Creation, they had no set shapes or forms. They looked like dinosaurs, giant tigers, demon leopards, and even flattened playdough. More than 60 percent of the fierce beasts looked different.

Fei had no idea how these creatures were born; he vaguely felt like they weren’t reproduced in nature.

They looked terrifying, vicious, and ugly.

The rare similarities between them were that they had blood-red fine scales and a layer of bone protection, and they devoured each other to evolve and get stronger, just like the zombies.

It seemed like these creatures were born to live in this desert in the air. The sand grains that could easily kill Seven-Star Warriors created a series of slapping noises when hitting these beasts, and it sounded like raindrops hitting tree leaves. Instead of injuring them, the sand grains made them even more aggressive and murderous.

Deeper into the desert, the wind power and the damage of the sand grains both increased.

When the group was about 100 kilometers into the desert, the power of the sand grains could threaten the life of Moon-Class Elites.

Also, the strength of the fierce beasts skyrocketed, and these beasts increased in number.

The team was facing more pressure. While the orcs had to use their warrior energy to block out the sand grains, they had to protect Pope Entus who was an ‘ordinary person’.

The journey wasn’t as easy as before.

“Let me lead the way!”

Fei thought for a moment and volunteered, walking in the front of the group.

Like what he discussed with Pope Entus, he was going to be well-liked by the orcs for doing this. In addition, the king could kill fierce beasts and increase his strength without hiding anything.

Ever since Fei discovered that these fierce beasts would provide him with mystical energy, he couldn’t wait to kill all the fierce beasts that he could sense.


Chapter 1031: Discovery in the Desert (Part Four)

Fei no longer held back his strength. With the violent strength of his Barbaric character, the king punched out with full force.

A golden light beam dashed out of his fist, piercing all tornadoes 1,000 meters in front of him and creating a tunnel where no sand grains existed. Hundreds of fierce beasts in front of Fei were turned into clouds of blood mist, and a ton of mythical energy rushed into his body.

Fei punched out again and again, and the path in front of the group was extremely easy to travel through.

With Fei using his full strength, the team’s speed increased by many times.

The orc masters were all stunned, and they thought to themselves, “This human king seems to have reserved some strength in yesterday’s matches. His current strength is comparable to that of a god! His energy is insane, and his strength is beyond insane!”

Fei’s broad and open combat style fit the taste of orc masters, and these orc masters even wished that Fei could turn into an orc warrior.

After two more hours, Fei vaguely felt like the strength of his Barbarian character was about to increase by another level, almost reaching top-tier Demi-God Realm.

At this moment, Pope Entus who had been murmuring to himself spoke to everyone, “Guys, pay attention! Something strange is in front of us!”

Pope Entus’ ability in forecasting trouble was showcased again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground started to shake.

About ten giant, human-shaped fierce beasts dashed out like flashes of lightning. They held shields and spears that were condensed from the red sand grains, and magic runes and engravings blinked on them. While these fierce beasts roared and emitted destructive energy, they charged toward the group.

“Be careful! They are high-level human-shaped fierce beasts! They already grasped some magic spells…” Great Priest Nash shouted and warned Fei who was opening the way.

Surprising everyone, Fei roared and leaped into the air.

A ring of invisible energy radiated outward from Fei’s body, and something shocking to the orc masters occurred. The shields and spears in the huge, human-shaped fierce beasts’ hands suddenly lost their magic power, and they turned back into sand grains and scattered in the wind.

Then, a huge war hammer appeared in Fei’s hands.

The king flashed and struck out repeatedly, passing all these fierce beasts.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of explosions sounded.

These high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts exploded from the inside as if someone planted bombs in their stomachs. Their red blood and bones scattered in all directions, and they turned into piles of bloody matter that released a stinky odor. Then, all those ‘leftovers’ were blown away into the desert.

“Such power!”

“He injected terrifying energy into the bodies of the fierce beasts, and the energy exploded on the inside, completely killing these giant beasts!”

“An invisible energy ring suddenly radiated outward from his body. What energy is that? How did it shatter the high-level, human-shaped fierce beasts’ magic spells? Could it be…”

At this moment, Entus thought of something, and his pupils slightly contracted as if he discovered something unimaginable.

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