Hail the King - Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000: Showing-Off and the Party (Part One)

“If the humans are this powerful, then when our Behemoth Orc Tribe returns to the continent, we won’t even qualified to become an affiliated race!” the orc masters thought to themselves.

For a moment, all orc masters lowered their heads, and they felt complicated. Like mixing all the sauces in the kitchen, they felt a bit of everything. Their grand beliefs and pride seemed to be gradually withering in the strong wind and rain.

“Honorable guests, please come this way.” Fei saw this, and he was a little proud; the king’s mission was achieved.

Like a sneaky cat that successfully stole a fish, Fei smiled and invited the orc masters to get on the Xuan’ge.

Seeing Fei and others’ appearances, the drums on the Xuan’ge got beat even harder. Flags were fluttering, people were cheering, and demon beasts were roaring. The scene was grand and majestic.

All of this was Brook’s plan.

After receiving Fei’s message, Brook understood the importance of this mission aside from being shocked.

To stun the orcs, Chambord used the greeting ceremony of the highest degree to welcome these masters of another race.

Such a grand and sincere scene made Great Priest Nash and other orc masters feel that they were highly appreciated and welcomed, and their fondness of Fei increased even more.


When the two giant masters of the Bear Clan and Bull Clan stepped onto one of the Xuan’ge, everyone felt like the barge shook.

The soldiers of Chambord were shocked by the sheer size of the mysterious guests that the king himself received.

However, no one chattered or gasped.

All the soldiers stood at their posts quietly, and their backs were straighter than spears. When the orc masters got on board, even though the soldiers of Chambord were shocked, their eyes didn’t move, and their breaths were stable, showing the strict discipline of top-tier fighters.

This surprised Great Priest Nash who was secretly paying attention to the troop of Chambord.

“When looking at their king, love, admiration, and excitement appeared in these human soldiers’ eyes; it is like us orcs facing the Beast God. These soldiers have absolute loyalty! Without question, they will do whatever this king says. Even if he asks them to die, they won’t pause or hesitate. This is a terrifying troop,” Nash thought to himself, and his impression of Fei got even higher. “This human king isn’t simple.”

Suddenly, Nash captured something that he had overlooked this far.

Great Priest Nash of the Fox Clan wasn’t a simple figure. The Fox Clan always represented intelligence in the Behemoth Orc Tribe, and Nash could become one of the ten great priests in the Beast God Palace for a reason; he was one of the most intelligent members of the Fox Clan. He was only misled by Fei a little since the Behemoth Orc Tribe had left the Azeroth Continent for 1,000 years, and he wasn’t too familiar with the situation on the continent.

At this moment, Nash suddenly realized that the Chambord Kingdom might only be a level 1 affiliated kingdom, but its strength probably far exceeded the realm of an affiliated kingdom; not all affiliated kingdoms were as powerful as Chambord.

It meant that the orcs couldn’t use Chambord as a scale to measure the overall strength of the humans on the continent; this kingdom was only an exception.

After thinking this through, Nash’s fear for humans lightened a bit.

The Xuan’ge moved toward the south. Although they passed the sky over the 12 Golden Saint Mountains, they couldn’t see the Sky City due to the stealth array that made it invisible. However, the orc masters were still stunned when they saw the majestic and tightly guarded ancient Chambord City.

Chapter 1000: Showing-Off and the Party (Part Two)

Then, the Xuan’ge flew over Zuli River and passed by the new city on the south side of the river, and the orc masters saw the dense population and prosperity. These humans all wore silk clothes and steel armor while holding metal weapons.

The orc masters felt extremely frustrated.

In the [Banished Land], steel and other strategic resources were too rare, and only the high-level warriors were qualified to use metal weapons. Usually, a steel weapon would be treasured and taken good care of, and it would have its unique name and accompany more than a dozen masters.

The master of the Bull Clan had sharp eyes, and he saw a human using a sharp, steel saber to chop firewood in the market below. After using it, the man threw the steel saber to the side and walked away. In the eyes of the orcs, that was a huge crime! It was a great waste!

After passing the new city on the south, the Xuan’ge turned back around and flew to the ancient Chambord City before landing on a small square in the city center.

The two beautiful queens appeared with guards who were in shiny armor and maids who were in beautiful dresses. They were here to welcome the guests.

The king introduced his queens to the orc masters with pride.

“Oh, nice to meet you, Your Highnesses. Your beauty is unrivaled, and even the stars in the sky would be jealous of you two,” Great Priest Nash praised sincerely, using the limited adjectives that orcs had to describe Angela and Elena’s beauty.

The praise did come from Nash’s heart.

The Beast God Palace had ten pure and beautiful saintesses, but even Saintess Sharapova of the Swan Clan and Saintess Eva of the Fox Clan, who were known for their extreme beauty, were inferior compared to these two human beauties.

Nash politely greeted the two queens, and he secretly reminded his peers to watch their words and behaviors so that they wouldn’t become a laughingstock.

Since O’Neal of the Bear Clan and Nowitzki of the Bull Clan were simple-minded and were known for their rudeness, Nash was worried that these two would do or say something that would shame the entire Behemoth Orc Tribe. Therefore, he found a good opportunity and told his peers to all close their mouths and just follow him.

“Honorable guests, the kingdom has prepared a welcome party for you. Please come this way.”

The sky had turned dark, and the night was coming. Fei gestured and walked in the front with his two queens, and they quickly exited the square and entered a palace where most of the parties and celebrations were held.

It was a good thing that all the structures at Chambord were ancient, enormous, and spacious inside. Therefore, giant orcs like O’Neal of the Bear Clan and Nowitzki of the Bull Clan got through the gate without worrying about hitting their heads on the door frame.

After the introduction, the party began.

Except for the orcs, the high-level officials, the golden saints… overall, all the top-tier forces of Chambord showed up other than the deacons of the [Black-Cloth Shrine] and the Undead Mage.

The orc masters who had been shocked for an entire day were numb to this.

When delicate and delicious food and aromatic and tasty liquor were served, the poor orcs finally looked away from the beautiful armor and weapons that the warriors of Chambord had, and they focused on the food. It felt like a group of hungry beggars entered a giant buffet; they were shocked at first and quickly started devouring.

In the beginning, Great Priest Nash still held himself in check. However, after less than 30 seconds, he couldn’t pretend anymore and started devouring as well; he almost bit his tongue.

Fei’s father-in-law Bast was quite considerate; delicacies such as bear paws, ox tongues, and leopard legs didn’t appear on the menu.

If orcs such as O’Neal and Nowitzki saw that their ‘beast relatives’ were moved onto the dinner table, this dining experience might not be as enjoyable.

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