Genius Girl - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

1 month has passed since Daniella lived with Evan and Selena . Just like what Evan promised, the maid didn't stayed with them, but since the villa was so huge they still need to come for some hours to clean, they usually do it every second day . Daniella made an schedule for Selena, they have been getting along well for since she moved, well who wouldn't every time she and Selena will talk she always read her mind And say or do the things that Selena will agree too and the result? Selena is now acting as a normal 12 year old girl . Every morning daniella will cook breakfast and Selena will set up the table while Evan is sitting on the dining waiting for them to serve him the food, he got used to it and quite like it this set up . After they eat Evan will drive them to Selena's school and she needs to wait in the school garden until Selena class is finished . She only stay at the school from 8am to 3pm, but sometimes she needs to leave and come back for extra job . She refused to accept the money from Evan since she was doing this as repayment for kierra's kindness to her . She had accepted a tutorial job for some kids, in total she has 3 kids to tutor, one of them was 7 y/o, 10 y/o and the last was 14 y/o . All of them were from rich family and the salary per hour is much better than her job in the restaurant as a singer though it was only part time, it is something she Loved to do . Due to her new work see adjusted it and now shes only singing every weekend , and her boss didn't disagree,she prefers to keep daniella as a lot of customer requested her to perform . One morning in the villa . It's Friday and the last day of daniellas work . She got up to go to the kitchen to starts the breakfast when she saw Selena fixing her own bed .

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