First Love Never Dies - Chapter 2

‘Ah, this is ridiculous. How did it happen?’

I sighed and held my head.

The long hair that can be held in the hand is a bright coral color. I’m wearing a chemise made of pure white silk and sitting on a bed covered with delicate-patterned sheets, and this was the bedroom of the Duchess of Fenvernon.

Everything around me was alive.

It means that I am now a character in the book.

When I woke up one day, it was a world in a novel. I never dreamed that such a ridiculous thing would happen to me.

The start of the incident came from a very small mistake.

I, a twenty-two-year-old college student, went to the Han River to see a meteor shower and fell into the river when I lost my footing.

In an instant, the ice-cold water filled my lungs. The drenched body was getting heavier. I felt a sudden urge to reach the light on the surface, but I could not reach it.

Is this how I die? My life was not long, it ended without a hitch/ absurdly.

I was caught up in deep darkness and struggled and lost my conscience…

… When I woke up and I was here.

When I opened my eyes for the first time, a gorgeous ceiling came into my view.

Where am I? I’m sure I fell into the river….

“Madam, are you okay?”

Someone who noticed I opened my eyes ran and wiped the cold sweat off my forehead.

Madam? Who are you talking about? Are you talking to me?

“…Where is this?”

As I woke up while wondering, a headache that seemed to break my head came over. I screamed and fell.

At that moment, a strong shock hit me as if I had been struck by lightning. Along with the story, the memory of Alyssa, the body’s original owner, quickly penetrated my head. Thanks to this, I realized that I had fallen into the world of romance novels.

A violent pain ensued. It was a terrible headache, like stabbing the head with a needle.


“Madame, madame! What am I supposed to do?”

As she screamed and covered her head, the maid made a fuss. It seemed that she had brought other people in, but I passed out before they even arrived.

It was midnight when I came back to my senses.

The duchess’ bedroom was still in the deep darkness. Blue moonlight shone through the closed window. The cool light somehow made me feel uneasy. My parched lips made me feel thirsty.

I got up and lit a candle. The dim interior soon emerged against the weak light.

The bedroom that I looked around again was no longer an unfamiliar space. Now I know this place. The place where Alyssa stayed for over a year was now in my memory.

‘How can this happen?’

I wished everything was a dream. When I wake up again, I would be in hospital. Actually, it’s all a dream while I am unconscious

But as the morning dawned, I slowly began to accept this reality.

I had to do that. Because no matter how many times I opened my eyes, I was still in this strange world.

In the morning, a doctor came to see me. According to the doctors, Alyssa woke up three days after falling into the Seira River across the land and barely rescued.

“Madame, do you recognize me?”

“Yes, it’s the Duke’s doctor.”

In response to my answer, the doctor exchanged a meaningful look with the maid. As it turned out, speaking too politely to him, who was a subordinate, was embarrassing to them.

Even if they were from the countryside, Alyssa, a noble, would have treated them informally.

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