Female Star Student Is Awesome - Chapter 5

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Yun Hua hurried into the archive room before Liao Yonghong got there.

There were many document cabinets inside the room.

Yun Hua walked to the furthest corner and opened the window at the side as her escape route. She then found the best angle for photos and audio recordings by walking around the room.

It was only 2006, and the photo function on phones was terrible. Audio was passable, but videos were out of the question. Phones had such small storage space that a few minutes of footage would take up all the storage space, not to mention the video quality.

Yun Hua did not have the money for an actual video camera. The Motorola camera phone that she was holding on to right now was a gift from Xiao Ruyue’s mother, Xiao Qiuci!

She was extremely happy when she first received the phone. She really, really liked Auntie Xiao Qiuci. She felt that Auntie Xiao treated her even better than Xiao Ruyue!

Little did she know that the kind Auntie Xiao was acting as her mother’s best friend and her father’s mistress!

Yun Hua chuckled.

Thankfully she had the phone. Otherwise, she would not be able to capture the show tonight, nor would she be able to record the audio! She had Xiao Qiuci to thank for this.

At this point, she heard footsteps at the door. Yun Hua pulled open a document cabinet and hid in it without hesitation.

The archive room’s door opened just as she closed the cabinet.

Yun Hua was relieved. Thankfully I reacted fast, or else I would have been caught.

But before she could relax, chills ran down her spine as if a predator was stalking her!

Yun Hua was immediately nervous.

A hand covered her mouth, and the hot breath mixed with a man’s scent made her freeze!

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. That was the only phrase that surfaced in her mind.

Who was this person who was hiding in the document cabinet before her?

What was he doing here?

Sweat accumulated on her spine. She had been too careless!

“Shh.” A ridiculously deep voice rang by her ear. “Don’t move, just watch.”

The voice was masculine and deep. As it rang by her ear, she could not control herself, and shivers coursed through her body.

What made Yun Hua even more frazzled was that the man was practically glued to her!

She was like a dolly circled in his arms. Her back was pressed against his chest, and his arms were wrapped around her.

Yun Hua’s face was crimson.

His masculine aura surrounded her.

A faint mint scent dissipated the musk of the document cabinet. His breathing was even, and his heartbeat steady. Yun Hua’s brain was a little dizzy!

“Focus, the show’s beginning!” The low voice resonated around her, but what was even more unacceptable was that he…

He used his hand to pinch her earlobes!

Yun Hua felt all the blood rush towards her head!

She was about to explode!

She wanted more than anything to kick the man aside, but Liao Yonghong was already inside, and Han Jundong followed soon after!

The two were unstoppable.

They embraced each other the moment they entered and began kissing…

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