Female Star Student Is Awesome - Chapter 34

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

“It’s okay. It’s just a minor injury.” Bo Siqing smiled and directly tilted his head back to swallow the medicine she brought over. His actions were extremely suave. However, it was obvious that he was not in good condition because that slight motion caused him to be out of breath.

“Little girl, do me a favor,” said Bo Siqing.

“What?” Yun Hua did not know what he wanted her to do.

Bo Siqing took out a multi-functional swiss knife and handed it to Yun Hua. “Sterilize it with the medical alcohol.”

Yun Hua bit her lips but still did as she was told.

After sanitizing the knife blade, she was still quite worried. “This type of sterilization isn’t even thorough…”

“It’s fine. When I was in Myanmar’s forests, I didn’t even have medical alcohol.” Bo Siqing smiled and said, “Help me undo my bandages.”

Yun Hua took a deep breath and carefully unwound his bandages.

His wound was indeed infected; she could even smell the revolting scent of rotting meat.

This smell was quite familiar to Yun Hua. In her previous life, when she was locked up in the mental hospital, her mother was already paralyzed in another ward of the same hospital for a few years. Her entire body was filled with sores and decubitus. The smell of rotting meat attracted flies, which had made a home on her body. Countless maggots grew on her body.

Yun Hua was not frightened by the smell of rotting meat, but by his wound.

It was an extremely convoluted wound.

It was as if a bullet had exploded in that area, and all the meat inside was rotting.

How painful!

“It’s fine. Help me scrape off the rotting meat and bandage the wound again. It’ll grow back in a few days,” said Bo Siqing nonchalantly.

However, Yun Hua’s eyes turned red instantly.

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t cry, little girl. I’m really fine. Let me tell you. When I was in Myanmar, the bullet directly passed through my shoulder blade and was stuck in my shoulder. Later on, my shoulder almost rotted. Thus, I had to treat the wound in the exact same way. I just directly scraped the rotting meat off and extracted the bullet from the bone. Don’t worry; I’m actually fine.”

Bo Siqing explained it in simplistic terms, and his facial expression showed that it was totally okay.

However, Yun Hua’s tears still dropped disappointingly.

“Hey, forget it. I’ll do it myself. If you’re afraid, just turn around and don’t look at it…” muttered Bo Siqing helplessly. “I can’t stand watching a girl cry.”

Yun Hua took a deep breath before biting her lips as hard as she could. She looked at him. “Tell me how to do it.”

Bo Siqing was taken aback. “You’re really going to help me take care of my wound? Are you not afraid?”

Yun Hua glared at him angrily. “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Bo Siqing chuckled. “It’s pretty simple. Let me tell you…”

Under Bo Siqing’s guidance, Yun Hua’s shaky hands scraped off the rotting meat on his wound.

Although the wound wasn’t on her body, Yun Hua was still petrified, even though Bo Siqing didn’t pressure her, move, or show any expressions of pain.

She was very light in her actions.

“Little girl, you need to scrape off all the rotting meat until you reach the fresh meat. Look at this. You need to expose the fresh, red meat. If you leave a single bit of rotting meat, our efforts today would go to waste,” said Bo Siqing helplessly. “Don’t hold yourself back. It really doesn’t hurt. Don’t worry.”

Yun Hua bit her lips, forced herself to harden her heart, and exerted strength on the wound.

He said it did not hurt, but how was that possible?

Did he think that she could not see the rapid rising and falling of his chest?

Did he think that she could not see his tightly-clenched fists, which made his veins pop out?

Or did he think that she could not see his deadly pale face and forehead drenched in sweat?

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