Female Star Student Is Awesome - Chapter 28

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Xiao Ruyue bit her lip and glanced stealthily at Xiao Qiuci, but the latter looked unfazed; her expression was still as gentle as ever. It was as if she did not hear Yun Hua’s words at all.

Yun Congjun could not help but turn and glance at Xiao Qiuci too. His eyes were filled with guilt.

Yun Hua wanted to laugh. Yun Congjun feels guilty toward Xiao Qiuci? Why? Does he feel bad that Xiao Qiuci has to be a mistress? His next move will probably be to divorce mom as soon as possible so that he can give Xiao Qiuci a proper title!

Yun Hua laughed softly.

“Oh right, Hua Hua. Was what he said to me a few days ago true?” Xiao Ruyue suddenly changed the topic.

“What?” Yun Hua blinked.

Xiao Ruyue hugged Yun Hua’s hand intimately and looked at Yun Congjun with a smile. “Uncle Yun, Hua Hua told me that she’s engaged a few days ago and that it was a marriage arranged by Grandpa Yun. I heard that the other party was a rich family! Is that true, Uncle Yun?”

Yun Congjun frowned but nodded. “That is true, but… Hua Hua is of low birth, and she grew up in the countryside. How is she good enough for the young master of the Qi family? Even if they did honor the agreement, they would never be happy with the differences in status. So I intend to annul the agreement, which is better than having the other party approach us first.”

Xiao Ruyue looked at Yun Hua in shock.

Yun Hua feigned a shocked expression and yelled at Yun Congjun, “I don’t want to annul the marriage. I like Senior Qi; I want to marry him!”

After that, she ran out as if throwing a tantrum.

Yun Congjun’s expression turned green. Under the gaze of Xiao Qiuci, it was as if he had lost all his face.


He slammed his hand on the table. “Outrageous! Look at how insolent she is! She grew up in the countryside; she gives off an air of pettiness. The Qi family is prestigious, and the young master is the oldest child. How can he possibly marry a country bumpkin like her!”

Yun Congjun was infuriated. “I would shoot my bet with the Qi family if she were half as well-mannered as Yue Yue! But look at her Xiao Ci; nothing stands out about her. How will the young master of the Qi family ever be interested in her? She’s punching above her weight class! It would be crazy if the Qi family wanted to proceed with the engagement. She’s shallow because of her mother’s teachings!”

Xiao Qiuci curled her lips, picked up the glass of water with her hands, and handed it to Yun Congjun. “Have some water and calm down. Kids their age are in the rebellious phase. It’s easy to develop feelings for boys. The young master of the Qi family is talented and well-mannered, not to mention his family background. It’s common for girls to have fantasies.”

Yun Congjun sighed. “I’m thinking of her interests too. Everyone knows the appeal of the young master of the Qi family. But she needs to take a good look at herself; how is she good enough for him! Even if she did marry him, she would be the one suffering in the future! You did a good job with Yue Yue. She’s gentle and elegant. If it were up to me, only Yue Yue is good enough for the young master of the Qi family!”

Xiao Qiuci smiled gently. “Don’t say things like that in the future. The agreement is for Hua Hua. It would not be fair if you gave it to Yue Yue. Besides, Yue Yue is not yours; her last name is Xiao.”

Yun Congjun froze.

“But, you’re also right. The world is very materialistic. Marriages have to be between families of similar status. If there’s a big gap between the couple, they would never be happy even if they married. It would only create more problems instead. A family like the Qi family is only doing this as a show, but if the two children are not suitable for one another, that would be a problem. If the Qi family is not happy with Hua Hua, the entire Yun family might be implicated,” continued Xiao Qiuci.

“Of course, I’m just saying. Maybe Hua Hua will get along well with the young master of the Qi family. In that instance, the Qi family would definitely help the Yun family out. Haven’t you always wanted to expand the company? This is a good opportunity.”

Yun Congjun paused.

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