Female Star Student Is Awesome - Chapter 23

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Yun Hua felt that she was crazy.

She hid a… man in the attic of her house.

Originally, when she remembered the man’s identity, she only wanted to go back and ask if there was anything she could help him with. However, she suddenly asked for his name as if she was possessed.

At that time, she was thinking in her heart that since his identity was so special, he must have a lot of fake names, especially when he had to join the drug-busting case. She would not be surprised at all if he told her a fake name.

However, Yun Hua didn’t expect that the man would actually tell her his real name.

Bo Siqing.

Upon hearing these three words, Yun Hua’s heart was shaken thoroughly.

He actually told her his real name!

Hence, Yun Hua brought him home as if she was possessed.

Moreover, when she was about to enter the house, she found an excuse to drag her mother to the bedroom to give him a chance to sneak into her house.

This was really crazy and bold of her.

Her mother would often go into her room and help her clean up or take her blanket out to dry, so Yun Hua did not dare to let him stay in her room. Besides, it was not suitable for a man and a woman to be alone in a room.

Luckily, her home had an attic, which was filled with many miscellaneous items. However, there was still space there, so Yun Hua let him settle in the attic.

Her mother—Jiang Huanqing—was always meticulous and always prepared a medicine box at home.

She did not take the entire medicine box, but secretly took out the anti-inflammatory medicine— Amoxicillin—and the most commonly used Yunnan Baiyao. After thinking for a while, she also took some alcohol swabs, cotton wool, gauze, and some medical tape.

Yun Hua secretly brought the items to the attic and escaped in panic under Bo Siqing’s seemingly laughing gaze.

When she returned to her room, she spent a very long time to calm her racing heart.

She could not imagine what she would do if she had Bo Siqing’s family background. At the very least, she was sure that she did not have the courage to make the same choice as he did.

Who would be stupid enough to give up on such a lavish lifestyle?

Yun Hua took out her laptop and continued writing the storyline for her novel.

The novel’s main plot was that the main female character —Mo Lan—had traveled back in time to the reign of Kang Xi in the Qing dynasty and participated in the fight for the throne. She had even gotten into a romantic dispute with Fourth Prince Yin Zhen, Eighth Prince Yin Si, and Fourteenth Prince Yin Zhen.

This was almost the same storyline for most of the time-traveling novels written a few years later. Readers who were tired of reading the same plot had even directly concluded the main core of such time-traveling novels as ‘Love from the Qing dynasty.’

Even though it was very tacky, it was indeed the core of the story.

However, in 2006, when the time-traveling theme was still very novel, this kind of plot was still very welcomed.

The female character’s identity was set as a research student in medical school. In her last life, the time-traveling theme’s mainstream tactics were car accidents, jumping down buildings, committing suicide, or dying in an elevator.

However, Yun Hua still came up with something slightly more novel—Mo Lan time traveled after being caught in a landslide. As a medical school research student, Mo Lan joined a community project to offer medical help in the countryside. During this community project, she met with a heavy rainstorm, which caused a landslide. She saved a small child, but she was stuck in the landslide on her own… When she woke up, she had already arrived in the Qing dynasty.

Writing with a pen was much slower than typing on a keyboard.

When Yun Hua had finished a chapter that was 2,000 words long, more than an hour had passed.

“Hua Hua, it’s already late. You should go to sleep.” Her mother came over and knocked on the door.

“I know! I’m going to sleep now,” answered Yun Hua quickly.

After seeing her mother return to her bedroom, Yun Hua then quietly opened her door and went to the kitchen.

She only just realized that the person upstairs might need something to eat…

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