Female Star Student Is Awesome - Chapter 16

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Liao Yonghong took time off.

She was apparently sick and needed two months to recuperate. Ms. Chong from next door was the relief teacher, while Xiao Qiuci—the English teacher—became the class’s acting form teacher!

If anyone asked who the prettiest and most elegant teacher of Nanxi Middle School was, the answer would, without a doubt, be—Xiao Qiuci!

Xiao Qiuci’s behavior and aura made her seem more like a socialite from a good family, and less like a middle school teacher.

Her daughter, Xiao Ruyue, was raised as per the standards of a socialite. She was elegant and poised in every move.

Whenever Xiao Ruyue was brought up, words like gentle, kind, and elegant were substitutes for Xiao Ruyue’s name!

Yun Hua wanted to rip apart the mother-daughter duo’s pretentious masks slowly.

She would never allow hers and her mother’s lives to be ruined by Xiao Qiuci and her daughter!

“Students, class has officially begun. Ms. Liao has taken time off because she’s unwell. The school has appointed me as your acting form teacher.” Xiao Qiuci was wearing a watercolor ink cheongsam, and she was captivating. “I don’t have experience as a form teacher, so I’ll be in your care.”

The 30-over years old woman was pretty and attractive.

Such a gentle and beautiful teacher asking her students to take care of her instantly won hearts!

Everyone in the classroom clapped enthusiastically.

Even the students who were mischievous when Liao Yonghong was around were shy and docile around Xiao Qiuci!

“There’re two weeks until our fall sports day. The school is making it a big affair this year; there’ll even be reporters. All the prizes and awards are like never before… Of course, prizes are secondary. The most important thing is to defend the honor of our class!”

Xiao Qiuci smiled. “I hope that everyone can prepare well, sign up actively, and fight for our class’s honor. Does everyone feel confident?”

“Yes!” Her words stimulated the class.

“Great! I’ll say this first. I will buy something for anyone in our class who can make the top three in any event, okay?”


Everyone was even more excited.

Yun Hua curled her lips. She could not be bothered to say anything. She was definitely going to take part in the sports day, but she was not doing it for Xiao Qiuci. She was doing it for herself!

In her previous life, just as she was about to take part in the national swim meet, Xiao Ruyue caused her life to break apart, cutting her swimming dream short.

This time, she would not allow anyone to ruin her dream!

The sports day was the beginning of her new life!

After school, Yun Hua hurried home alone instead of waiting for Xiao Ruyue like she usually did.

She had things she needed to get done herself!

Her dad would divorce her mom really soon. Her mother was uneducated and had been a stay-at-home mom since they arrived in Jiangxi City two years ago. She had not gone out to get a job either.

When they got divorced, Yun Hua’s mother would be forced to give up custody of her daughter and leave her with her father!

Yun Hua could not let something like this happen in this life.

Even if her parents got divorced, she would definitely pick her mother, given, of course, that they had money!

Her mother was still unaware of everything. Her mother still loved her father deeply, so Yun Hua could not just simply tell her mother the truth. Her mother would never believe it!

So Yun Hua intended to make money by herself.

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