Fantasy Simulator - Chapter 335

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

After putting his bag onto his back, Chen Heng slowly walked ahead.

He followed his memories to his home.

On the way, he occasionally saw cars drive by.

People walked on the sides of the streets, and he would occasionally see some couples holding hands as they walked.

Everything seemed quite peaceful and wonderful.

Chen Heng walked on and found that people walking alone like him were quite rare.

In actuality, from his memories, this body had many friends.

Usually, he would go home with many people.

It was just that after Chen Heng had come here, he did not have such interests. He directly packed his things and went home.

Time gradually passed.

Soon, he reached his home.

It was a well-off district and the scenery was quite good.

It seemed that even though his parents had both passed away, his situation was still quite well-off.

Chen Heng’s expression was calm as he thought to himself.

Following this, he prepared to walk in.

However, his body paused.

“This feeling…” Chen Heng frowned and looked to the side.

A figure was squatting there.

He was wearing ragged clothing and seemed to be a middle-aged man.

His eyes were spaced out and his expression seemed stiff, and his whole body was trembling.

His state was very strange and looked as if he was ill.

After seeing him, everyone gave him a wide berth, not daring to get close.

He squatted there, his body continuously trembling as he muttered to himself.

Chen Heng sensed a strange aura from this person.

That aura was quite unique, and it was similar to the Nothingness he had sensed in the Mutated Creature World but also different.

Sensing this, Chen Heng frowned and slowly walked over.

As he walked closer, that feeling became stronger and clearer.

Within his body, the two Divinities seemed to sense something and became active.

This made Chen Heng feel quite surprised and curious.

As if he sensed Chen Heng’s approach, the middle-aged man raised his head and looked over.

Soon, he saw a young man before him. That young man was 15 or 16 years old and wore a clean uniform and had a backpack on his back.

His features were quite handsome, and even though he was quite young, he gave off quite a unique aura.


Seeing the young man approaching, the middle-aged man seemed to come back to his senses and said with great difficulty, “Hurry… and go…”

“You don’t look too well.” 

The young man’s expression was calm as he stretched out his hand as if he was grabbing at something.

“You should find somewhere to rest,” the young man said as he looked at the eyebags under the middle-aged man’s eyes.

As he heard those words, the middle-aged man felt his eyelids grow heavy as he felt incredibly sleepy.

Following this, he got up and silently walked away.

Watching the middle-aged man walk away, Chen Heng seemed to have discovered something.


He looked at his hand as he smiled.

In his vision, his hand was covered by a black aura.

This black aura was hazy like a fog and seemed to be made up of chains.

Within his body, the two Divinities seemed to sense something and began active.

In front of him, the black fog trembled, and it was suppressed and absorbed by his Divinities.

In the end, the fog became fainter and fainter until it disappeared.

As this happened, Chen Heng sensed some changes in his body.

His two Divinities seemed to gain some inscriptions and went through some changes.

This situation made Chen Heng feel quite delighted.

“Law…” Chen Heng did not expect something like this.

Divinities were the manifestations of laws, and they grew from absorbing more power of laws.

Back in the Mutated Creature World, the Shadow Divinity had absorbed the Nothingness energy, allowing it to gain new abilities and become the Slaughtering Divinity.

In the Mutated Creature World, the Nothingness energy had represented part of the laws of the Mutated Creature World.

After absorbing Nothingness energy, the Shadow Divinity had gone through changes.

After coming here, something similar happened.

This meant that that strange black fog from before was the manifestation of some power of this world’s laws.

It was similar to the Nothingness energy in the Mutated Creature World.

Facing this situation, even Chen Heng felt quite surprised, not knowing what to say.

“Looks like this world is not as simple as it seems…” Chen Heng shook his head as he thought to himself.

For such law energy to manifest, this world definitely was not simple.

Even though this world seemed peaceful on the surface, there seemed to be something hiding below.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng looked ahead.

By now, the middle-aged man had already disappeared.

However, Chen Heng did not mind.

Just then, he had left a mental mark on that person.

If Chen Heng wanted to, he could use that mental mark to find that person whenever he wanted to.

Following this, he walked into his home.

Unsurprisingly, there was no one inside.

Apart from Chen Heng, there was not a single other person.

On the table, lunch was already prepared, and there was a note next to it.

“I’ve been called to work by my evil boss, so make sure you eat well, Lil Ming. Big sis will bring you a present when she comes back…”

Chen Heng was not too surprised—it seemed that this was often what his previous identity experienced.

This identity’s parents had passed away a while ago, and his big sister was always quite busy with work.

In this large house, it was usually just Chen Heng.

However, Chen Heng’s previous identity was already used to this.

For Chen Heng, being alone by himself was not too bad either.

As such, he walked over, sat down, and began to eat.

Elsewhere, another story was unfolding.

When Yang Cheng woke up, he found that he was in a different place.

Sunlight shined on his body, making him feel quite warm. This seemed to be a park, and he was lying on a park bench.

Sensing his situation, Yang Cheng’s expression greatly changed as he realized something.

“I’m… not dead…” 

A heavy feeling appeared on his body.

Sitting on the park bench, he felt quite stunned.


At that moment, he could sense the changes in his body.

That incredibly terrifying energy that had covered his body, making him unable to concentrate, had disappeared.

What had happened?

Yang Cheng could not understand what that strange energy was.

He thought that energy would only go away after he had died.

But how…

He looked at his hands.

They were somewhat rough and had calluses, and they looked like they had been through much.

On his arms, there seemed to be the remnant of some scales, which could be occasionally seen.

However, by now, the scales had greatly decreased, and they were not as terrifying as before.

Now, they just looked like tattoos and were not too frightening.

“The curse… has retreated…” 

Looking at the traces on his arm, Yang Cheng felt quite startled.

He clearly remembered that the curse in his body had exploded out, causing him to lose his reason.

However, now, it seemed like he had completely recovered.

Just what was going on…

Yang Cheng felt that something was off.

From normal situations, it was fine before the curse exploded out, but once it did, it would not stop.

From his previous situation, unless he died, the curse energy would not be dispelled, causing him to lose his reason and become a monster.

However, now, he was sitting here perfectly fine.

Just what was going on?

He felt quite confused and thought about this seriously.

Memories from before appeared in his mind.

Back then, because of this curse, his consciousness had been quite hazy.

However, he still had an impression of things that had happened.

A young man’s figure appeared in his mind.

He remembered that a young man had come before him and had said some things to him.

Following this, his memories became hazy, and he had no idea how he had arrived here.

When he reawakened, he was already here.

Faint sunlight fell on his body, making him feel quite warm.

For many people, this peaceful scene was quite normal.

However, for Yang Cheng, this was incredibly rare and extremely wonderful.

Ring ring ring…

Clear sounds rang out.

Hearing this, Yang Cheng froze for a moment before taking out his phone.


A hurried voice sounded out from the phone—it sounded like a young man.

“Are you alright?” 

That young man’s voice once again sounded out, “You haven’t picked up your phone in two days. Are you still alive?”

“I’m still alive.” 

Hearing that voice, Yang Cheng replied, “I don’t know what happened, but somehow I got my life back.”

“Where are you?” 

The young man’s voice became louder, seeming quite excited, “I’ll come and meet you.”

“Alright,” Yang Cheng looked around and said a location.

Following this, he ended the call and silently sat there, waiting for that person to arrive.

Time gradually passed.

A while later, a car stopped and a figure walked out.

“Yang Cheng!” a voice called out, cutting off Yang Cheng’s thoughts.

He instinctively looked over and saw a young man.

That young man looked quite ordinary. He wore black robes and was a bit skinny, and he did not seem very strong.

After seeing Yang Cheng, he increased his pace and came before Yang Cheng.

“Looks like you’re fine,” he let out a sigh of relief and asked, “What’s going on?”

“It’s a long story,” Yang Cheng said as he gave a bitter smile, “However, just like you thought, I was unable to suppress the curse and it exploded out.”

“What happened?” 

The young man’s breathing became a bit ragged as he looked up and down Yang Cheng, feeling confused.

“I don’t know,” Yang Cheng shook his head, “The situation back then was quite dire, so I could only have you all leave and fight with the curse myself.

“In the end, the curse within my body exploded out.

“I should have died, but for some reason, I was able to survive.”

Speaking to there, Yang Cheng could not help but frown.

In this world, coming into contact with the curse was very dangerous.

Once the curse exploded out, things would become even more dangerous.

Once this happened, there would only be two conclusions.

Either the person would collapse and die, or they would become controlled by the curse and become a new curse.

However, Yang Cheng was still alive and seemed completely fine.

This was quite shocking.

“Did anything happen?” the young man could not help but frown as he asked.

After the curse exploded, it did not make sense that Yang Cheng could go back to his original state.

Something must have happened in the middle.

“This…” Yang Cheng hesitated before saying, “Something strange indeed happened…”

“What was it?” the young man looked up, a look of anticipation on his face.

“You might not believe it…” Yang Cheng gave a bitter smile, “But it has to do with a boy…”

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