EX-Brave Wants a Quiet Life - Chapter 104

“I didn’t think the evil god would come…”


“I’ll admit, I was a little taken aback too. But she seems to be enjoying it, so there’s no harm in it.”


“I agree, it’s best not to wake a sleeping child.”


When Schwartz arrived in the village, I told him about the other day.


“But you have it, Noel.”


“What? I’m telling you, there’s no such thing as virtue. If I had, they wouldn’t have betrayed me.”


“You still care, don’t you?”


“Well, to be honest, I’d rather be alone for a while.”


“I envy you, being able to choose your own life like that. Royalty is destined to carry the country on their shoulders from the time they are born.”


Schwartz sighed.


“But there are some advantages to it, right? For example, you have a fiancée, don’t you, Schwartz? Fiancee.”


“My brother’s fiancée, actually.”


“Huh? You have a brother?”


“I didn’t tell you, I’m the third son. I have two older brothers, and my current fiancé is my oldest brother fiancé.”


Then, I heard about the fiasco of the broken engagement that the eldest son had caused.


Yeah, I’ve never met him, but that eldest son is an idiot.


How can he justify his own affair?


Well, it looks like he was punished both physically and mentally, so that’s good.


“But it’s complicated, isn’t it? My brother’s fiancée becoming my fiancée?”


“Complicated is complicated, but Ange says it’s okay.”


They seem to be getting along, so that’s good.

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