Doctor Resignation

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When the small meritorious heir, who had been sick since childhood suddenly dies, the Dukedom of Cerseus falls into the hands of the rebels. The rebellion was massacred by the Imperial family. But the problem is, I, Lise Estelle will be hanged because I am one of the rebels.This is not fair!I was the best doctor in this land.I will become the Chief Physician of the Dukedom so that the rebellion would not happen. Also, I will make the little duke healthy.***“No one cares for you other than me. So you have to follow my orders.”-‘Run! Run! Because you need to develop immunity!’
‘Eat this grass. Oh don’t talk back to me and just eat this.’Eh.. But why is he growing up so well? He wasn’t usually this fit. Well anyway, I am glad that I wrote my resignation because I already raised him well.“Resignation?”His cold and sharp eyes stared at me as the cool atmosphere widened.“Lise, you said that you were the only one who cared for me.”Before I knew it, my legs staggered. He whispered softly on my ears as if he was trying to seduce me.“Let you go? I’m not that fool, Lise.”

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