Divine Hunter - Chapter 1

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Nanhua City.

Inside an old warehouse by the outer city…

There was barely any light except for the light rays peeking through the exhaust fan within the warehouse. Through the light, instead of any sign of goods expected to be stored in a warehouse, there were red and green cables connected to a radiator and a few huge screens.

“This Virtual Reality (VR) Helmet… Its molded perfectly without a single gap on it. It was clearly made of metal, yet it was lighter than plastic. I wonder how they actually made it. This is unbelievable.”

Chen Mo looked at the VR helmet with a faint metallic luster in his hand and gasped in wonder.

“There’s no chance we can infiltrate a website that’s already operating in the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network. I’m afraid the only chance for us to complete the mission is to search around in the game.” 

Chen Mo glanced at the monitor with a huge word written on it, “Genesis”.

To everyone’s surprise, the era of full-dive virtual reality that everyone once fantasized about had suddenly became the reality. Just a month ago, nearly all the country had collectively announced the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network would be replacing the traditional Internet.

In order to test the stability of the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network, the whole world would be launching the full-dive VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game), Genesis.

Being the first full-dive VRMMORPG, Genesis was expected to gather the attention of a massive number of players. If Genesis was still able to operate properly without any errors in spite of the shocking number of players, the so-called “perfectly safe, bug-free and stable” virtual reality network would fully replace the traditional Internet very quickly.

Many were excited and rejoicing at the arrival of the legendary era of full-dive virtual reality, but Chen Mo was not one of them.

As a hacker, the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network was definitely going to ruin his livelihood. Regardless of how exciting it might be, there was no way he could enjoy it after losing his livelihood.

It was quite obvious that many people shared the same thought as him. He was entrusted with a special mission not long ago. 

The mission was very simple. He was told to find a loophole of the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network to stop it from replacing the traditional Internet.

The deposit was only three thousand US dollars, but if he could find a valid loophole within three months, he would be paid at least a million US dollars!

Chen Mo gladly accepted the request since he was getting paid for doing what he wanted to do. However, he had made zero progress in the last few days despite trying his best. He was left with only one option, he must try to find the loophole through the VRMMORPG, Genesis.

It was difficult to find a loophole from a normal website since it was quite easy to secure it. However, for a massive game like Genesis, there were simply too many aspects involved. Even if the programming language was flawless, there was still a chance he could find an endless loop somewhere in its logic.

As long as he could find a loophole like that within the game, the statement of describing the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network as “perfectly safe, bug-free stable” would be treated as an empty promise. The process of transitioning to the era of Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network would be halted too.

Lots of people in the same profession as him had received the same request too. However, Chen Mo had a slight advantage over them. 

He had been closely observing the news about Genesis in the last few days. He saw a few people bragging about having first-hand information about Genesis.

Chen Mo shamelessly hacked into their computers searching for information. He was surprised that one of them was actually speaking the truth. The guy did manage to get his hands on some information about Genesis from an unknown source. 

There was not much. Chen Mo only ended up with pieces of unreliable information, but as a hacker, his instinct was telling him that the pieces of information might be real.

He stole the information and kindly did the guy a favor by deleting the files, just so the guy would not be harassed by some other hackers again.

It was unlikely to find a kind-hearted hacker like him nowadays.

Tonight at six would be the time for Genesis’s open beta. Chen Mo took a quick look at the time and put on the helmet.

He logged into the game without the need to enter his credentials. He soon found himself in an ancient room.

Chen Mo remained silent. The players did not even have to log into their accounts. Its security clearly outmatched that of the traditional Internet.

“The game is about to start. Player, you may create your character and choose your class first.”

Following a gentle voice, the interface to create a character in the game appeared in front of Chen Mo.

“Character’s name.”

“Chen Mo (Silence).”

{TL Note: Chen Mo spells the same as MC’s name but has a different meaning. It means silence here.}

“Please select your class.”

A bunch of characters representing the different classes appeared. Chen Mo quickly went through them and soon fixed his attention on two specific classes.

Assassin and Hunter.

He was playing the game to find a loophole and cause some destruction. He could not expect anyone to lend him a hand, thus it was more appropriate to choose a solo class.

Both Assassin and Hunter were perfect for a solo player.

The two classes had certain abilities to conceal themselves. An Assassin could learn the skill “Stealth”. Not only would it allow an Assassin to move stealthily, but it would also increase their attack damage significantly when they revealed themselves. On the other hand, Hunter could learn the skill “Camouflage” to blend themselves into the surroundings. The concealment was actually better than “Stealth”. The only downside was, an Assassin’s movement speed would increase when using “Stealth”, but a Hunter’s movement speed was under great restrictions when using “Camouflage”. 

That being said, the concealment was only one of the necessities of a solo player. It was more important to have remarkable combat prowess.

Words were not needed to describe how outstanding the combat prowess of an Assassin would be. With strong equipment, battle awareness, and skills, an Assassin was basically a killing machine. If he could learn some outstanding Class Talents too, he could easily become a fearsome existence.

On the other hand, the Hunter was not to be underestimated either. A Hunter was better than an Assassin when it came to dragged-out battles.

Traps and poisonous arrows were the two main attacks of a hunter. Most importantly, a Hunter could also form a pact with beasts to fight for them.

“Assassin and Hunter, the Assassin is more suitable for PVPs while the Hunter is more suitable when fighting against powerful monsters.”

Chen Mo had yet to see the two classes in battles, but he could arrive at some conclusions based on the description of the two classes.

He was only playing the game to accomplish his mission of finding a loophole of the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Network. As such, he would spend more time with the monsters and NPCs (non-player characters) than the players. The Hunter was obviously the better pick, but Chen Mo did not choose to be a Hunter.

A Hunter was weaker in the early game. He was worried that there were things he could not do as a Hunter. It was better to familiarize himself with the game as an Assassin first. 

Chen Mo was most likely going to choose Hunter if it was not for his mission.

As players levelled up their characters in the game, there would be job advancements for each of the classes too. These job advancements would allow the characters to learn unique Class Talents. The titles of their classes would change according to the talents they chose too.

According to the description of the classes, a Hunter could choose to become a Bounty Hunter or a Fortune Seeker in the late game. They sounded more like what Chen Mo was doing in real life.

The job advancements of an Assassin were not too bad either. An Assassin could choose to become an Eternal Night Sovereign, a Nightlord, and some other cool-sounding titles.

It was a pity that he was not here to enjoy the game but to destroy it to accomplish his mission. He instinctively chose the class that was more likely going to help him to accomplish his mission. 

“Please create your character.”

After choosing to be an Assassin, a character appeared out of nowhere in front of Chen Mo. He glanced at the character and was surprised to see that the character looked almost the same as him. Chen Mo only needed to tweak the character’s appearance a little. 

Chen Mo was not a handsome man, but he was still good-looking by tweaking his facial features a little. He was never unsatisfied with his looks. However, he was planning to do bad things in the game, thus he could not afford to enter it with his actual look.

He proceeded to modify the look of his character. It still resembled his actual appearance in real life, but apart from those that were very close to him, it was unlikely that anyone could recognize him.

“Character creation completed!”

“The game will start in a moment. Before that, there’s a little survey for the players. Will Player Chen Mo take the survey? There’s a chance you might acquire some useful equipment in the Rookie’s Village that will aid you in your adventure. The system strongly advises new players to take the survey.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Chen Mo rejected it despite the strong recommendation from the system.

It was easy to interpret the personalities and styles of the person from the answers to a survey. People of his profession would normally avoid partaking in a survey.

It was soon six after a brief wait. A faint white light encapsulated Chen Mo before he vanished from the room.

The surroundings cleared up very quickly. Chen Mo was startled after taking a quick look around him.

-What’s happening? Shouldn’t players show up at the Rookie’s Village when they first enter the game?-

Chen Mo realized he was standing in a red valley with a radius of around ten meters. Behind him were sheer rock cliffs, and ahead of him were more than ten black goblins patrolling the area with menacing looks.

The only way out of the valley was passing through the bunch of goblins. 

Chen Mo had gone through fire and flames. Although he was quite surprised that he had shown up in the wild instead of the Rookie’s Village, he was able to calm himself pretty quickly. He did not engage the goblins right away. 

He had no clue why he was here, but that was far from his concern for the time being. He had to figure out a plan to leave the valley and found his way to the Rookie’s Village. It was his first priority. Killing monsters was not going to help him accomplish the mission.

Chen Mo inspected his character’s attributes. It was exactly the same as what the information he had stolen on the Internet said; his level-one character had Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Spirit as the basic attributes. Each attribute currently had three points. Since Chen Mo had chosen Assassin as his class, each point in Constitution would grant him twenty Hit Points (HP), thus he now had 60 HP. 

Chen Mo found a “Rusted Dagger” in his inventory with a base physical damage of 1-3. He also found a skill book for “Stab”. 

System Notification: You have learned the skill “Stab”!

Stab (Novice Level): Thrust a dagger at the enemy. Inflicts 120% damage on the target! Skill cooldown: 10 seconds. 

“Shit, the weapon and skill are pretty useless!”

Chen Mo could not help but ridicule after seeing the rusted dagger and reading the description of the skill. 

The valley ahead was crawling with Level 4 Goblins. Although Chen Mo was confident that his reaction was far superior to normal people since he was a hacker, the poor attributes he had at level 1 were completely outmatched by the attributes of the Level 4 Goblins. He could not even tell if he could take on a single goblin. 

However, he had no choice but to give it a try if he wanted to leave the place. It was quite common that low-level creatures would not take the initiative to attack a player. He might be able to just strut out of the place.

Unfortunately, what happened next proved that Chen Mo was just too naive. As he tried to tiptoe his way past two of the goblins, they suddenly turned around and chased after Chen Mo fiercely waving the clubs they were holding wildly.

“F**k me, not only did the system not warn him that the monsters would attack him initiatively, he ended up aggroing both the goblins too! 

Chen Mo quickly backed away. He already had trouble fighting a single goblin with his pitiful attributes, let alone taking on two goblins at the same time!

Chen Mo tried to flee, but he miserably discovered the two goblins were just too quick for him. There were a few boulders around the place, but they were clearly not enough to stop the goblins from catching up to him.

Chen Mo only ran a few meters away when the two goblins caught up to him. A wooden club was flung in his direction viciously! 

Chen Mo quickly reacted by ducking. He barely dodged the attack of the first goblin.

Unfortunately, the other goblin attacked right after the first. It landed right on Chen Mo as there was no way he could dodge it.



A huge number appeared. Chen Mo was killed instantly. He could not even endure the damage of a single attack from the goblin.

System Notification: You were killed by a Black Goblin!

System Notification: You are the first player to die in the game. You have unlocked the achievement, “Dying at the Speed of Light!”

System Notification: You have earned the title, “Dying at the Speed of Light!”

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