Descent of the Demon God - Chapter 90

Ten Thousand mountains

On Yeongwolbong Peak, one of ten thousand mountain peaks, there is a shrine to the Cheonma Shrine.

Annual events are held here every year at the beginning of the New Year and the beginning of the first lunar month.

The shrine was decorated with the memorial tablets of the church owners of all time, and inside it was displayed in a glass coffin with items such as articles of the church owners.

Not many people had the chance to see the old glory.

Among the top ten religious sects, the most important of the top ten were the clans of the Roman Catholic Church, the family of family law, and the direct blood of the head of the church.

a purebred species

Originally, it was a high-ranking sect, but as one of the previous sects, the white flag, became one of the closest body swords in the 24th church, it proudly became a part of the highest sect.

28 years ago,

On the same day that a prosecution summons was issued for Chun Woo-jin, chairman of the Black Sky Company and the principal of the Chunma Shrine, all senior members gathered in the shrine for the last time.


[Shh. It’s the Jong-seo. You have to be quiet.]

Young Geum Oh-yeon read the young Baek Jong-seo, who ran quickly.

A senior-level meeting was under way inside the shrine.

The atmosphere was so bad that the families of each sect, waiting outside the conference room, remained silent.

[This… Look at this.]

Despite the advice of Geum Oh-yeon, the young Baek Jong-seo attracted her hand.

The place that followed the appeal of the young Baekjongseo was in the exhibition hall where items of the past masters were kept.

Baek Jong-seo said, pointing to one of the glass tubes.

[Mother. Mummy. Take a peek.]

The glass coffin, which Baek Jong-seo pointed to, was the storage of identification cards of past school owners.

Inside the glass coffin, a total of 43 jade tablets, including the identification cards of the Heavenly Horse, were placed in the hollow grooves of the red carpet.

I guess someone stole it.

There was the only hole in the hollow.

It was a place where the identity cards of the 24th leader, who is the next teacher of the 23rd class, Chun Yoo-jong.

[Otoke? Shouldn’t we call the police?]

[Eggoo. Our son.]

Kum Oh-yeon said, hugging the young Baek Jong-seo from behind.

The 24th Master’s hand wasn’t stolen.


[The 24-year-old teacher has become the god of the world and is protecting our Cheonma Shrine. That’s why I don’t have an I.D. card.


[Be quiet. Our son.]


In fact, I don’t know exactly why.

According to the whitewashing of the purebred race, which was handed down from the ancestral generations, the 24th schoolboy suddenly disappeared.

the second and last doctrine of the Heavenly Horse since the survey

As for his whereabouts, which he said was the heyday of the Second Heavenly God, historians at the headquarters were divided in their opinions.

Baekgi, the 14th owner of the purebred race, and the closest body swords believed that the 24th teacher would surely return until they died together.

“If you’ve lost your roof, you can make a new one and keep it…”

She, too, could not figure out why past school owners did not.

I was told that it was a maintenance from the Kyohju family.

Most of the congregation only thought that the home of this empty identity card would be part of the history of the Cheomasin religion, which is hailed as a legend.


[ [ 四 四 四 主]

Chen Yeo-un, the 20th and 40th diocese of the Heavenly Manism


The letters inscribed on the rooftop of the first heavenly horse investigation with the seal.

Keum Oh-yeon’s pupils shuddered at the sight of it.

The surprise was the same with Baek Jong-seo.

He is the man of the earth who protects our heavenly God.

I remembered my childhood.

An empty identity card in a glass tube, which he thought would contain hidden secretions.

That was what fell before them.

If you look at the seal of the Heavenly Spirit on the jade plate, it was never a fake.

How the hell did you do this?

Keum Oh-yeon, who looked at the roof with trembling eyes, suddenly remembered.

“The 24-year-old teacher, who was the last owner of the sword, was missing.’

Then it was explained.

If his father-in-law, Cheon Yoo-seong, had found the missing sword, it was highly likely that the body of the 24-year-old church owner and the jade plate were also found as well.

Realistically, how can a person from a thousand years ago be alive so far?

I just couldn’t figure out why he was so angry.

Then Chun Yu-un opened her mouth.

“How long has this school been in such a mess? Say it correctly.”


She couldn’t understand the question.

It did not make sense that the chairman’s father-in-law, Chun Yoo-sung, did not know why the company collapsed.

Part of the reason must be you.

Unlike her, who is wondering about the situation, her son Baek Jong-seo’s reaction was different.

‘Hey, is this really possible?’

a strong question

It is rooted in a glimmer of affirmation.

Unlike Geum Oh-yeon, who denies it from the beginning, much was hovering in Baek’s head.

Common sense tells us that it is impossible for humans to live for more than a thousand years.

But sometimes that happens.

Those who have lived for hundreds of years, among those who have reached high levels of unmanned aerial vehicles or humans with special abilities, have been known since the gate opened.

“And now I see… …when we first met…”

Chun Yu-un didn’t feel like a human being these days.

He looked as if he had long hair and had popped out of the historical drama.

But the look was not awkward.

Baek Jong-seo slowly raised her head to look at Chun Yeo-woon.

What’s the pressure?

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