Cat in the Pupa - Chapter 3

It was then that the door opened. Kit opened her eyes and looked up to see who the guest was. Thinking it would be Ronnie, Kit was surprised to see who was standing in the doorway.

“What, are you still sleeping? Are you out of your mind?”

The owner of the voice was Rosaline. Kit has never heard such a soft, neutering voice coming from Rosaline. She glanced at her without even thinking of getting out of bed. Whenever she looked at Rosalie, all she could think about was Ronnie.

“I’m tired. If you don’t have anything for me, please leave.” Kit said, rolling back to face away from Rosaline.

“Kit Gerald, why would I come to you when I don’t have any business? Come back home. Father is looking for you.”

“Father? Is something wrong?” Kit sat up in bed and frowned. It was rare for Father to summon her like this.

“How would I know?  It sounds like he is trying to talk about your marriage.” Rosalie shrugged; her arms folded across her chest.

“My marriage? But I got married two years ago.”

Kit was currently twenty-one years old, and married Ronnie when she had just turned nineteen. Thus, she found it quite confusing that Rosaline brought the topic of marriage once more. Not understanding her, Kit stared at Rosaline with puzzled eyes.

“What are you talking about? You’re eighteen now. Two years ago, you got married, remember? Kit. Wake up and follow me. Father will be angry if you’re late.” Rosaline frowned, leaning on the door.

No, wait. What does she mean I’m eighteen now? I was twenty-one a few seconds ago, what in the world does she mean Im eighteen? Kit thought as she rose from her bed, turning her head to see the calendar placed on the other side of the room.

October 2, Year 263.

Kit gasped, as it was the year she turned eighteen. Maybe I am dreaming? Did imagining Edwin in the past become an extension of this dream? Kit blinked her eyes a few times and hoped to wake up. Far from waking up, however, Rosaline’s angry voice echoed in the room.

“Kit, hurry up!”

Still buzzing with questions, Kit reluctantly followed Rosaline outside. As she headed to the main house, Kit thought it had been a long time since she made her way there.

On Kit’s sixteenth birthday, she received a small mansion as a gift. It was a fairly large house, not far from her old home. Kit slowly moved away, and no one stopped her. Perhaps the others also didn’t want Kit back at home, which could have been the reason why they gave her the mansion in the first place. In fact, Kit convinced herself that that was indeed the reason.

It was the mansion where Kit lived with Ronnie after she was married. Kit even planned to save up money to move into a larger mansion with him and her children. However, that plan had gone up in smoke once she found out about Ronnie and Rosaline’s affair. A bitter smile crept across Kit’s face.

As Kit walked with thought, she reached the old house. A well-kept garden and intimidating front door welcomed her. Once inside, Kit followed Rosaline’s steps to her father’s room. They walked in silence until they had arrived. Rosaline knocked on the door several times.

“Father, I brought Kit.”

“Come on in.”

Inside, Kit could hear her father’s low voice. Rosaline opened the door and entered the room, Kit trailing behind her. In the middle of the room Kit and Rosaline’s father sat on an antique sofa. However, he was not alone.  A familiar man was sitting in front of him.

“…Ronnie Blanc?” Kit called his name in a small voice.

Why is he sitting in front of father? she wondered. Kit thought she had been quiet, but in the silent room, her whisper managed to reach Ronnie. He slowly turned his head towards her. It wasn’t long before his warm eyes reached Kit.

With his smooth blond hair, fair skin, and glowing gold eyes, there was something jarring about his appearance.

He seems youngerKit thought as she examined Ronnie in more detail. She soon realized that her father’s face also looked quite young. Trying to ignore Ronnie’s gaze, Kit glanced the other way.

“Kit, you should say your greetings.”

Kit’s father pressed her. Only then did Kit say hello to her father, and addressed him.

“I heard you were looking for me.”

“Yes, I was looking for you because I wanted to introduce you to someone. This is Ronnie Blanc.”

Her father introduced Ronnie by beckoning him to come closer. Kit was confused at this situation as she knew she was already married to Ronnie. Speechless, she fell silent and glanced at her father and Ronnie.

“Ms. Kit, nice to meet you. I am Ronnie Blanc.”

Ronnie introduced himself as if he were meeting Kit for the first time. It was a polite greeting.

Kit felt like she experienced déjà vu. When she dug deep into her memories, she remembered that she was introduced to Ronnie two years ago. The same sight and the same line. The Ronnie of two years ago was also excessively polite, and Kit thought greatly of his politeness.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kit Gerald.”

Kit answered roughly, trying her best to match up to Ronnie’s greetings. However, she wasn’t able to grasp whether or not she was dreaming. Or, someone, had actually gone back in the past.

Well, what did Ronnie say next?

Kit tried to think what Ronnie had said to her in the past, and was able to remember word for word what he had said.

I hope to develop a strong relationship with you, Ms. Kit.

As soon as Kit was able to recall, Ronnie opened his mouth and said, “I hope to develop a strong relationship with you, Ms. Kit.”

“Oh, my goodness.”

Kit couldn’t believe that Ronnie said the exact words that she remembered. In awe, Kit stared at Ronnie with full round eyes. Soon Ronnie took Kit’s hand and kissed her slightly at the top of it. Of course, his actions were the same as he did two years ago. After, Ronnie said:

‘I want to marry you.

“I want to marry you.”

Kit saw him and pulled out her hand quickly. It was all the same. She had goosebumps on her forearm.  In the past, Kit freely accepted Ronnie’s proposal. Back then, she knew nothing of a rejection.

But this time, Kit hesitated. Whether it was a dream or a reality, Kit knew what was going to happen in the future. It was Ronnie who had a brazen affair with her sister Rosaline. His soft eyes were still heart fluttering, but Kit was afraid to marry him. She was afraid of the future where she had to watch Ronnie go off to meet her sister, and she was also not confident of loving him once more.

Kit knew she couldn’t say yes when she was already disappointed in him greatly. Once coming to that conclusion, an answer formed quite easily in Kit’s mouth. Her heart, which was so exhausted, seemed to be clamoring for comfort.

“No, I don’t want to marry you.”

For the first time, Kit said no to Ronnie. It was something she had never done during her marriage with him.

“Kit, are you crazy?” Rosaline shouted, clearly livid at Kit’s unexpected refusal. Kit’s father also seemed to be quite surprised, as he coughed several times to hide his expression. It was just Kit and Ronnie who didn’t panic at the moment. Far from being offended, Ronnie politely added, “I know it was all so sudden. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to impose you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you either.” Kit was able to force an awkward smile. Ronnie smiled faintly after her. Kit heard her father say something but was unable to hear it as she was deep in thought.

Did I really go back two years? she thought. Whether real or not it was certain that the current situation was exactly the same as it was two years ago. Then why did I suddenly return to this time out of so many other events I could go back to? I could have gone back four years ago, or even younger if I wanted to.

And then, a thought occurred to Kit.


Two years ago, Edwin was still alive in the library. It was the year when Edwin was still alive, but was also due to die. Kit wondered if she was able to come back to this point in the past because Edwin was alive during this time.

Frankly, Kit couldn’t think of any other reason. The moment she noticed the light of redemption in Edwin’s eyes, she magically returned to the past.

When she arrived at that conclusion, Kit’s heart paced faster. She was surprised to realize that the fact that Edwin was alive made such a change in her feelings.

Thinking of him alive, Kit couldn’t stand still. A tear fell from her face, and without even wiping it she left it to fall down her cheek. Turning to look at the clock, Kit noticed that it was pointing at four in the afternoon. There was still time for him to be in the library.

“Father, I’ll have to excuse myself. I have to go somewhere,” she said, turning on her heels.

“What? Kit, wait!”

Kit heard her father and Rosaline calling her, but she ignored them and ran out of the room. She didn’t want to be in that stuffy room anymore, nor did she want to see Ronnie and Rosaline and the indifferent look in her father’s eyes. All Kit could think of was seeing Edwin at the library.

Kit ran to the library in such a hurry she felt her feet were on fire. She was out of breath and almost fell several times, but all of that did not matter to her.

As she turned the corner with a quick step, Kit spotted the library, gasping for breath.

She wasn’t sure how to react if she indeed saw Edwin. Kit wondered if she would greet him with a casual ‘hello’ or something special. Confused, puzzled, excited, but worried, Kit made her way inside the library.

One way or another, Kit was back in time where Edwin was alive and well in the library. Even if this was really a dream, all Kit wanted to do was to see his face.

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