Can’t Stop You Stirring My Heart - Chapter 2

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Hearing footsteps approaching the bathroom, Qin Qiao gave up on trying to perfectly tie the corset around her and instead, held it up between her armpits. She then reached out to pull a black t-shirt over her head.

Through the glass on the bathroom door, she saw a man’s tall figure and it was followed by the sound of the doorknob being turned.

This figure belonged to Ninth Uncle, Zhan Qing.

After that particular day, she hadn’t seen Ninth Uncle at home.

The moment the door opened, the petite Qin Qiao was already looking up at Zhan Qing.

“N—Ninth Uncle…”

Distraught and panic filled Qin Qiao’s voice. She was completely different from the cold-looking Qin Qiao from before.

Zhan Qing’s cold eyes were laced with impatience. Seeing how there was a small pit of skin exposed on Qin Qiao’s body, he instinctively narrowed his eyes at it.

Following Zhan Qing’s gaze, it was then that Qin Qiao finally realized she hadn’t properly pulled down a part of her t-shirt.

A small part of the skin at her waist was exposed, and so, she hurriedly tugged down her shirt.

After that, she stood there like she was at a loss—as if a child that made a mistake.

“Dry your hair and come out!”

Zhang Qing hated Qin Qiao’s cowardly character and how he was like a mouse that had seen a cat whenever Zhang Qing was around.

Qin Qiao was clearly afraid of him, but he still continued to cause trouble and annoyed him nonstop.

When it came to Qin Qiao, Zhan Qing really had no patience. If it wasn’t for the President’s wishes five years ago, he would never have taken Qin Qiao in.

Apart from looking handsome and cute, Qin Qiao was good for nothing.

Staring at Zhan Qing’s leaving figure, Qin Qiao heaved a sigh of relief. She leaned back against the washbasin because her body had almost lost all its strength and she was so close to collapsing on the floor.

It was a good thing that only a small part of her skin was exposed. If Zhan Qing saw her corset, it would have exposed her secret…

Not daring to properly dry her hair, Qin Quiao could only pull a towel to briefly pat her hair before she ran out.

Five years ago, she was still living in an orphanage when the President had sent someone to look for her.

The president said that he would arrange for someone to take care of her. However, Qin Qiao had no idea why the President would help her when she didn’t even know him at all.

Then again, once she found out that the President had arranged to send her to the Zhan family, she agreed almost immediately.

Because she needed to go to the Zhan family to retrieve something that was extremely important to her.

From the day she moved into the Zhan Residences, she had called Zhan Qing ‘Ninth Uncle’ and this continued on for the next five years and counting…

Zhan Qing was sitting on the bed. His fully-black outfit was a drastic contrast to Qin Qiao’s white bedsheets.

However, Qin Qiao could only feel an invisible, oppressing, and strong aura.

Every time she was alone with Zhan Qing, she felt like she had lost half of her life.

Qin Qiao bowed her head down as her hands tightly grasped the helms of her t-shirt. She looked like a child waiting for a scolding.

Even if she had a corset on, Qin Qiao was still afraid that someone would see her chest. That was why all of her clothes were rather over-sized and large.

She was originally thin, to begin with, and whenever she wore such clothing and had her head down, others could not help but want to protect her.

However, it was clear that Zhan Qing wouldn’t. He couldn’t stand Qin Qiao’s cowardly and weak character the most. To him, Qin Qiao didn’t have even a bit of the passion and hot-bloodedness a man should have.

Instead, she appeared to be as shy and coy as a girl.

“Are you sick?”

Zhan Qing was cold, hot-tempered, and he rarely spoke.

It wasn’t easy for him to be able to speak to Qin Qiao in a nice manner.

Hearing Zhan Qing’s question, Qin Qiao instantly bowed her head even more.

“I’m asking if you’re sick. Have you gone mute?”

Qin Qiao closed her eyes, not letting herself to recall what happened that night.

“I’m asking you something! Look up!”

Zhan Qing had walked towards her somehow and grabbed her chin as he coldly barked an order.

Qin Qiao opened her eyes with fluttering eyelashes. Instantly, the first thing she saw was Zhan Qing and his oppressive, cold eyes.

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